New York Muslim Patrol Cars - Creeping Sharia ?

First it’s just a block, then a neighborhood, then a town, then a city, then a state, then the country, then the world. Liberals think that they will not be affected by Sharia oppression.
It is amazing how many of you are able to post while curled up in a fetal position.
For years on this board I've heard people gripe that muslims need to police their community and weed out the bad guys.

Then when muslins take the initiative and start a proactive program to make the local community safe.

The same posters blast muslins for being seen on the streets. .. :cuckoo:
For years on this board I've heard people gripe that muslims need to police their community and weed out the bad guys.

Then when muslins take the initiative and start a proactive program to make the local community safe.

The same posters blast muslins for being seen on the streets. .. :cuckoo:

What is meant by that is tell authorities when you know of the bad guys, not play cop yourself. If you see something suspicious or amiss, call your local police and don't be afraid to report it.
You people are the ones who make things up.Where do you get your information? I live in a completely mixed neighborhood. There is nothing going on like what you describe.

You just contradicted yourself. Are you even bright enough to realize that?? I doubt it.

How can you say you live in a completely 'mixed' neighborhood while at the same time claiming assimilation??

You can't. It is idiotic to even think like you do.

If your 'neighborhood' were assimilated, you wouldn't very well call it 'mixed' now, would you?

You people aren't just ignorant, you really aren't very bright at all.

As an example, my next door neighbor, that I've known for 20 years; I just found out his last name is Padilla.

I not only had no idea he was Hispanic, I didn't care. He was/is as American as I am. A Navy Veteran (nobody's perfect), has cook outs at his pool, stops by to shoot the breeze with me once in a while, his kids go to the same school my kids went to...... etc, etc

The problem is. You really don't have any idea what assimilation is. You really don't.

It is when there ARE NO DIFFERENCES.

You want it both ways. You want identity politics replete with the victimhood it offers while at the same time demanding that everybody recognize those who refuse to assimilate as the same as us.

They are not.

Maybe in the shithole you live in, but not in the real America.

And yeah, I'm being an asshole. Because this question is extremely important and because too many people just don't get it.

Did you know that, back around 1920 (?) the US stopped immigration completely so the flood immigrants we took in could assimilate? Of course you didn't know that. Didn't start back up again until after WWII

You people getting your talking points from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media are woefully misinformed.

The media are the most ignorant, the most stupid fucks to ever exist. And you people echoing them daily keep proving it.

Your's is a ridiculous comment. Just because I used the word "mixed" is nothing to jump on.It simply means people from all backgrounds and nationalities. I live in "real America," moron. The state of Virginia, United States of America.

You get your talking points from the orange whore, pigpence, breitbart, and limbaugh. No one credible.Sorry, I came from immigrants, and so did you unless you are descended from the First Nations.

The "assimilation" argument is phony. What would someone "assimilate" in? We are a melting pot of heritages and religions from around the world. I feel sorry for you that somehow you can't enjoy it. Go visit NYC sometime and all of its communities, or come to DC.

I've known people who have come from Poland, India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Ireland, Russia, Honduras, Nicoragua, Britain, Jamaica, and many more. What are you talking about? They are Americans now.
Do you believe all cultures are equal and good?
Nonsense. The Muslims "assimilate" the same way all the other groups who come here do.

Oh please. How many times have we read stories about Muslims being a problem at work or even at the DMV. They refuse to pick up fares in their cab because the person has an animal with them. Muslim cashiers who refuse to scan pork items over the scanner. Even one case where a couple of Muslim truck drivers were fired because they refused to take a load of alcoholic beverages to a location, and sued the employer for discrimination against their religion. That's not assimilation.
What is meant by that is tell authorities when you know of the bad guys, not play cop yourself. If you see something suspicious or amiss, call your local police and don't be afraid to report it.
Many local communities have neighborhood watch programs like the muslim community patrol. They have No power to arrest anyone, and will call the police if they suspect criminal activity. It helps the police because they can't be everywhere, and they appreciate the extra eye's watching out for the public's safety. ... :cool:
What a bunch of snowflakes!

It was cool when it was the Jews doing it...but the Muslims do it and it is the end of the world as we know it.


could you people be any more pathetic?
Is it legal to put sirens on that car?
What is meant by that is tell authorities when you know of the bad guys, not play cop yourself. If you see something suspicious or amiss, call your local police and don't be afraid to report it.
Many local communities have neighborhood watch programs like the muslim community patrol. They have No power to arrest anyone, and will call the police if they suspect criminal activity. It helps the police because they can't be everywhere, and they appreciate the extra eye's watching out for the public's safety. ... :cool:

It's different to have neighborhood watch programs where people in their homes call police, and a bunch of guys riding around in cars patrolling the area. Most any neighborhood watch program will tell residents do not get involved with criminals. Do not leave your home and confront them. Call the police and let them do it.
But as Muslims do not have a culture that assimilates easily, it is debatable if this is a wise choice.

According to who? That's your own xenophobic opinion. I've known many Muslims and none of them have had assimilation problems. I'd rather hang out with them than the wacko Mormons here in Vegas or those crazy ass Scientologists and Jehovah's Witnesses.
New York City is the most Islam-fellating city in America; they allowed the Ground Zero mosque in 2010 and re-elected diBlasio. I will have ZERO sympathy if that toilet gets another 9/11-level terrorist attack.
New York City has a new set of patrol cars on its streets. They look 99% like New York City police cars, but they have the title Muslim Community Patrol written on their doors. So Muslims are patrolling New York's streets, but the question many New Yorkers are asking is > "patrolling for what ?

Supposedly just like the Jewish and Asian patrollers, the Muslims are just there to observe and report, like any security guards would do, and alert the police in cases of crimes. Police agencies across the country enlist civilians to help them patrol different areas, and yes, their patrol cars are very similar to the regular police. But as Muslims do not have a culture that assimilates easily, it is debatable if this is a wise choice. It is hoped that the NYPD will keep an eye on this program to make sure the people comply with American laws, rather than turn into a Sharia-based patrol.

This stems from the history of Muslim patrols in other countries where Sharia patrols are known for attacking people over non-Muslim clothing, alcohol, or other violations of their law that are not violations of the law of the land.

New York Muslim Community Patrol - Creeping Sharia? - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Slippery slope fallacy.
Private security vehicles are often made to resemble police vehicles. But, they can easily be differentiated.
Millions of New Yorkers are in disagreement with you. Millions of non-New Yorker are also.
It's like I've been saying for a long time. The people coming here today are not coming here to be Americans, they are coming here to change America. In the 50's and 60's, people left their country behind to become part of this country. Now they are coming here with the intent of bringing their country here with them.

This is a perfect example of why we need to close the borders. We need an isolated country until the people who came here actually become Americans or leave and go home. If you want Muslim police, move back to Saudi Arabia where all the police are Muslim.
Absolutely right. If these people wanted to just be a neighborhood watch and alert police to crimes being committed, then why the "Muslim" markings on the cars ? Why is "Muslim" being put into the formula ?

Looks like New Yorkers have a right to be skeptical, wary, and have some trepidation. In other countries, Muslims have used these patrols to push Sharia law, not the laws of the locality.
What a bunch of snowflakes!

It was cool when it was the Jews doing it...but the Muslims do it and it is the end of the world as we know it.

could you people be any more pathetic?
Could you be any more disingenuous ? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you know the obvious difference between Jews (without history of enforcing Jewish law), and Muslims (with a long history of enforcing Islamic law)

Court Overturns 'Sharia Patrol' Acquittal | Clarion Project

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