New Trump ad is out, It's brutally honest with what we get in a Biden America

Now what will happen? Will people vote based on how Trump does now with the virus? Or will they vote for what he will do to address the violence? What happens when this virus does go away?

"Thank god the virus is gone! Let's sit outside and admire the violence and economic chaos!"


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

--Benjamin Franklin
More importantly, how can you effectively fight a pandemic if you can't effectively maintain law and order in our biggest cities?

Think about that for a minute.
Now what will happen? Will people vote based on how Trump does now with the virus? Or will they vote for what he will do to address the violence? What happens when this virus does go away?

"Thank god the virus is gone! Let's sit outside and admire the violence and economic chaos!"


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

--Benjamin Franklin
I think it's going to be the riots that drive people to the polls. ESPECIALLY folks in the suburbs. They see that danger being REALLY close to them, they drive past it etc, with covid NOTHING has changed in my life at all other than some business hours etc.

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