New talking Ann Coulter doll; insults gays, liberals and widows of 9/11 victims.


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013

What seemed like a cute idea for stores across America has turned into a public relations nightmare.

The new Ann Coulter doll will not shut up.

It can't - It hates anyone not like her, especially Muslims.

"I can't believe I bought this horrible 'thing' for my child" said a crying parent who has actually moved to get away from the doll who refuses to quit complaining non-stop about "traitors."

"It's one thing to listen to Ms. Coulter babble away on cable TV about Arabs using “flying carpets” for transportation - It's quite another to listen to her carp about this shit 24 hours a day in front of our kids."

When asked where the doll was now, the unidentified parent replied "I have no clue.....probably trying to kill some Muslim country's leaders, and converting their citizens to Christianity."

Unfortunately the Ann Coulter doll COULD be reached for comment, but we hung up on her after she told us to grow a pair.

Ann Coulter dolls everywhere were recalled and re-packaged as talking Michele Bachmann dolls who sing “Happy Birthday” to Elvis Presley on the anniversary of his death, and paints her face like John Wayne Gacy.

I love Ann Coulter.

Not that I can stand to listen to her very long but I've seen her on Bill Maher.

She's stupid but smart enough to pull in the same gullible idiots who watch fox. Just like fox, they know she's lying and line up to hear more.

Yep. I LOVE Ann Coulter.
Bet Ms. Coulter loves the free publicity her doll is getting from liberal internet tough guys — and well, cab drivers. :lmao:
So you bought a talking Ann Coulter doll and you're shocked they loaded the audio with insults and crass comments ?

Maybe next time play it safe and buy a Tickle Me Elmo ?
Clever, but the OP belong in the Political Satire forum. However, it does exemplify a disturbing trend to limit free speech if a member of a "protected class" feels insulted or offended. Apparently, the "sticks and stones" adage no longer applies in the sheltered workshop that America is becoming.
Clever, but the OP belong in the Political Satire forum. However, it does exemplify a disturbing trend to limit free speech if a member of a "protected class" feels insulted or offended. Apparently, the "sticks and stones" adage no longer applies in the sheltered workshop that America is becoming.

Ann Coulter can spew whatever venom she wants - who's stopping her?

As for the Political Satire forum, no one ever goes there.
Clever, but the OP belong in the Political Satire forum. However, it does exemplify a disturbing trend to limit free speech if a member of a "protected class" feels insulted or offended. Apparently, the "sticks and stones" adage no longer applies in the sheltered workshop that America is becoming.

Ann Coulter can spew whatever venom she wants - who's stopping her?

"Liberal" college students, for instance.
Clever, but the OP belong in the Political Satire forum. However, it does exemplify a disturbing trend to limit free speech if a member of a "protected class" feels insulted or offended. Apparently, the "sticks and stones" adage no longer applies in the sheltered workshop that America is becoming.

Ann Coulter can spew whatever venom she wants - who's stopping her?

"Liberal" college students, for instance.

I love Ann Coulter.

Not that I can stand to listen to her very long but I've seen her on Bill Maher.

She's stupid but smart enough to pull in the same gullible idiots who watch fox. Just like fox, they know she's lying and line up to hear more.

Yep. I LOVE Ann Coulter.

So you prefer Al Sharpton and Michael Moore?
oh you libs! It must hurt to know Bill Mahar loves Ann and they are BEST FRIENDS!
I love Ann Coulter.

Not that I can stand to listen to her very long but I've seen her on Bill Maher.

She's stupid but smart enough to pull in the same gullible idiots who watch fox. Just like fox, they know she's lying and line up to hear more.

Yep. I LOVE Ann Coulter.

So you prefer Al Sharpton and Michael Moore?

No, they don't have any sense either.
Shame they left off her Adam's apple in an effort to be PC

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