New study says Video games cause heart attacks in childen

So is Trump and fauci didn't throw socialist money to fast track a vaccine that fauci himself recommended not doing.
Nothing wrong with spending tax money to research a cure or vaccine for a bio weapon created in China.

Has nothing to do with the FDA approving an experimental shot.

It also has nothing to do with mandates that Biden did to force people to get the experimental vaccine. President Trump never forced it on anyone, even the military.
Nothing wrong with spending tax money to research a cure or vaccine for a bio weapon created in China.

Yes there is. It is anti free market. If the market had acted naturally it is likely the vaccine would have been a little bit later but safer. When will people learn that socialism isn't the way to fix things?

Not going to bite on your irrelevant segway into your bio weapon claim. Create a thread in the conspiracy section about that and have a ball.

Has nothing to do with the FDA approving an experimental shot.

Yes it does. Trump was fast tracking the vaccine. He wanted it out and available before the election.

It also has nothing to do with mandates that Biden did to force people to get the experimental vaccine. President Trump never forced it on anyone, even the military.
Nobody was forced to get the vaccine that Trump fast tracked and recommended and still recommends it to this day.

Y'all need to get together and get your stories straight. Usually Trump supporters are in lock step like good little brown shirts but in this vaccine issue their is a separation. Half of y'all claim Trump created a vaccine, damn near in his own, in record time and saved millions and the other half claims the vaccine is deadly.

What gives on the messaging?
Yes there is. It is anti free market. If the market had acted naturally it is likely the vaccine would have been a little bit later but safer. When will people learn that socialism isn't the way to fix things?

Not going to bite on your irrelevant segway into your bio weapon claim. Create a thread in the conspiracy section about that and have a ball.

Yes it does. Trump was fast tracking the vaccine. He wanted it out and available before the election.

Nobody was forced to get the vaccine that Trump fast tracked and recommended and still recommends it to this day.

Y'all need to get together and get your stories straight. Usually Trump supporters are in lock step like good little brown shirts but in this vaccine issue their is a separation. Half of y'all claim Trump created a vaccine, damn near in his own, in record time and saved millions and the other half claims the vaccine is deadly.

What gives on the messaging?
You sound vaccinated.
You didn't get a polio vaccine?

I think you have seen one to many Harry Potter movies
I have real vaccines that are safe and actually effective. Not experimental EUA vaccines that aren’t safe and aren’t effective.

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