New Trump Team and DOD at loggerheads on clean energy


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Great AP article about all the great changes the military has been making to SOP - generating solar and even the kinetic energy generated by each soldier's movements. Their goal is to eliminate fossil as best they can......but for different reasons

1. Obama ordered it

2. Non-reliance on fossil fuels in battlefield situations is a big plus, the Navy's even using wind/electric power

Meanwhile Trump packed his cabinet with AGW deniers which makes the DOD an ally of sorts, but for sure not an ideal one.

Military's shift away from oil clashes with Trump's promises
New Trump Team and DOD at loggerheads on clean energy

Good. Fucking stupid waste of money.

No doubt Trump will attempt to stop this DOD tactical approach, but liberals are hoping Mattis will break the orange barrier and deliver the news:

Green energy supporters are banking on Mattis, Trump's defense secretary choice, who helped usher in the Pentagon's shift toward renewable energy by challenging the Defense Department to "unleash us from the tether of fuel" during the Iraq war.

Zissimos said Mattis made the challenge when problems with maintaining fuel levels hindered the advance of U.S. forces and troops were going on supply runs through enemy territory, causing casualties.
New Trump Team and DOD at loggerheads on clean energy

Good. Fucking stupid waste of money.

No doubt Trump will attempt to stop this DOD tactical approach, but liberals are hoping Mattis will break the orange barrier and deliver the news:

Green energy supporters are banking on Mattis, Trump's defense secretary choice, who helped usher in the Pentagon's shift toward renewable energy by challenging the Defense Department to "unleash us from the tether of fuel" during the Iraq war.

Zissimos said Mattis made the challenge when problems with maintaining fuel levels hindered the advance of U.S. forces and troops were going on supply runs through enemy territory, causing casualties.

Green energy supporters are banking on Mattis, Trump's defense secretary choice, who helped usher in the Pentagon's shift toward renewable energy

I'm sure Mattis is in favor of this expensive waste of time and money.
Are you in favor of wasting billions on "green" organic jet fuel?
Or is plain vanilla fossil fuel good enough for our planes?
New Trump Team and DOD at loggerheads on clean energy

Good. Fucking stupid waste of money.

Bwa ha ha, yeah, the power structure is all about not wasting money ain't it.

It's true, lib cronies profit from this stupid waste of money.

The Pentagon disagrees heartily, and have been developing climate change adaptations for quite some time:

The Pentagon defines resilience to climate change as: “Ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions.”

To four-star generals and admirals, among them the regional combatant commanders who plan and fight the nation’s wars, the directive tells them: “Incorporate climate change impacts into plans and operations and integrate DoD guidance and analysis in Combatant Command planning to address climate change-related risks and opportunities across the full range of military operations, including steady-state campaign planning and operations and contingency planning.”

Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions
New Trump Team and DOD at loggerheads on clean energy

Good. Fucking stupid waste of money.

Bwa ha ha, yeah, the power structure is all about not wasting money ain't it.

It's true, lib cronies profit from this stupid waste of money.

The Pentagon disagrees heartily, and have been developing climate change adaptations for quite some time:

The Pentagon defines resilience to climate change as: “Ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions.”

To four-star generals and admirals, among them the regional combatant commanders who plan and fight the nation’s wars, the directive tells them: “Incorporate climate change impacts into plans and operations and integrate DoD guidance and analysis in Combatant Command planning to address climate change-related risks and opportunities across the full range of military operations, including steady-state campaign planning and operations and contingency planning.”

Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions

The Pentagon disagrees heartily,

Yes, the prior administration wanted the Pentagon to do stupid, wasteful things.
Thanks for agreeing.
Great AP article about all the great changes the military has been making to SOP - generating solar and even the kinetic energy generated by each soldier's movements. Their goal is to eliminate fossil as best they can......but for different reasons

1. Obama ordered it

2. Non-reliance on fossil fuels in battlefield situations is a big plus, the Navy's even using wind/electric power

Meanwhile Trump packed his cabinet with AGW deniers which makes the DOD an ally of sorts, but for sure not an ideal one.

Military's shift away from oil clashes with Trump's promises

There won't be an area that Trump won't explore. If it is feasible and/or prosperous he'll utilize it. What he won't do is shut down one and then wait around for the others to manifest. If Obama had had his way, the EPA would have forced the homes here into mandatory blackouts.

There is no real clash. Trump will shift to whatever boosts our military above all others. And accomplishing that does not require a belief in the phony climate change money grab.
Pulling back our military from using unreliable and intermittent power sources is very smart. Placing our troops in harms way for the political AGW crap is total Bullshit left wing foolishness.

Wake me when those power sources become feasible and 100% reliable. Until then, take your global warming crap and shove it!
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As Shown in NationSwell

By: Veronique Greenwood

Meet the Former Navy SEAL Saving Lives — by Saving Energy — on the Battlefield
Armed with degrees from MIT and Harvard, Special Ops vet Doug Moorehead is engineering hybrid generators to bring down the costs of war.

Doug Moorehead remembers the exact moment senior Marine Corps officials rendered their verdict. In the summer of 2010, soldiers being trained near the desert town of Twentynine Palms, Calif., had been testing a hybrid generator system — a system Moorehead himself had helped engineer to power everything an off-the-grid military outpost needs. Out on the scorched Mojave Desert, home to the hottest temperature ever recorded, the devices — made up of a diesel generator equipped with solar panels, a high-tech battery and automation software — sucked up energy from the sun and stored the excess. As a result, the generator systems used diesel fuel for only a few hours each day, rather than 24/7.

Flash forward several months. Moorehead, a Navy vet and the president of Earl Energy, a startup based in Virginia Beach, Va., was at the Pentagon to discuss the results. He had just finished presenting the data that the military had collected during the tests when the senior official across the table said the line that still sticks in his mind to this day: “It’s almost too good to be true, Doug.”

If the device Moorehead had helped develop after retiring from SEAL Team Two was unbelievable — indeed, it reduced fuel consumption by a whopping 70 percent — it was in part because the military’s setup had been in need of an overhaul for quite some time.

Saving Lives by Saving Money on the Battlefield - FlexGen® Power Systems

Looks to me as if that Marine knows quite a bit more than the dunderheads on this board that only know they are against any form of energy that does not burn fossil fuel.
Trump's a military genius, isn't he.

Compared to Obama....pretty much.
Well, the orange clown assumes the Presidency with the market at nearly 20,000, and unemployment well below 5%. Let's see where those numbers are at by the end of 2019. He assumes the Presidency when we have Russia's imperial ambitions roped in. Will he continue to keep the bear from devouring European nations, or will he be a partner to Putin in that endevour?

Let's see what he has indicated so far. He would like to the the breakup of the EU, and would like to see NATO dissolved or weakened. It looks to me that the orange clown represents the very wettest of Putin's dreams.
Great AP article about all the great changes the military has been making to SOP - generating solar and even the kinetic energy generated by each soldier's movements. Their goal is to eliminate fossil as best they can......but for different reasons

1. Obama ordered it

2. Non-reliance on fossil fuels in battlefield situations is a big plus, the Navy's even using wind/electric power

Meanwhile Trump packed his cabinet with AGW deniers which makes the DOD an ally of sorts, but for sure not an ideal one.

Military's shift away from oil clashes with Trump's promises

There won't be an area that Trump won't explore. If it is feasible and/or prosperous he'll utilize it. What he won't do is shut down one and then wait around for the others to manifest. If Obama had had his way, the EPA would have forced the homes here into mandatory blackouts.

There is no real clash. Trump will shift to whatever boosts our military above all others. And accomplishing that does not require a belief in the phony climate change money grab.
The orange clown will do whatever makes the orange clown look good at the moment. I doubt that he cares about anything but the orange clown.

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