New video of Arbery swearing at cops, almost got tased

And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.
Nazitrollboi, you're lying yet again. Your lies expose how weak your position is.

Being on the phone with 911 in no way means they weren't blocking the road. There were no "wide fields," only private properties lining both sides of the street. There was no open lane. Their truck blocked one lane while Travis McMichael, brandishing a shotgun, blocked the other. And they were screaming "stop."

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Lol so now Arbery is obeying the property line!? Lol when his life is in jeopardy.. you are a funny guy haha and a bad lawyer stick to your day job
Those were built homes. People generally stay off of other people's property. Whereas the dwelling Arbery enter was unoccupied and under construction. People often enter such properties. In fact video's been released where others entered that same property that same day.
Lol the yard was more vacant then the dwelling he broke into lol wrf are you talking about ! He had plenty of room to get by it’s why he got out of the truck it was over. They weren’t going to drive on the yard.. They never expected Aubrey to stay on the road and attack Travis
The other aspect to this is Arbery had no duty to retreat. He had every right to stand his ground and defend his life from someone threatening it with a shotgun.
Someone holding a gun should not be attacked I’m sorry but if you feel this way you should probably be sent out of this country..
They can be when they're using that weapon illegally as Travis McMichael was.
Following a criminal that charging with a hammer? Interesting lol

Your dementia is noted, laughed at and summarily discarded.
So if the video is released and AA had a hammer will
You say he had a right to carry a shotgun? Lol
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?
They were yelling at him to stop, ya dumbass.
That’s not detaining lol but I’m glad you agree they asked him to stop until the cops came

Poor Ruskie, thinks he can invent his own definitions for English words.

to keep from proceeding; keep waiting; delay.​

They tried to cut him off and get him to stop until police arrived. You know, the very definition of the word, "detain."
Was he kept waiting? Was he delayed? No he attacked.. They politely asked him to stop and he did not
Dumbfuck... no one said they successfully detained him. They tried to cut him off. They tried to detain him.
I see a open lane and a open field on both sides and guy in the back of a truck on the phone with the cops..

You also see a hammer.

I mean it’s in the video lol

Nope, there's no hammer anywhere in that video. There is a stick on the ground that was already there...

I disagree it’s a tool he stole

Of which, you have zero evidence.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

Again why hasn’t the videos been released?

Why are you asking me? I'm not the one holding them back. You should ask Greg McMichael why he only released an edited copy of the video and not the whole thing.

Oh, wait, you can't ask him -- he's locked up.

And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.
Nazitrollboi, you're lying yet again. Your lies expose how weak your position is.

Being on the phone with 911 in no way means they weren't blocking the road. There were no "wide fields," only private properties lining both sides of the street. There was no open lane. Their truck blocked one lane while Travis McMichael, brandishing a shotgun, blocked the other. And they were screaming "stop."

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Lol so now Arbery is obeying the property line!? Lol when his life is in jeopardy.. you are a funny guy haha and a bad lawyer stick to your day job
Those were built homes. People generally stay off of other people's property. Whereas the dwelling Arbery enter was unoccupied and under construction. People often enter such properties. In fact video's been released where others entered that same property that same day.
Lol the yard was more vacant then the dwelling he broke into lol wrf are you talking about ! He had plenty of room to get by it’s why he got out of the truck it was over. They weren’t going to drive on the yard.. They never expected Aubrey to stay on the road and attack Travis
The other aspect to this is Arbery had no duty to retreat. He had every right to stand his ground and defend his life from someone threatening it with a shotgun.
Someone holding a gun should not be attacked I’m sorry but if you feel this way you should probably be sent out of this country..
They can be when they're using that weapon illegally as Travis McMichael was.
Following a criminal that charging with a hammer? Interesting lol

Your dementia is noted, laughed at and summarily discarded.
So if the video is released and AA had a hammer will
You say he had a right to carry a shotgun? Lol
Dumbfuck, we already have video of Arbery jogging and there's no hammer. Show where Arbery can be seen holding a hammer...
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked
You're truly fucking deranged, comrade.

Getting out of the truck and positioning himself directly in Arbery's path while brandishing a shotgun while yelling at him to stop is the very definition of trying to detain him.
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked

Your rewriting of the events is bullshit. There was no problem with burlaries or theft at the property. The property owned never ever asked for the McMichaels help and no one called the cops except the murdering ass clowns.

The guys with the guns were not in fear for their lives. The black man was.
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?
There's no hammer, nazitrollboi. Only nazi racists who lie about there being a hammer.

Far-right and neo-Nazi groups are spreading racist and false information about a black jogger who was fatally shot in Georgia to promote their agendas on social media platforms, according to organizations that monitor online extremist activity.​
No hammer? Ok 3 questions then..

Where is the video of him being in the house for five minutes?

where is the four minutes of McMichaels following Aubrey?

where are the interviews with all the police officers all the investigators all the construction workers all the neighbors?

You’re putting The cart before the horse it just shows you’re racist.. The video clearly shows Aubrey attacking Travis..
None of that matters. You've not yet seen a hammer but you're pathological, so you can't stop lying about it.
Most of the evidence hasn’t been released yet ,, you have a property owner with a lawyer say things to calm ppl down

You even admit you haven't actually seen a hammer, you just hope one shows up in some video that hasn't been released yet.

I do see a hammer .. I use one I know what it looks like
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked
You're truly fucking deranged, comrade.

Getting out of the truck and positioning himself directly in Arbery's path while brandishing a shotgun while yelling at him to stop is the very definition of trying to detain him.
Asking him to stop because of a robbery they witnessed is not against the law
And multiple people had entered the home while it was under construction. Were they all chased down and stopped by the McMichaels vigilante’s?

he has been a jackass thug his whole a TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..he's just as bad, if not worse, than Mike Brown:

Ok. So he was being detained for something he did what? Years ago? No. McMichaels had no knowledge of that. That case was handled by the system. And if you argue that McMichaels knew and all that it is actually worse for him. He did not tell the 911 dispatcher the identity or that he knew AA which means he was withholding vital information from the police. That is also against the law isn’t it?

How many criminal acts of the McMichaels are you going to argue were justified? I laugh at idiots who say that Trump Supporters would still follow Trump if he murdered a man in the street. Then someone like you comes along.

The McMichaels had no justification in law. They had no justification by any sane sense of reason. That is why the Glynn County Cops wanted to arrest them on the day.
Where do you see an attempt at detaining?

Ok, so explain to me. The McMichaels set off in pursuit after arming up. They called on AA to stop. They blocked the road to force him to stop. If they were not detaining him, What were they doing? Lynching him?
There was no road blocking as evidence the father was in the truck on the phone with the cops. And two wide fields, a open lane were available to AA,, of Travis was going to detain him he would have cam forward with gun raised screaming stop! Instead he went backwards.

^^^ a brain-dead nut who thinks parking a truck in the middle of a road isn't blocking it.

How many lanes were there?
Two. One had a truck illegally parked in it while the other had an armed thug.
Yes because he had a hammer. Two videos are being withheld , 1 the 5 mins in the dwelling the second, is the 4 minute following video. Now if it shows him with a hammer will you submit and ask the men to be released?

No because they illegally used weapons in a citizens arrest.

When an unarmed man ends up dead at the hands of someone with a gun, it’s never “self-defense”.

Riddle me this: If two armed black men had hunted down and murdered a white jogger in this manner, would you be asking when the black men were going to be released.

Furthermore, there were no reports of burglaries in months. So that excuse is a lie. Lots of people went through that construction site. Only one of of them were hunted down and shot. And only one of them was black.
There was no attempt to arrest the police officer was on the back of the truck bed on the phone had no intention to arresting him. Stop with the jogging lol that was debunked last week.

mans it was a issue a cop told English to contact mcMichaels if the property gets broken into again.. this was broad daylight neighbors witnessed it McMichaels witnessed it call the cops followed him.. and AA attacked a man with a gun, Under Georgia law you have a right to use deadly force if you are attacked

Your rewriting of the events is bullshit. There was no problem with burlaries or theft at the property. The property owned never ever asked for the McMichaels help and no one called the cops except the murdering ass clowns.

The guys with the guns were not in fear for their lives. The black man was.
Cool story,, the 5 min video hasn’t been released yet, or the 4 min video of them
Following AA And we haven’t got a statement from the construction workers yet
Is this supoosed to have something to do with him getting shot? Or are we just bashing his history?
Yes, it proves he was a career criminal and not a “jogger”.

If the pro-thug folks can label the two citizens that were protecting their neighborhood from thieves as “racists”, then we can call Arbery a thug and criminal.

Difference is evidence like this backs our description up.
Is this supoosed to have something to do with him getting shot? Or are we just bashing his history?
Just goes to show he was a thief and he was stealing that day in the house
I didnt see him steal anything. He didnt even break any trespassing laws, I dont believe.
Did you see the 5 minute video? Did you hear testimony from the neighbors from the construction workers who owned the equipment?

Can you link to the video?

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

He did get tased, this about shows the reliability of tasers.
To make sure I understand. AA was arrested for the crime, and it was handled by the system. So let me ask you this. Let’s say someone serves their time, has paid their debt to society. From that moment, with a few exceptions, they are once again entitled to all rights and privileges of citizens right? Or is the fact that they once committed a crime mean they have no rights anytime in the future?
If they are not on parole, then they are entitled to rights and privileges, until they offend again. Clearly, the guy was a thug, and now he's a dead thug.

This video shows Arbery disrespect the cops, refused to take commands a couple of times, tazer malfunctioned, to bad.
This kid obviously has some issues, stemming from his parenting, I think that’s a females jacket he’s wearing, he’s exposing his underwear in a public park.

he almost attacked the cops just doing his job

the area is known for drugs and but AA couldn’t understand what he was saying.

He did get tased, this about shows the reliability of tasers.
I'd like to see the toxicology report after he was brought to the morgue.
This case has more twists than a mad mouse roller coaster....I'm still not sure what to make of it.

All of which are ultimately irrelevant; these guys should have called the police, followed the guy until the police showed up, and let them handle it. That's literally ALL that needed to happen in order to spare us this entire ordeal, and them a great deal of legal assistance.
oh wait.................. that's what they did. ain't you the scholar.

You seem never able to rise above your level of simplicity magnified by ignorance of the facts.

There is no Jawga law that required them to stay in their vehicle....though the father was in the bed of the truck...not sure what he was doing there....someone said he was on the phone with the police whilst all this went down.

Can you cite please the specific law requiring them to EXIT the vehicle and CONFRONT the suspect? Also, here's a question I've not seen answered anywhere; if Arbery's intent was to attack the driver of the truck, why did he specifically avoid the driver's side of the truck? The driver exits the truck and Arbery takes a sharp right to the passenger side of the truck, away from the driver. Seems like an odd way to 'attack' someone...

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