New research finds 57-fold increase in miscarriages & 38 fold increase in still births after covid mRNA jabs

Well, the problem is the VAERS data is simply WRONG. So, this data from other countries (what data are you talking about? I've searched on this thread and can't find it, maybe I missed it, maybe it's not here) is probably also wrong.

Why would people start reporting?
Take this scenario.
A woman is married to a Trump supporter, she also likes Trump. The man says "The vaccine is killing people". The woman doesn't have the vaccine, but she has a miscarriage anyway. The man says that if they report the miscarriage, it'll look like the vaccine is bad.
They get what they want.
Or are you saying Trump supporters aren't on such a level? (we know they are).
You think someone having a baby is going to be thinking about Donald Trump?

Srsly? :p
How about we do this the easy way?

Science says the spike protein attaches to ACE-2, and there is ACE-2 all over the female reproductive system.

What makes more sense to you, that we see an effect from the spike protein, or that it has no effect at all?

We're not even discussing whether this is possible or not, we're discussing the statistics that were posted by someone who is claiming this is what it is.

Simply said, those statistics don't say that.
I don't know whether there's an increase in miscarriages, because I haven't seen any reliable data yet.
You think someone having a baby is going to be thinking about Donald Trump?

Srsly? :p

I;m quite sure a lot of Trump supporters get knocked up. The STD rate, teenage pregnancy rate etc are highest in Trump areas.
This should be no surprise to anyone.

Dr. Malhotra is the top London cardiologist.

When are Republicans in Congress going to hold Trump accountable.

He threw socialist money at big pharma to fast track a vaccine, against the advice of Fauci.

Follow the money!
We've already investigated two authors that Jikky has listed: Zauche and Kachikis. Guess which one is located almost in Big Farmer's back yard? People do remember when Big Farmer shook hands with the Jesuit Elf on the shore of Lake Washington, right?
Spike protein "by itself" (without the rest of the virus) disrupts the blood brain barrier. This is thought to be one of the primary causes of "long Covid" syndrome.

This makes for a legitimate reason to create altered Covid viruses for research. Like... a seemingly harmless example...

Spike protein will bind wherever ACE-2 is, including heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, GI tract, nasal and oral mucosa... and oh yeah, uterus and ovaries.

Yes, luteolin, quercitin, etc., though none of these reports seem to mention that the furin cleavage site assists in crossing the BBB and neurotropism. Furthermore, any links to the FCS must account for the FCS links to the first human ever to sequence SARS2, Yong-Zhen Zhang.
Spike protein "by itself" (without the rest of the virus) disrupts the blood brain barrier. This is thought to be one of the primary causes of "long Covid" syndrome.

This makes for a legitimate reason to create altered Covid viruses for research. Like... a seemingly harmless example...

Spike protein will bind wherever ACE-2 is, including heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, GI tract, nasal and oral mucosa... and oh yeah, uterus and ovaries.

One of your main problems is the delivery of anti-oxidants such as luteolin, to where it's needed. Much of the time, these are cleaved by stomach acid before they ever get near therapeutic sites.

Most efficient would be as a prophylactic gargle, nasal spray, etc.
When are Republicans in Congress going to hold Trump accountable.

He threw socialist money at big pharma to fast track a vaccine, against the advice of Fauci.

Follow the money!

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Yes Trump stupidly got behind Fauci/Gates/WEF genocide program Operation Warp Speed, but as long as it's voluntary, it's consumer beware. No one forced these idiots to line up based on transparent CNN-Fauci-Big Media fearmongering. I knew it was a farce the minute it came out that IFR was .2% but still they were comparing it to Spanish Flu. If someone can't think for themselves and see when they are being lied to, that's their problem. I don't wish anyone ill, but in the end Darwin will prevail.

It wasn't until Biden started making it mandatory that a Crime Against Humanity was committed.

There will always be snake oil salesmen and rubes to buy the snake oil of their own free will. Colleges and employers coercing people - with Biden's egging on and forcing soldiers - is Nuremberg 2.0. And we know what happens to war criminals, don't we?
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This should be no surprise to anyone.

Dr. Malhotra is the top London cardiologist.

Lol, gateway pundits the fakes of fake news mean while birth rates have increased since the vax. You are a retard!!

Lol, gateway pundits the fakes of fake news mean while birth rates have increased since the vax. You are a retard!!

LOL You are confusing birth rate with fertility rate, you mouth-breather. Birth rate includes still-births.

"The main difference between birth rate and fertility rate is that birth rate is the total number of births in a year per 1,000 individuals in a population whereas fertility rate is the number of live births in a year per 1,000 women of reproductive age in a population."

But while we are at it, look at the fertility rate for 2022, a drop to half of what it was in 2021 when everyone was still getting the toxic spike protein introduced into their bodies. About the same as the year of Covid. Except in 2022 there was no Covid to speak of. It had burned itself out.

So what is the cause of all these still-born babies in 2022? After the spike protein has had a while to circulate throughout the entire body?

  • The current fertility rate for U.S. in 2023 is 1.784 births per woman, a 0.11% increase from 2022.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2022 was 1.782 births per woman, a 0.06% increase from 2021.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2021 was 1.781 births per woman, a 0.11% increase from 2020.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2020 was 1.779 births per woman, a 0.06% increase from 2019.
Now the biggest argument used to induce pregnant women to get the shots is they are better than getting Covid. EXCEPT NOW FAUCI AND PFIZER ADMIT THEY DON'T STOP YOU FROM GETTING COVID. They have painted their way into a corner with their lies and only knuckle-draggers like you still believe them.
Gonna have to disagree with you here. Yes Trump stupidly got behind Fauci/Gates/WEF genocide program Operation Warp Speed, but as long as it's voluntary, it's consumer beware. No one forced these idiots to line up based on transparent CNN-Fauci-Big Media fearmongering. I knew it was a farce the minute it came out that IFR was .2% but still they were comparing it to Spanish Flu. If someone can't think for themselves and see when they are being lied to, that's their problem. I don't wish anyone ill, but in the end Darwin will prevail.

It wasn't until Biden started making it mandatory that a Crime Against Humanity was committed.

There will always be snake oil salesmen and rubes to buy the snake oil of their own free will. Colleges and employers coercing people - with Biden's egging on and forcing soldiers - is Nuremberg 2.0. And we know what happens to war criminals, don't we?
Trump didn't get behind Fauci. He deliberately fast tracked the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation. He deliberately went against Fauci.

Have you not paid attention?

Good point about Biden making it mandatory. He either is in on it with Trump, or he is, as most Republicans claim, an idiot who doesn't know what is going on, and blindly trusted Trump.

Common sense supports the former. How can Trump get his kick backs from big pharma if Biden doesn't mandate the Trump vaccine?
I;m quite sure a lot of Trump supporters get knocked up. The STD rate, teenage pregnancy rate etc are highest in Trump areas.
The STD rates are highest in urban shit holes. Baltimore, Jackson MS, San Fran, etc.

Nice try though, liar.
Trump didn't get behind Fauci. He deliberately fast tracked the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation. He deliberately went against Fauci.


Entirely false.

Read (from your favorite leftard source):

Have you not paid attention?

Yes. Closely. I was watching every step of the way.

Fauci told Trump the vaccine would work, so he fast tracked it.

End of story.

Others relied on Fauci's word too.

Like this guy:

Good point about Biden making it mandatory. He either is in on it with Trump, or he is, as most Republicans claim, an idiot who doesn't know what is going on, and blindly trusted Trump.

It has nothing to do with Biden or Trump

It has to do with pHarma.

Common sense supports the former. How can Trump get his kick backs from big pharma if Biden doesn't mandate the Trump vaccine?

Fauci is the one getting the royalties.

LOL You are confusing birth rate with fertility rate, you mouth-breather. Birth rate includes still-births.

"The main difference between birth rate and fertility rate is that birth rate is the total number of births in a year per 1,000 individuals in a population whereas fertility rate is the number of live births in a year per 1,000 women of reproductive age in a population."

But while we are at it, look at the fertility rate for 2022, a drop to half of what it was in 2021 when everyone was still getting the toxic spike protein introduced into their bodies. About the same as the year of Covid. Except in 2022 there was no Covid to speak of. It had burned itself out.

So what is the cause of all these still-born babies in 2022? After the spike protein has had a while to circulate throughout the entire body?

  • The current fertility rate for U.S. in 2023 is 1.784 births per woman, a 0.11% increase from 2022.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2022 was 1.782 births per woman, a 0.06% increase from 2021.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2021 was 1.781 births per woman, a 0.11% increase from 2020.
  • The fertility rate for U.S. in 2020 was 1.779 births per woman, a 0.06% increase from 2019.
Now the biggest argument used to induce pregnant women to get the shots is they are better than getting Covid. EXCEPT NOW FAUCI AND PFIZER ADMIT THEY DON'T STOP YOU FROM GETTING COVID. They have painted their way into a corner with their lies and only knuckle-draggers like you still believe them.
Lol, OK retard here is infant mortality rate as you will see it is going down. Take your most fake news of the fake news in gateway pundits and shove up your ass!!!! They have gone down since the vax.


Entirely false.

Read (from your favorite leftard source):

From your own link...

"THEN-PRESIDENT Donald Trump credited his Operation Warp Speed for the fast development of the vaccine, and marshaling the resources of public health agencies no doubt played a critical role. So did committing $9 billion for human trials and manufacturing the vaccine even before it was tested, banking on a green light from the U.S. "

Yes. Closely. I was watching every step of the way.

Fauci told Trump the vaccine would work, so he fast tracked it.

Incirrect. Fauci said the vaccine would work but don't fast track it. I linked where he said this.

End of story.

Others relied on Fauci's word too.

Like this guy:

It has nothing to do with Biden or Trump

It has to do with pHarma.

Pharma is definitely involved. Trump gave them billions. Follow the money.

Fauci is the one getting the royalties.

Here you go. A link to his finances is included in this article. I'm sure you can find all kinds of nefarious stuff. Go get'em tiger!

Trump didn't get behind Fauci. He deliberately fast tracked the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation. He deliberately went against Fauci.

Have you not paid attention?

Good point about Biden making it mandatory. He either is in on it with Trump, or he is, as most Republicans claim, an idiot who doesn't know what is going on, and blindly trusted Trump.

Common sense supports the former. How can Trump get his kick backs from big pharma if Biden doesn't mandate the Trump vaccine?

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's top disease expert, seemed willing to join the fray into who deserves credit for the speed that coronavirus vaccines were developed and became available to the public.

Fauci was interviewed on a CNN special that aired Sunday night and the discussion arrived at the vaccine effort. Social media pointed out that Fauci appeared willing to take much of the credit and completely avoided mentioning former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed."

Not only was Fauci in the drivers seat for the clot-shots. It was straight out of his playbook for suppressing cheap cures for AIDS until an expensive and deadly cocktail was rolled out.

The Real Anthony Fauci documentary
This should be no surprise to anyone.

Dr. Malhotra is the top London cardiologist.

The vaccine is a bio weapon unleashed by our own government. Trump was lied to like everyone else. Killing Americans for political gain is treason.

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's top disease expert, seemed willing to join the fray into who deserves credit for the speed that coronavirus vaccines were developed and became available to the public.

Fauci was interviewed on a CNN special that aired Sunday night and the discussion arrived at the vaccine effort. Social media pointed out that Fauci appeared willing to take much of the credit and completely avoided mentioning former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed."

Not only was Fauci in the drivers seat for the clot-shots. It was straight out of his playbook for suppressing cheap cures for AIDS until an expensive and deadly cocktail was rolled out.

The Real Anthony Fauci documentary

It's almost like fauci was president. Lol.

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