New X-Files will take on 9/11,NSA spying and NWO

Entertainment Weekly reported that the new series featured issues like, “war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called ‘aerial contaminants’), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military ‘takeover of America’ by a UN-like group of ‘multinational elites.’”

Interesting stuff!
Entertainment Weekly reported that the new series featured issues like, “war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called ‘aerial contaminants’), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military ‘takeover of America’ by a UN-like group of ‘multinational elites.’”

Interesting stuff!
The X-files explanation of "it's aliens!!!" is way more accurate than whatever your theories are.
Maybe they can get this guy to guest star?


I preferred Millennium, until Morgan and Wong destroyed the show in only the second season
I never got that into The X-Files as a kid, but I might check out a couple of the new episodes out of curiosity.
I never got that into The X-Files as a kid, but I might check out a couple of the new episodes out of curiosity.
I got about two thirds through, then the episodes started feeling formulaic, and they started concentrating more on the characters and it started feeling more like a soap opera.
I never got that into The X-Files as a kid, but I might check out a couple of the new episodes out of curiosity.
I got about two thirds through, then the episodes started feeling formulaic, and they started concentrating more on the characters and it started feeling more like a soap opera.

I think I remember starting to watch the series, and getting tired of aliens. It would be interesting to see their take on some of the more current conspiracy theories.
I guess people have figured out by now that there are no such things as aliens and all those UFOs seen in the 1950's were Air Force experiments.

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