New York Times Conveniently Revises History on the 2020 Antifa/BLM-Led Riots


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New York Times Conveniently Revises History on the 2020 Antifa/BLM-Led Riots
“For months, Republicans have used last summer’s protests as a political catchall, highlighting isolated instances of property destruction and calls to defund the police to motivate their base in November,” the NYT reported.

New York Times Conveniently Revises History on the 2020 Antifa/BLM-Led Riots (
19 Jan 2021 ~~ By Stacey Matthews

In the aftermath of the Capitol riots, Democrats and the mainstream media have done some pretty great flip flops on several fronts.
They rushed to blame Republicans who voiced objections to some of the electoral votes for allegedly “inciting” Trump supporters to storm the Capitol. Republican House and Senate members who did so were labeled “seditionists” even though in 2001, 2005, and 2017, numerous House Democrats also raised objections to some electoral votes cast – including Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin, who Pelosi named last week as the lead impeachment manager.
Democrats and the media also began displaying newfound respect for law enforcement at all levels of government, as well as a disdain for rioting and chaos after the Capitol riots. The consideration was definitely a change from their months of amplifying the “Defund the Police” demands of violent Antifa/Black Lives Matter-led rioters last year and gaslighting the American people by referring to rioters who were terrorizing neighborhoods as “mostly peaceful protesters.”

Here we are nearly two weeks after the rioters breached the Capitol, and comparisons between last year’s Antifa/BLM riots and the Capitol riots are still happening.
The New York Times is doing their part to aid Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ fantastical revisionism about the violent Antifa/BLM “protests.” The paper claims the destruction and havoc wreaked by anarchistic agitators in 2020 amounted to “isolated instances of property destruction.” The phrase “isolated instances/incidents” was used three times in the piece (bolded emphasis added):

"For months, Republicans have used last summer’s protests as a political catchall, highlighting isolated instances of property destruction and calls to defund the police to motivate their base in November. The tactic proved somewhat effective on Election Day: Democrats lost ground in the House of Representatives, with Republican challengers hammering a message of liberal lawlessness.​
Republicans saw the Capitol attack as the work of outsiders or as justified by the summer’s isolated incidents of looting and property destruction.​
Photo caption: After the pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, some Trump supporters tried to explain away the attack by citing isolated incidents of looting and property destruction over the summer."​
They also used the word “misinformation” in their reporting numerous times, although not to describe the misinformation about “isolated incidents” they tried to pass off as factual.
Calling the NYT’s spin on the riots “revisionism” is actually putting it mildly:
Also, don’t forget that the Associated Press told journalists not to call the riots that happened last year “riots.”
For anyone interested in revisiting what actually happened in 2020 during Antifa’s and BLM’s six-month reign of terror in Democrat-run cities across America, click here.

Our nation first underwent a failed coup d' etat in 2017 and succeeded in November 2020 to fraudulently usurp the presidential election and is now run by a fascist Junta.
We can say with all accuracy the left has won.
It’s hard to come back from behind the 8 ball.
Our only hope is in ditching the GOP and starving it to death as soon as possible.
If anyone here has the cajones to defend the existence of the GOP in any way, it’d be dark humor to hear your argument. Almost as funny as watching McConnell begin slowly squashed under the tires of a bus.
Any admission of violence has been dismissed as right-wing agitators who infiltrated Antifa and BLM. The lies won’t stop until the hatred that inspires the lies stops.
Fairly soon, the complicit quisling media will be telling us that the BLM and Antifa were actually protecting the inner cities for the violent white supremacists destroying property and helping the police protect innocent black citizens.
At this point, calling the New York Times “Pravda” for its aversion to facts, its blatant dishonesty and its brazenly, slavish and shameless water-carrying on behalf of its Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Dhimmi-crat masters, is an insult to Pravda.
..the BLM/Antifa [whatever the f they stand for????? ] ''protesting is worse---they were '''protesting'' by destroying innocent business and attacking innocent people.....whereas the Capitol protesters were protesting against the VALID jackasses
...the MSM always makes the right/Repubs/WHITE people the EVIL ones--when the truth is = it's the opposite
When media are just Talking Heads for their political masters, the success of the masses is in jeopardy.

I've been listening closely, and it's clear that the West is losing influence. Canada was way ahead of this curve of decline, you seemed to have followed it. We have the least diverse ownership in the G20, and now you've become increasingly left wing as well with no challenges to their narrative. It's been shocking to watch.

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