New Tax on Indoor Tanning Goes into Effect--I found this odd....

Taxing tanning is really the least of our problems.....via Obama Behavior Modification is soon coming our way big time.....

Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating “Lifestyle Behavior Modification”

According to the Executive Order that details the President’s “National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy,” the Council will be charged with carrying out ” lifestyle behavior modification” among American citizens that do not exhibit “healthy behavior.”

The President’s desired lifestyle behavior modifications detailed in Sec. 6 (c) focus on:

■smoking cessation;
■proper nutrition;
■appropriate exercise;
■mental health;
■behavioral health;
■sedentary behavior (see Sec. 3 [c]);
■substance-use disorder; and
■domestic violence screenings.
Why punish those who cannot afford private health insurance? These are our fellow American Citizens we're talking about.....

Do you find it at all odd that you care more for "fellow American Citizens" who may have to pay a little more for tanning services than for "fellow American Citizens" who cannot afford private health insurance? :cuckoo:

The government should not have its hands in EITHER of those 2 aspects of the private life of the citizenry

We the People(1) of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare(2), and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


The Preamble declares that: "We the People of the United States .... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The meaning is clear that all authority originates from the People.

The meaning of the word Welfare in the Constitution is different from its current usage. The constitutional meaning of welfare is: 1. health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being. [<ME wel faren, to fare well]

Welfare in today's context also means organized efforts on the part of public or private organizations to benefit the poor, or simply public assistance. This is not the meaning of the word as used in the Constitution.

For clarity and simplicity, the word "well-being" is generally used in place of "Welfare" in this web site.

U.S. Constitution - Preamble

Show me where that equates to redistribution of wealth, I must have missed it somehow.
Which entity? Fed? State? or Local? They ALL get their cut you know....even though everyone knows how bad it is to smoke....

The point is that they never stop.....they never quit raising the taxes on them. Yes, they all get their ounce of flesh with the smokes. What's taxes are going to be the first to get an additional tax, tanning booths, soda pop, bottled water? Yet you justify it, and not question it....I can't think that way.

You are right....I justify these taxes by paying them. I do not HAVE to smoke. It is not my RIGHT to smoke. I CHOOSE to smoke. Therefore I CHOOSE to pay these taxes. Now, since I CHOOSE not to smoke cigars, I CHOOSE NOT to pay the even higher import taxes on those items. Does this make any more sense? doesn't make any sense at all. It just means you will do what they tell you and not question it at all. I find that quite curious
The government should not have its hands in EITHER of those 2 aspects of the private life of the citizenry

We the People(1) of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare(2), and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


The Preamble declares that: "We the People of the United States .... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The meaning is clear that all authority originates from the People.

The meaning of the word Welfare in the Constitution is different from its current usage. The constitutional meaning of welfare is: 1. health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being. [<ME wel faren, to fare well]

Welfare in today's context also means organized efforts on the part of public or private organizations to benefit the poor, or simply public assistance. This is not the meaning of the word as used in the Constitution.

For clarity and simplicity, the word "well-being" is generally used in place of "Welfare" in this web site.

U.S. Constitution - Preamble

Show me where that equates to redistribution of wealth, I must have missed it somehow.

Since I am not talking about redistribution of wealth, you will not find anything about it in my links. Sorry.
The point is that they never stop.....they never quit raising the taxes on them. Yes, they all get their ounce of flesh with the smokes. What's taxes are going to be the first to get an additional tax, tanning booths, soda pop, bottled water? Yet you justify it, and not question it....I can't think that way.

You are right....I justify these taxes by paying them. I do not HAVE to smoke. It is not my RIGHT to smoke. I CHOOSE to smoke. Therefore I CHOOSE to pay these taxes. Now, since I CHOOSE not to smoke cigars, I CHOOSE NOT to pay the even higher import taxes on those items. Does this make any more sense? doesn't make any sense at all. It just means you will do what they tell you and not question it at all. I find that quite curious

So, is it the whole "freedom to choose" thing you are struggling with?
These are targeted attacks against fellow Americans. Instead of helping the tanning business to thrive,the Socialists/Progressives decide to attack and punish them. It really is Un-American. Socialism/Communism really does promote turning citizens against citizens. Why target and attack the tanning business owners and their customers? What's next? Who will they decide to attack and punish next? This is something all American Citizens better start thinking about. Get out and vote. Your Freedom & Liberty really are at stake.
Taxing tanning is really the least of our problems.....via Obama Behavior Modification is soon coming our way big time.....

Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating “Lifestyle Behavior Modification”

According to the Executive Order that details the President’s “National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy,” the Council will be charged with carrying out ” lifestyle behavior modification” among American citizens that do not exhibit “healthy behavior.”

The President’s desired lifestyle behavior modifications detailed in Sec. 6 (c) focus on:

&#9632;smoking cessation;
&#9632;proper nutrition;
&#9632;appropriate exercise;
&#9632;mental health;
&#9632;behavioral health;
&#9632;sedentary behavior (see Sec. 3 [c]);
&#9632;substance-use disorder; and
&#9632;domestic violence screenings.

It doesn't make any difference with them, ScreamingEagle. They could care less because it is much easier to be told what to think than to actually do their own thinking. They can't think out of the box with politics, and ask a tough question, "Why'?
You are right....I justify these taxes by paying them. I do not HAVE to smoke. It is not my RIGHT to smoke. I CHOOSE to smoke. Therefore I CHOOSE to pay these taxes. Now, since I CHOOSE not to smoke cigars, I CHOOSE NOT to pay the even higher import taxes on those items. Does this make any more sense? doesn't make any sense at all. It just means you will do what they tell you and not question it at all. I find that quite curious

So, is it the whole "freedom to choose" thing you are struggling with?

"Freedom to choose" is not the issue. The issue would be "Freedom of thought", and it seems that is where the struggle is with you.

Show me where that equates to redistribution of wealth, I must have missed it somehow.

Since I am not talking about redistribution of wealth, you will not find anything about it in my links. Sorry.

When you are talking about Healthcare, that is exactly what it is.......redistribution of wealth. There will be a lot of Americans that end up with healthcare, and pay nothing....don't tell me it will be free.
Notice how the risky behavior list didn't include unprotected sex. Doesn't Obama care about HIV prone people?

In the end this Socialist/Progressive punitive tax on the indoor tanning business and its customers will be a big net-loss for the economy. There is no up-side to this. The Socialists/Progressives are just wrong again. I just wish more people would wake up and realize this.
Let's all pause for a few months and wait for the VAT, that will insure everyone everyone gets an equal screwing by the tax fanatics.

How about a Driveway tax, most people have a driveway right, and those that don't will be penalized? Those in apartments and townhouses will pay a stiff parking slot tax, added to their monthly payments.

No death & disposal insurance? Meaning the proper disposal of our broken down remains will be at the cost of the taxpayer, no way, fine those who have no 'human disposal insurance'.

I have a very long list, but that's it for now, since I am sure someone in office somewhere will try passing some of these into law. They are grabbing at straws, anything and everything is fair game for a tax, fee, toll, permit or license requirement.

I am sure most in here could add to this list without any problems, I think the politicians pay people, most likely from an insane asylum, to come up with some of this crazy 'chit', oooops, like me, maybe I am ..............:cuckoo:, if so, they made me go cuckoo.
Let's all pause for a few months and wait for the VAT, that will insure everyone everyone gets an equal screwing by the tax fanatics.

How about a Driveway tax, most people have a driveway right, and those that don't will be penalized? Those in apartments and townhouses will pay a stiff parking slot tax, added to their monthly payments.

No death & disposal insurance? Meaning the proper disposal of our broken down remains will be at the cost of the taxpayer, no way, fine those who have no 'human disposal insurance'.

I have a very long list, but that's it for now, since I am sure someone in office somewhere will try passing some of these into law. They are grabbing at straws, anything and everything is fair game for a tax, fee, toll, permit or license requirement.

I am sure most in here could add to this list without any problems, I think the politicians pay people, most likely from an insane asylum, to come up with some of this crazy 'chit', oooops, like me, maybe I am ..............:cuckoo:, if so, they made me go cuckoo.

This is NOTHING NEW....why all of a sudden are you just figuring this out and laying blame at Obama's feet?
Who will they attack and punish next? Indoor Tanning today but it might be you tomorrow. Americans better start thinking about this. Do you really want this Socialist/Progressive madness? Hmm?
Democrat-Progessive party equals, JUSTICE FOR ALL:lol:

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 5:48 AM
It’s Time to Tax Whitey–

Dems impose a 10% surcharge on the use of ultraviolet indoor tanning beds. White folks feel burned.

The Washington Post reported:

The sun hasn’t exactly set on Solar Planet, but anxiety over the fate of the Arlington tanning salon has been running high ever since a “tan tax” took effect Thursday.

One of the less publicized measures in the new health-care law, the tax imposes a 10 percent surcharge on the use of ultraviolet indoor tanning beds.

Supporters — including the Obama administration, congressional Democrats and dermatologists — have argued that the tax will raise an estimated $2.7 billion toward the cost of expanding health coverage to the uninsured, while discouraging a practice that increases the risk of skin cancer by as much as threefold in frequent users, according to scientific research.

read it all here.
Gateway Pundit

It's a racist tax.
Obama obviously hates white people. I mean it is our GOD given right to be able to tan freely without government interfering with our ability to fry our skin, it is what our founding father fought for!!
Yes. Civil Liberties also include the right to make yer' own faulty decisions. The problem comes when people don't want to accept personal responsibility for their own faulty decisions.

An example being when professional tanners sue the tanning salon for the cancer they get.

You mean like all those law suits against tobacco companies the Democrats pushed, when cigarettes had said they will kill you on them for many years?


Direct taxation by the Fed is wrong in any form, and clear violation of the constitution that we are forced to live with today. This tax is even worse. Any tax intended to not raise revenue, but instead to try and effect people behavior is unconstitutional and wrong. Like taxes on cigarettes the idea is to deter people from doing it by taxing it.

This is what we get for looking the other way every time the Fed bends the constitution just a little.
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Universal tanning plans are on the way and no one will be declined! The number of untanned people in the US is staggering. Numbers are much lower in Europe.
This is just the beginning of the taxes that will be passed onto all citizens to pay for OBAMACARE once implimented and going it will go broke, everything will be taxed to pay for this failure of a program. Every program the government runs goes broke and gets full of fraud waste and corruption!!!!!
Nobody's got a gun to your heads. If you don't want to pay the tax, don't go to a tanning salon.

And maybe get your fat asses off the couch once in a while and go outside where the tanning is free.

This is such a true statement. I bitch about the tremendous taxes our government has placed on cigarettes, but if I REALLY wanted to do something about it, I would quit smoking. It is my CHOICE to smoke and my CHOICE to pay the taxes, however unfair I consider them to be. Once our government starts taxing sugary soda, fast food and salt, then some of the rest of you will be forced to make similar CHOICES.

Yeah....nothing like your nanny government spanking you when you get out of line, right? I think you would have been a good candidate with the Pavlov Experiment....that is if you were a dog. Keep jumping through the hoops for nanny.

Are right wingers against antidrug laws?? FACT is that the government has been acting like a nanny spanking you when you get out of line for years and years based on choices made that some people thought were less than honorable or moral. So where do you draw the line?? Is it ok for the governemnt to tell people what they can and can't do with their own bodies or do you support government intervention based on misguided moral superiority of some??

IF rightwingers were honest and truly felt this way about it then they would have to be against any and all government interferrence but based on their hypocriitcal history we know that they are not. They ran to the government to have them define marriage so the gays couldn't have their equal and religious rights to be married recognized as any other marriage between two consenting adults.
So NOW that they try to hide behind claims of a nanny state being supported by the left when the right wants the same where their postions are concerned is quite laughable.
This is just the beginning of the taxes that will be passed onto all citizens to pay for OBAMACARE once implimented and going it will go broke, everything will be taxed to pay for this failure of a program. Every program the government runs goes broke and gets full of fraud waste and corruption!!!!!

hell yeah prolly half of every dollar the government spends is straight up stolen. One of the many reasons conservatives want to limit the size scope and power of government. Everything it does has always been plagued by corruption.

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