New revelations from Vovan and Lexus


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
This time at a so-called prank call from Vovan and Lexus, two Russian comedians who have made themselves known for calling and driving with various international leaders, where they often get their targets to tell themselves and reveal secrets. This weekend, a conversation was published with Sweden's Foreign Minister Ann Linde.

The callers pretend to be representatives of the Russian opposition. The roles they play in getting a conversation with the Swedish Foreign Minister, also the chair of the OSCE, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, were like Julia Navalnaya, wife of the imprisoned opposition politician Alexei Navalny, and Navalny's chief of staff, Leonid Volkov.

During the ten-minute conversation, Linde reveals the political game within the EU and the cow trade required to reach an agreement between the countries. She says that Sweden is working to influence public opinion in Russia. She speaks openly about transferring Swedish taxpayers' money in the shadows to the Russian opposition, via another country. But that she can not discuss the matter in detail because what she is proposing is illegal.

Public hypocrisy is brutally exposed. It becomes so disgusting when Ann Linde, Peter Hultqvist, Swedish Radio, TV and "pk-media" almost daily scare the Swedish people that Russia is trying to influence development in Sweden. We can not have such a cure-all stupid foreign minister who allows himself to be deceived so easily and on a regular phone line reveals state secrets that in other contexts are encrypted. Strange that no strong reactions were heard from the other parties. It can still not be the case that they are so accustomed to political hypocrisy that they do not react.

Rune Lanestrand

So, the West's financing of Russian liberal opposition, as the Swedish Foreign Minister recently admitted, is all "Kremlin conspiracy".
But Russia's unproven interference in the "democratic" American elections is a "well-known fact"...
There is irrefutable evidence of the active interference of the United States in the preparation for the september, 19 elections in Russia, and therefore it is extremely curious – is the State Department going to be consistent in its statements and ask the whole world humbly to impose sanctions against the United States?

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