Twitter Bans mRNA Vaccine Inventor Dr. Malone, After He Warns to Parents Not to Inject Children

You're wrong. Fauci served under Republican presidents but you never said a word about his qualifications then. He us exactly correct in everything he says professionally.

They are taken down idiot posts by people who don't know but push political points because they hate Biden. You are one of them.
Trump got kicked off for that very reason.
Don't insult my intelligence again you fool.

That is stupid because I am far left and dislike Trump.
That is stupid because it is obvious Fauci was wrong about everything, like to "flatten the curve", take the mRNA vax, the vax would prevent infection, masks work, etc.
Who knows if Fauci was always an idiot because no one ever heard from him before.
Getting your own cells to grown spike proteins is not "foreign".
The purpose of the spike proteins on covid is to mimic our own spike proteins on our exosomes.
They get our ACE2 receptors on our own cells to open for them, so then can NOT be foreign.
If they were foreign, they would not work to get the ACE2 receptors to open.

And spike proteins are not enough to identify anything.
All coronaviruses have the same spike protein, but yet the immune system has to differentiate between them, since the immune defense has to differ for each.

If you could somehow "train" your immune system to attack spike proteins, you would die because our exosome need the same spike protein. And exosome are how our cells communicate. All human cells have identical DNA, so how does a cell know how to differentiate? By exosomes telling it what is should be doing different than other cells. Exosome travel between cells and tell a cell what its neighbors need it to do.
Nutbag, if any of that was true we would not see strong clinical efficacy of the vaccines.

But we do, so you are full of blatant, ridiculous, crazy shit.
That is stupid because I am far left and dislike Trump.
That is stupid because it is obvious Fauci was wrong about everything, like to "flatten the curve", take the mRNA vax, the vax would prevent infection, masks work, etc.
Who knows if Fauci was always an idiot because no one ever heard from him before.
You keep making that claim and then posting the opposite
That is stupid because I am far left and dislike Trump.
That is stupid because it is obvious Fauci was wrong about everything, like to "flatten the curve", take the mRNA vax, the vax would prevent infection, masks work, etc.
Who knows if Fauci was always an idiot because no one ever heard from him before.
No one?
He's been doing that job for 40 years!!!!
Because you hate him doesnt make him anonymous. Grow up.
Nutbag, if any of that was true we would not see strong clinical efficacy of the vaccines.

But we do, so you are full of blatant, ridiculous, crazy shit.

Even though spike proteins can not be used to identify a foreign invasion, they do get detected as debris.
That does then stimulate a low level antibody increase in production, to help clean it up.
So you do temporarily have some small clinical efficacy from the mRNA vaccines.
But the proof I am right is that there is no longer any mRNA efficacy after 6 months.
So there is ZERO immunity learned.
You keep making that claim and then posting the opposite

You are a liar.
It is clear to anyone with intelligence, that "flattening the curve" never can end any epidemic and only gives it more time to spread and be even worse.
No one?
He's been doing that job for 40 years!!!!
Because you hate him doesnt make him anonymous. Grow up.

Fauci has worked at NIAID for 40 years, but it was Trump who appointed him Chief Medical Advisor to the President.
And he never before had any say in anything like this.
And he totally dropped the ball.
Flattening the curve is incredibly stupid, as it just gives the epidemic more time to spread further.
Even though spike proteins can not be used to identify a foreign invasion, they do get detected as debris.
That does then stimulate a low level antibody increase in production, to help clean it up.
So you do temporarily have some small clinical efficacy from the mRNA vaccines.
But the proof I am right is that there is no longer any mRNA efficacy after 6 months.
So there is ZERO immunity learned.
Horseshit, new studies show efficacy well past 6months against hospitalization and death.
Rubbish. Believe what you want you ignorant fool.
So then try to explain the "science" behind "flattening the curve"?
When you "flatten the curve" the infection rate is still > 1, so every second you do that, the infection is increasing and spreading more. It is NOT reducing.
Any real epidemiologist will tell you that "flattening the curve" is idiotic and is the single worst possible strategy, because it leaves the world worse than when it started.
Horseshit, new studies show efficacy well past 6months against hospitalization and death.

Why do you think they are constantly making up new "boosters"?
It is because the previous injection no longer has any effect.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for an mRNA injection to every work.
It has no virus, so there is NOTHING for the immune system to train on, remember, or trigger on later.
You can NOT use a spike protein.
All coronaviruses and exosomes have the exact same spike protein.
They have to, because the spike protein has to be the one the ACE2 receptors recognize.

In this review, a focus will be given to the metallocarboxyl peptidase angiotensin receptor (ACE)2 that is used by SARS-CoV-2 to gain entry into human cells [3].
It is the receptor site for the spike (S) proteins of SARS-CoV-2.

But first understand what exosomes are.
Exosomes were first discovered in the maturing mammalian reticulocyte (immature red blood cell) by Stahl and group in 1983 [10] and Johnstone and group in 1983[11] further termed 'exosomes' by Johnstone and group in 1987.[12] Exosomes were shown to participate in selective removal of many plasma membrane proteins[13] as the reticulocyte becomes a mature red blood cell (erythrocyte). In the reticulocyte, as in most mammalian cells, portions of the plasma membrane are regularly internalized as endosomes, with 50 to 180% of the plasma membrane being recycled every hour.[14] In turn, parts of the membranes of some endosomes are subsequently internalized as smaller vesicles. Such endosomes are called multivesicular bodies because of their appearance, with many small vesicles, (ILVs or "intralumenal endosomal vesicles"), inside the larger body. The ILVs become exosomes if the MVB merges with the cell membrane, releasing the internal vesicles into the extracellular space.[15]

Exosomes contain various molecular constituents of their cell of origin, including proteins and RNA. Although the exosomal protein composition varies with the cell and tissue of origin, most exosomes contain an evolutionarily-conserved common set of protein molecules. The protein content of a single exosome, given certain assumptions of protein size and configuration, and packing parameters, can be about 20,000 molecules.[16] The cargo of mRNA and miRNA in exosomes was first discovered at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.[17]

The content of exosomes changes depending on the cells of origin, and they thereby reflect their originating cells. Analysis of the dynamic variation of exosomes may provide a valuable means of monitoring diseases.[18] In that study, the differences in cellular and exosomal mRNA and miRNA content was described, as well as the functionality of the exosomal mRNA cargo. Exosomes have also been shown to carry double-stranded DNA.[19]

Exosomes can transfer molecules from one cell to another via membrane vesicle trafficking, thereby influencing the immune system, such as dendritic cells and B cells, and may play a functional role in mediating adaptive immune responses to pathogens and tumors.[20][21] Therefore, scientists who are actively researching the role that exosomes may play in cell-to-cell signaling, often hypothesize that delivery of their cargo RNA molecules can explain biological effects. For example, mRNA in exosomes has been suggested to affect protein production in the recipient cell.[17][22][23] However, another study has suggested that miRNAs in exosomes secreted by mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are predominantly pre- and not mature miRNAs.[24] Because the authors of this study did not find RNA-induced silencing complex-associated proteins in these exosomes, they suggested that only the pre-miRNAs, but not the mature miRNAs in MSC exosomes, have the potential to be biologically active in the recipient cells. Multiple mechanisms have been reported to be involved in loading miRNAs into exosomes, including specific motifs in the miRNA sequences, interactions with lncRNAs localized to the exosomes, interactions with RBPs, and post-translational modifications of Ago.[25]

Conversely, exosome production and content may be influenced by molecular signals received by the cell of origin. As evidence for this hypothesis, tumor cells exposed to hypoxia secrete exosomes with enhanced angiogenic and metastatic potential, suggesting that tumor cells adapt to a hypoxic microenvironment by secreting exosomes to stimulate angiogenesis or facilitate metastasis to more favorable environment.[26]
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2-dose vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization remained high (90%) throughout the 8 months and did not wane, except among people who were 75 years of age and older, or who had compromised immune systems.

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2-dose vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization remained high (90%) throughout the 8 months and did not wane, except among people who were 75 years of age and older, or who had compromised immune systems.

Read the details.

Only vaccine efficacy or effectiveness estimates that compared people who were fully vaccinated with those who were unvaccinated were included; we excluded estimates that included people who were partially vaccinated.

The phrase "fully vaccinated" is a code word for "given all the additional boosters", which means they got another injection every 6 months. So then there is absolutely NO WAY to tell if the original injection had ANY efficacy left at all.
And all the studies I have read, have said that if one does not take boosters, that the efficacy drops to ZERO after 6 months.

It has to.
All it has is the ability to produce spike proteins, and there is absolutely no way the immune system can remember or trigger on spike proteins.
Read the details.

Only vaccine efficacy or effectiveness estimates that compared people who were fully vaccinated with those who were unvaccinated were included; we excluded estimates that included people who were partially vaccinated.

The phrase "fully vaccinated" is a code word for "given all the additional boosters", which means they got another injection every 6 months. So then there is absolutely NO WAY to tell if the original injection had ANY efficacy left at all.
And all the studies I have read, have said that if one does not take boosters, that the efficacy drops to ZERO after 6 months.

It has to.
All it has is the ability to produce spike proteins, and there is absolutely no way the immune system can remember or trigger on spike proteins.
Wow you are a total fucking moron, I don't knwo what else to say to such insane, detached from reality post. You are just making up bullshit on the fly to convulse yourself into not admitting the painfully obvious.

2-dose vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization remained high (90%) throughout the 8 months and did not wane

Read it untill you get it.
Wow you are a total fucking moron, I don't knwo what else to say to such insane, detached from reality post. You are just making up bullshit on the fly to convulse yourself into not admitting the painfully obvious.

2-dose vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization remained high (90%) throughout the 8 months and did not wane

Read it untill you get it.

The second dose was at 6 months, so then the efficacy evaluation was only done after 2 months of the second dose.
The first dose had completely waned.
The second dose had not been given sufficient time to wane.
But after 4 more months, there would have been no measurable effect from the 2nd dose.

All the studies show the mRNA vaccines are useless after time.
The best they can try to claim is the lie that the Omicron variant is needs its own vax, which clearly is a lie, since all covid variants have to have the exact same spike proteins.
So then try to explain the "science" behind "flattening the curve"?
When you "flatten the curve" the infection rate is still > 1, so every second you do that, the infection is increasing and spreading more. It is NOT reducing.
Any real epidemiologist will tell you that "flattening the curve" is idiotic and is the single worst possible strategy, because it leaves the world worse than when it started.
And you know more than Fauci right?
I apologise. I had no idea I was competing with an intellectual giant like you.
Does the government know if your capabilities?

Piss off you wart .
The second dose was at 6 months, so then the efficacy evaluation was only done after 2 months of the second dose.
That is a ridiculous fabrication, 8 months is CLEARLY after second shot.

What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm not even kidding here, you clearly have a mental disorder that makes you see whatever you want to belive.

Stop playing doctor on the internetz and go see a shrink.
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