New York Times: Boosters can damage your immune system

It gives zero immunity.
New York is now the epicentre of new cases..
It's a psychological placebo, crowd control for the masses.
It may be an epicenter of cases but not deaths.

Unvaccinated are dying at 10x the rate of vaccinated and that’s before omicron.
The survival rate has gone up due to better treatments available and the natural lifespan of mutating viruses.
Notwithstanding other treatments (limited) the survival rate is clearly better for vaccinated than the unvaccinated. It’s not even close. Pretty good for something which does “nothing”.
It is a joke.
People who get the first or second jab and die of Covid in the following 14 days (as many do) are categorised as Unvaccinated Covid deaths.
It's utter fraud.
And if they had been counted as vaccinated COVID deaths, the data would barely reflect is. It’s little more than a rounding error.
The NYT paywall limits my ability to see what the Times ACTUALLY said but the headline is talking about a FOURTH vaccine...

Not boosters in general
If you're pfizer or moderna, you're happier than a pig in sewage. The govt just gave you complete indemnification AND they're paying you hundreds of billions to keep producing more snake juice on top of endless boosters.
Don't forget the pills. All developed at the very same time as the so-called vaccine. If that wasn't a red flag, what is?
There’s plenty of room for disagreement. I only disparage people who don’t operate on facts.
That sounds self defeating for you. Riddle me this, what are the long term side effects of mRNA treatments, say ten to fifteen years from now?
That sounds self defeating for you. Riddle me this, what are the long term side effects of mRNA treatments, say ten to fifteen years from now?
It’s hard to take the prospect or long term side effects very seriously. mRNA has a half life on a scale of minutes.
It’s hard to take the prospect or long term side effects very seriously. mRNA has a half life on a scale of minutes.
So it has no long term viability? Then it's utterly pointless. Plus you ignore the cumulative effects, each shot is a risk, that risk increases with every dose.
So it has no long term viability? Then it's utterly pointless. Plus you ignore the cumulative effects, each shot is a risk, that risk increases with every dose.
If you know anything about mRNA, you’d know it is specifically intended to be transient.

I don’t see any biological mechanism where it could cause side effect so far down the road.
If you know anything about mRNA, you’d know it is specifically intended to be transient.

I don’t see any biological mechanism where it could cause side effect so far down the road.
It has the ability to narrow your antibody response even if a better set of antibodies are discovered or needed later for the variants.
Consequently I'm in favor of a variety of variant booster production and distribution now so we don't end up with a narrowed response. But they didn't want to confuse the medical community or people who end up getting the wrong vaccine they stalled.

Then there's the other treatments discovered for the symptoms of Covid.

They aren't producing them nor do they plan to. They are flat out sitting on them without ever bringing them to the FDA for approval... even though they know that they will be approved. You can blame supply chain interruptions on that.
Their production of 80 million courses of antivirals is the clue. That's all they can produce this year because of labor shortages and supply chain interruptions. Which isn't exactly enough to pay for the research and produce enough profit for how long the formula would remain proprietary.
We should be ashamed that a giant chunk of society believes people like Joe Rogan over people who have studied medicine.

We should be ashamed at the massive amounts of death they had resulted from doing so.
Rogan was sick ...his doctor prescribed Ivermectin and he got better .... whats the problem ? why are you attacking people for listening to their doctor and having positive results ?
You would think that anyone presented with a treatment that hijacks the genetic system with an injection of tens of trillions of custom mRNA instructions that tell your body to make tens to hundreds of trillions of toxic foreign spike proteins (each instruction can result in multiple spike proteins) would be incredibly hesitant and want clean short, medium, and long-term trial results before even considering getting it once - let alone getting it multiple times. We have by now maybe two years of trial data and hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions recorded. We've never allowed something with this level of adverse reactions to get on the market, let alone be mandated by the government. Strange times.
Holy fucking shit! What?? Do you have any documentation for any of that crap?

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