New York City store manager faces $2,000 fine. His crime? Selling tobacco too cheaply!

Anti-smoking Nazis don't pull their fanatical, raging, anti-smoking bullshit because they care about anybody's health; they do it because raging against smokers is a socially acceptable way to be bullies and throw their gargantuan egos around. That's the true nature of it.
Anti-smoking Nazis don't pull their fanatical, raging, anti-smoking bullshit because they care about anybody's health; they do it because raging against smokers is a socially acceptable way to be bullies and throw their gargantuan egos around. That's the true nature of it.
I don't even smoke and I agree. I haven't done it yet, but if the inclination strikes, I'd like to carry an unlit cigarette through a crowded shopping mall, just to watch people start gagging, coughing and waving their hands in front of their faces, and to see how long it takes to get kicked out.

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