New York Times kicks off Hanukkah season by printing a giant swastika in their paper

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Dog whistle to the DNC base? Or just typical leftist anti-Semitism? I'll bet Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Barack Obama, and AOC all framed this one for their walls.

Every year this supposed BS happens. It thrills so many. Go figure.
This is why I hope that when the Pogroms begin in America and Jews finally realize they must escape - as they have in every country, and in every age, those who voted for Democrats should be denied Aliyah to Israel. They have few choices and they have consistently spit on Israel so screw them. Choices have consequences.
Dog whistle to the DNC base? Or just typical leftist anti-Semitism? I'll bet Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Barack Obama, and AOC all framed this one for their walls.

Hmmm. Tacky of editorial oversight thought.
You think the editors didn't sign off on this?

I have heard the good and bad of that paper, all my life, though rarely read it down here, except on special or notorious occasion, having a few up in the attic, along with the odd Washington post, back to the Nixon days.

So, you really think it was intentional. I don't know.
Get a thumping for saying the ole "N" word but by gawd... lots of folks a-ok with this symbol of true evil.
I have heard the good and bad of that paper, all my life, though rarely read it down here, except on special or notorious occasion, having a few up in the attic, along with the odd Washington post, back to the Nixon days.

So, you really think it was intentional. I don't know.
I know, they "accidently" published a swastika! Happens all the time.
I know, they "accidently" published a swastika! Happens all the time.

How anyone can believe that is just beyond me. But the New York Times certainly knows there are enough people like that out there that they can get away with this.
I have heard the good and bad of that paper, all my life, though rarely read it down here, except on special or notorious occasion, having a few up in the attic, along with the odd Washington post, back to the Nixon days.

So, you really think it was intentional. I don't know.
Perhaps they were more professional many decades ago. Perfection is never attainable. Journalistic integrity is though.....All the news that's fit to print. Not anymore.
I know, they "accidently" published a swastika! Happens all the time.
That's interesting. You aren't the guy that posted it, but think the same thing. I would not mind, next time it comes up, somebody had this thread and post a here the assholes are again, with another link. I haven't bought a copy of The times since 2020, and that issue wasn't worth keeping.
That's interesting. You aren't the guy that posted it, but think the same thing. I would not mind, next time it comes up, somebody had this thread and post a here the assholes are again, with another link. I haven't bought a copy of The times since 2020, and that issue wasn't worth keeping.
I guess there's more than one "not stupid" person here then.

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