New rule for Zone 2?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
I assume the reason that we are not allowed to call liberals “pedophiles” is because it is a heinous crime - and certainly defamatory. By the same token, can we institute a rule that antisemites cannot call Jews here “murderers”? It too is a heinous crime and just as defamatory. Another false word, and particularly revolting considering Jews lost entire families to Hitler, is calling Jews “Nazis.”

This message board is fast becoming a platform in which HAMAS supporters are promoting antisemitism with vicious lies. Any way we can ratchet down the Jew-hate?
I assume the reason that we are not allowed to call liberals “pedophiles” is because it is a heinous crime - and certainly defamatory. By the same token, can we institute a rule that antisemites cannot call Jews here “murderers”? It too is a heinous crime and just as defamatory. Another false word, and particularly revolting considering Jews lost entire families to Hitler, is calling Jews “Nazis.”

This message board is fast becoming a platform in which HAMAS supporters are promoting antisemitism with vicious lies. Any way we can ratchet down the Jew-hate?
Because labeling a poster with that violates the rules. And you are posting it out of just and righteous anger.
Just follow the rules and get along. Or go along. No one if forcing you to stay here.
Because labeling a poster with that violates the rules. And you are posting it out of just and righteous anger.
Just follow the rules and get along. Or go along. No one if forcing you to stay here.

I don't think you would care for result if it came down between you two as to whom would get tossed off the island.....Just sayin'. ;)
Because labeling a poster with that violates the rules. And you are posting it out of just and righteous anger.
Just follow the rules and get along. Or go along. No one if forcing you to stay here.
I’m not the one posting ANY of that. Learn to read. The logic applies: if posters can’t make false accusations about calling another poster a pedophile, then the same should be when a poster calls another one a murderer because she’s a Jew, and antisemitism is at a sky-high rate these days.
Rest assured. I don't care. This is not the place you want to come to for likes and self-affirmation. :)
Hey, maybe we have more in common than I thought.....Though I am a T&Ps kind of guy.

thoughts and prayers.jpg
I assume the reason that we are not allowed to call liberals “pedophiles” is because it is a heinous crime - and certainly defamatory. By the same token, can we institute a rule that antisemites cannot call Jews here “murderers”? It too is a heinous crime and just as defamatory. Another false word, and particularly revolting considering Jews lost entire families to Hitler, is calling Jews “Nazis.”

This message board is fast becoming a platform in which HAMAS supporters are promoting antisemitism with vicious lies. Any way we can ratchet down the Jew-hate?
Why would you call liberals pedophiles whaen all the evidence points to the other side of the political spectrum?
Sure it does, most everyone wants to be liked.

"Most" being the operative word. ;)
When I look around and ask myself which posters here are bitter, maladjusted and discontented and which ones are content, have a good sense of humor and do not resent their lot in life, a funny thing happens when I compare the two groups.

The first group is all leftists and the second group is everybody else.
Most Catholics lean the dem way....

That's a straight up lie.

LGBT wonks seem to be making headlines with little children more often than not.

MSM just doesn't mention it.

And that is as well.

Here is some info for you on the child molester demographic breakdown.

Why would you call liberals pedophiles whaen all the evidence points to the other side of the political spectrum?
1) I never called liberals pedophiles.

2) What does that have to do with the question in my OP? Why are conservatives forbidden from calling liberals pedophiles, but antisemites can call American Jews murderers and killers?

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