New UK rape rules infantilize women and criminalize men


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This will cause millions more false rape charges every year. Men are idiots to go on dates. Just hire a whore.

The New Rape Rules Which Will Infantilise Women And Criminalise Innocent Men - Breitbart

jan 29 2015
Thanks to the newly announced overhaul of how the Crown Prosecution Service should treat rape cases, this is what a typical Friday night out will soon involve for any man who doesn’t fancy facing rape charges the morning after the night before. According to Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the concept of “No means No” just doesn’t hack it anymore.

It turns out that Yes sometimes means No too, particularly when a woman is judged to be too inebriated to be capable of making a conscious decision. If she’s three sheets to the wind, then the new rule is that she is not capable of consenting to get between the sheets.

Even if she has said Yes and has even undressed herself or initiated the sexual advances. Even if she at no point suggested she had changed her mind or asked the man to stop. Even if she blatantly enjoyed herself at the time.

Unlike any other offence, where the onus is on the prosecution to prove that the accused is guilty of a crime, this puts the responsibility squarely (if not fairly) on the shoulders of the accused to prove that he is innocent. In one fell swoop, Mrs Saunders has turned a fundamental principle of our justice system – the presumption of innocence – on its head.

Instead of requiring evidence of non-consensual sex, the CPS will now look only for the absence of evidence that there was consent. As the DPP said, she wants the police to ask suspects HOW they knew the alleged victim was saying yes, and was doing so “freely and knowingly”.
California has the same law. It's called the yes means yes law. The difference is, in California consent must be affirmatively given for each physical contact including hand holding.
Does the same apply to men? I mean, if the man is also drunk, doesn't it mean he cannot be guilty of rape because he didn't know he was consenting to sex at the time? Fair is fair, after all.
California has the same law. It's called the yes means yes law. The difference is, in California consent must be affirmatively given for each physical contact including hand holding.
Haha, making fun of Britains we have already had the similar laws. we are forward going nation.. What is the hell? How does it work in California? Who did offer such a law?
Having sex with someone who is drunk out of their mind is considered rape or something similar in most places.

I'm sure that if a dude gets drunk and then gets penetrated, the same would apply.
California has the same law. It's called the yes means yes law. The difference is, in California consent must be affirmatively given for each physical contact including hand holding.
Haha, making fun of Britains we have already had the similar laws. we are forward going nation.. What is the hell? How does it work in California? Who did offer such a law?
The law is directed to stop rapes on college campuses but Jerry Brown signed it into law for the whole state. Ironically while there are rapes on college campuses, fake accusations of rape still out number actual rapes.

I have no idea how it works because I don't date. I can't see that it would work very well. A rapist would just say "I asked and she said yes".
Having sex with someone who is drunk out of their mind is considered rape or something similar in most places.

I'm sure that if a dude gets drunk and then gets penetrated, the same would apply.
So if they are both drunk, they are raping each other and it is a wash, right? Is this how feminists are getting the 1-4 women are raped on college campuses stat? They count awkward drunk sex at college rape?

Better carry around a voluntary sexual exchange contract to make sure.
Having sex with someone who is drunk out of their mind is considered rape or something similar in most places.

I'm sure that if a dude gets drunk and then gets penetrated, the same would apply.
So if they are both drunk, they are raping each other and it is a wash, right? Is this how feminists are getting the 1-4 women are raped on college campuses stat? They count awkward drunk sex at college rape?

Better carry around a voluntary sexual exchange contract to make sure.

The laws seem to be aimed at preventing one person from "taking advantage" of another. The article use the phrase "too inebriated to be capable of making a conscious decision" which would appear to mean black-out drunk. Are most guys capable of getting it up in such a condition? Anyway, I'm just noting that most US states have had these laws on the books since the 1990's

Watch SNL Is It Date Rape Video at New York Magazine
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I have no idea how it works because I don't date. I can't see that it would work very well. A rapist would just say "I asked and she said yes".

So what? If it's his word against hers, he loses. Always been like that.
Does the same apply to men? I mean, if the man is also drunk, doesn't it mean he cannot be guilty of rape because he didn't know he was consenting to sex at the time? Fair is fair, after all.

Makes a lot of sense. Forget it.

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