New York Times: Boosters can damage your immune system

Bullshit. Monoclonal treatment is very effective. I know people that got it when they had bad symptoms.

Same with Ivermectin. It’s a drug that won the Nobel prize and has been used in hundreds of millions of people and is safe to use. It has been proven to help with COVID but must be used early on in infection.
It’s effective for delta. Far less effective for omicron (depending on what therapy specifically).

Ivermectin does. It have proven effect in COVID. It won the Nobel prize for something entirely different. I don’t know why people always being that up, as if it makes the slightest difference.
Yes, it’s the same spike protein. The COVID one and the vaccine ones cause these problems.

So how about a vaccine that doesn’t use these harmful spike proteins? Is that too much to ask for?
If the vaccine doesn’t use a part of the virus, it’s not going to stimulate immunity.

mRNA vaccines are the safest way to do so.
I have a far greater than 99% survival rate thanks to vaccination.

Should I be mocked because I protect my life for the benefit of my family who needs me?

That’s how low we’ve sunk.
No, you have the right to take the vaccine if you want. But I also have the right to choose not to take the vaccine.
No, you have the right to take the vaccine if you want. But I also have the right to choose not to take the vaccine.
And you ridicule people who exercise their right to vaccinate and protect their life and their family.

Because you’re just that pathetic. That’s how low we’ve gone.
This seems pretty obvious.

If one keeps pumping experimental gene therapy shots into their body, how do we know what will happen?

Lots of volunteers in this unpaid medical trial for the victims, I mean, participants.

Those who chose the experimental gene therapy will not be able to sue any pharmaceutical company in the future for anything.

If you ask me all the "vaccines" are is a booster. Gee, who would think a temporary boost would fuck up someone's natural immune system? Kind of like meth steals away your dopamine.

If I'm say a mad global elitist and desire a reduction in population, I suppose I could release some disease, create a magic shot which delivers a reduced immune system thereby reducing populations long-term.
In males 16-29, the rate was 10 per 100,000. That’s a ceiling as some of those people would have gotten it regardless.

That's too many. Scientifically, it's nothing on a percentage scale but those are human lives. Remember, our own govt shut down the swine flu injection after 32 deaths from 53 million injections. Now, the deaths and injuries pile up by the tens of thousands and millions in injuries and our govt continues to push this deadly injection. Those are facts.

Early Treatment Is Crucial​

Like so many other doctors, Carvallo knew right from the start that early treatment would be crucial and that telling patients to just wait it out at home until they couldn’t breathe would be a death sentence.

“We knew from the very first day we entered the school of medicine that the sooner you treat any illness, the more chances you will have to be successful in the treatment,” he says. “You have to treat quickly, and strongly. This is natural thinking. Nobody has to be a genius to know that. In this case, inexplicably, many doctors have been told to do nothing.
To keep the patients in their homes on their own with just a few pills of Tylenol — which we know it’s good for nothing — until they cannot breathe properly. Then they have to be referred to the hospital. That is patient abandonment under any law in any country …
If you walk around a corner and you see your neighbor’s house on fire, you may call 911. You may play hero and enter the house and try to save them. You may cry out for help. The only thing you must not do is nothing.
I believe in any attempt to keep a mild patient, mild. What I cannot accept as a medical doctor — because it is against our oath — is to remain with arms folded until that person gets worse. That’s criminal … There’s only one reason for all this. The reason is summarized in one word, greed.”

Put that in your pipe and smoke it Colfax.........who abandoned his patients by his own admission.
This seems pretty obvious.

If one keeps pumping experimental gene therapy shots into their body, how do we know what will happen?

Lots of volunteers in this unpaid medical trial for the victims, I mean, participants.

Those who chose the experimental gene therapy will not be able to sue any pharmaceutical company in the future for anything.

I got the two shots...that's it......two shots, then got Covid ...symptoms started on Christmas...I will not be getting the booster...
That's too many. Scientifically, it's nothing on a percentage scale but those are human lives. Remember, our own govt shut down the swine flu injection after 32 deaths from 53 million injections. Now, the deaths and injuries pile up by the tens of thousands and millions in injuries and our govt continues to push this deadly injection. Those are facts.
It’s not too many. Not when considering the scale of death from COVID.

Let’s see where you’re getting your information about swine flu. Post your reference.
We should be ashamed that a giant chunk of society believes people like Joe Rogan over people who have studied medicine.

We should be ashamed at the massive amounts of death they had resulted from doing so.
You mean people who have financial interest in pushing this jab. Wonder why FDA members are also board members of Pfizer and Moderna 🤔

Early Treatment Is Crucial​

Like so many other doctors, Carvallo knew right from the start that early treatment would be crucial and that telling patients to just wait it out at home until they couldn’t breathe would be a death sentence.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it Colfax.........who abandoned his patients by his own admission.
Low quality data. No placebo control. No randomization.

Poor study design.
It’s not too many. Not when considering the scale of death from COVID.

Let’s see where you’re getting your information about swine flu. Post your reference.


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