New York Times: Boosters can damage your immune system

That doesnt explain why healthy people or kids should get vaccinated.
Young people have z survival rate of 99.98%.
Given that 100% doesnt exist, why dont you tell us the survival rate for vaccinated young people is?
Survival rate goes up ten fold with vaccination regardless of age or comorbid conditions.
If you take the advice of Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow over the advice of Dr. Peter McCullogh and Dr. Robert Malone, you are a straight up dumb fucking sheep.

These doctors were banned from social media for posting FACTS. ASK YOURSELF WHY.

This is called doing your own research.


This seems pretty obvious.

If one keeps pumping experimental gene therapy shots into their body, how do we know what will happen?

Lots of volunteers in this unpaid medical trial for the victims, I mean, participants.

Those who chose the experimental gene therapy will not be able to sue any pharmaceutical company in the future for anything.

I was talking about this the whole time people were still arguing over masks.

The mRNA vaccines are effective but there are limitations from over use. Same with adenovirus (attenuated virus) vaccines.

Adenovirus vaccines (like J&J or Oxford/AstraZeneca have GiulianBarr syndrome and mRNA vaccines have issues as well. These were known long long ago. (It isn't exactly like mRNA vaccines are that new despite the claims).

But something needed to be done.
Invermectin and HCQ are worthless for treatment or as a prophylactic. That was known too.
And people are ordinarily too sloppy with protective protocols to keep from infecting others. Obviously.

There's more effective vaccines and treatments coming BUT supply chain interruptions are slowing their manufacture. Only 80 million courses of antivirals will be possible to manufacture this year. A woefully insufficient number.

Same thing with monoclonal antibodies. Can't produce enough...and some strains of Covid are unresponsive to antibodies. (Lamda and Mu)

And more variants are in the works now.

Get ready and just pray. God might save you but He is the ONLY one.
If you take the advice of Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow over the advice of Dr. Peter McCullogh and Dr. Robert Malone, you are a straight up dumb fucking sheep.

These doctors were banned from social media for posting FACTS. ASK YOURSELF WHY.

This is called doing your own research.


Your yelling and screaming demonstrate that you want us to believe YOUR research. (Which has serious bias and flaws)
I have a far greater than 99% survival rate thanks to vaccination.

Should I be mocked because I protect my life for the benefit of my family who needs me?

That’s how low we’ve sunk.
You should be mocked for being a jackass who preaches Big Pharma's will as gospel, while disparaging anyone who doesn't agree with you.
I was talking about this the whole time people were still arguing over masks.

The mRNA vaccines are effective but there are limitations from over use. Same with adenovirus (attenuated virus) vaccines.

Adenovirus vaccines (like J&J or Oxford/AstraZeneca have GiulianBarr syndrome and mRNA vaccines have issues as well. These were known long long ago. (It isn't exactly like mRNA vaccines are that new despite the claims).

But something needed to be done.
Invermectin and HCQ are worthless for treatment or as a prophylactic. That was known too.
And people are ordinarily too sloppy with protective protocols to keep from infecting others. Obviously.

There's more effective vaccines and treatments coming BUT supply chain interruptions are slowing their manufacture. Only 80 million courses of antivirals will be possible to manufacture this year. A woefully insufficient number.

Same thing with monoclonal antibodies. Can't produce enough...and some strains of Covid are unresponsive to antibodies. (Lamda and Mu)

And more variants are in the works now.

Get ready and just pray. God might save you but He is the ONLY one.
An entire region of India beat Covid with Ivermectin.
200 million people.
I fear the vaccine more than Covid.
The medical profession has not been honest or forthright about the risk factors for age/health conditions/physical fitness level.

I have said many times here I am very glad my parents, in their mid-70s, are vaxxed and boosted. I don't think my own kids, mid-20s, needed anything. Hubby and I were in the grey zone. But anyone who has serious co-morbidities and especially obesity, the vaccines are a good bet.

That said: outliers will always happen. You will always have people who have multiple health issues, do not get vaccinated, and sail through. And you will have folks who get vaccinated, are young and healthy, and still die from Covid.

I most of all resent gov/employers not allowing us to do our own research and make our own decisions.
Hopefully for their own good your kids are smart enough not to listen to you.
You would think that anyone presented with a treatment that hijacks the genetic system with an injection of tens of trillions of custom mRNA instructions that tell your body to make tens to hundreds of trillions of toxic foreign spike proteins (each instruction can result in multiple spike proteins) would be incredibly hesitant and want clean short, medium, and long-term trial results before even considering getting it once - let alone getting it multiple times. We have by now maybe two years of trial data and hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions recorded. We've never allowed something with this level of adverse reactions to get on the market, let alone be mandated by the government. Strange times.

If you're pfizer or moderna, you're happier than a pig in sewage. The govt just gave you complete indemnification AND they're paying you hundreds of billions to keep producing more snake juice on top of endless boosters.
If you're pfizer or moderna, you're happier than a pig in sewage. The govt just gave you complete indemnification AND they're paying you hundreds of billions to keep producing more snake juice on top of endless boosters.
And they dont even have to advertise the product with the likes of CNN and Biden doing it for them.
You should be mocked for being a jackass who preaches Big Pharma's will as gospel, while disparaging anyone who doesn't agree with you.
There’s plenty of room for disagreement. I only disparage people who don’t operate on facts.

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