New Zealand has legalized pedophilia. Do not think for a moment this couldn’t happen here in America. This is their goal.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Absolute insanity. This is partly a judicial tyranny as well as a horrid plank in the radical leftist agenda. Our society has rules and there is an active effort to degrade them

WEF Is also pushing this for radical egalitarianism. Equality is not equity and we must oppose this

New Zealand is the world's leading model of progressive government.

This news clip has to be exaggerations by Americans.
Absolute insanity. This is partly a judicial tyranny as well as a horrid plank in the radical leftist agenda. Our society has rules and there is an active effort to degrade them

WEF Is also pushing this for radical egalitarianism. Equality is not equity and we must oppose this

The legal age for sexual consent in New Zealand remains 16. New Zealand has long allowed a 'mitigating' defense for underage sex..that being that the consent of the minor is a mitigating factor to be considered--as regards intercourse. New Zealand jails pedophiles every day. There is no move to legalize pedophilia. This 'loophole' is an old colonial leftover--probably in place to protect the colonialists..from some of their behaviors.
It also has absolutely nothing at all to do with Transitioning or Gender choice.

I was amused to note that the OP..word for word..turned up in no less that 6 different alt/right pseudo-news sites.

Here..just for you...a real link:

You will..if you actually read it..note that New Zealanders are outraged..the defendant was found guilty...and calls to repeal and reform the archaic law are ringing out all over NZ. I will also note that the Judge did not anywhere say it was legal or right..he just explained the is his duty when charging the jury. Calling him a 'Pedophile symphathizing judge' is a bit of a slander..but i guess those who like to stretch the truth are not limited to America

An element of New Zealand’s laws not widely understood by the public was used by the defense, and that is while the age of consent is broadly 16 years in New Zealand, consent is still a legal defense open to those charged with raping children.
Kathryn McPhillips, executive director of sexual abuse organisation HELP said; “There definitely needs to be change. It is immoral to be putting those ideas forward that a child could consent. Its way out of sync with what the general population thinks our law is.”

This week, Leiataua was found guilty of 33 charges of sexual abuse against two girls. The youngest victim was only an 8-year-old child when the abuse started. Both children faced two weeks of harsh cross-examination. At the end, it was the nature of Leiataua’s defense, rather than the trial’s final outcome, that has exposed a disgraceful chapter in New Zealand legislation.
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Sometimes it is worth it to dig deeper. That tweet gives virtually no info and no wonder. It isn’t true. But the true story is worth looking at instead of turning it into red meat for the anti-left Q-infested base.

First note, this pedo was found guilty. Nothing changed or was legalized.

Leiataua was found guilty in Manukau District Court of four counts of sexual violation by rape, three counts of an indecent act with a young person, one count of indecent assault, 10 counts of sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection, seven counts of other sexual violations, two counts of other assault on a child and six charges of an indecent act on a child.

What angered many was the defense and the interrogation of his two victims, the youngest of whom was 8 when he started abusing her.

The defense rested on an old esoteric law regarding consent. The outcome of this was not ”legalizing pedo” but the opposite, calling for an overhaul of the law and how child are treated.

Layba Zubair, a 17-year-old advocate and campaigner, has launched a petition to parliament for an overhaul of New Zealand’s consent laws, arguing that “the definition of consent in our current laws does not reflect the necessity for free and voluntary agreement at the time of the act”.

She said New Zealand’s legislation needed an urgent review, and the country could consider affirmative consent laws such as those introduced in New South Wales this year. “The fact that our consent laws don’t even have a definition for consent, and the fact that our laws don’t protect people as young as 12-year-olds, it’s just horrifying,” she said.

Zubair said she was appalled that lawyers could argue a 12-year-old can give consent. “A lawyer is trying to do their job,” she said, “but the fact that the law allows them to make that argument and the fact that the law supports them … is disgusting.”

The west is lost's over johnny .....
It's over!

All ya can do is sit back and wait


Looks like a good place for the US government to encourage Chomo-American to move to.

No border between our two lands, several thousand miles of ocean will provide a lot of protection for American children who aren't interested in being raped or gay-raped.

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