Newbie here and a Facebook refugee or escape depending on how you look at it.

Bananas you have handled this interrogation very well... You have been arrested before haven't you?
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Hope you're a liberal, but if not, I forgive you.
Have a snack--hope it's not too close to dinner time.
Well I am liberal minded but I'm no leftie and certainly no democommie democrat. I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. Otherwise I'm a registered libertarian who believes in abolishing all political parties altogether. Its time we elected real people like Trump put some thought into it and supported people not group think.
You've done it now! :)
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Hope you're a liberal, but if not, I forgive you.
Have a snack--hope it's not too close to dinner time.
Well I am liberal minded but I'm no leftie and certainly no democommie democrat. I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. Otherwise I'm a registered libertarian who believes in abolishing all political parties altogether. Its time we elected real people like Trump put some thought into it and supported people not group think.
You've done it now! :)
What did I win?
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Hope you're a liberal, but if not, I forgive you.
Have a snack--hope it's not too close to dinner time.
Well I am liberal minded but I'm no leftie and certainly no democommie democrat. I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. Otherwise I'm a registered libertarian who believes in abolishing all political parties altogether. Its time we elected real people like Trump put some thought into it and supported people not group think.
You've done it now! :)
What did I win?
You won a seegar and a kiss from rightwinger


Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. Hope you're a liberal, but if not, I forgive you.
Have a snack--hope it's not too close to dinner time.
Well I am liberal minded but I'm no leftie and certainly no democommie democrat. I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. Otherwise I'm a registered libertarian who believes in abolishing all political parties altogether. Its time we elected real people like Trump put some thought into it and supported people not group think.
You've done it now! :)
What did I win?
You won a seegar and a kiss from rightwinger

View attachment 237098


Just dont accept an invitation from Rightwinger to view his personal cigar collection....just sayin.
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.

Welcome. Mostly reasonable people here but some of the Democrats are real mooks.
That figures as any Democrat that hasn't walked away yet almost has to be a Mook by definition and none too bright for that matter.
Voting for trump marks one out as "none too bright".
Well let's examine that. Trump is a billionaire working for the country for nothing just because he saw the need for someone to do something to save it. While your Obama never earned an honest buck in his entire miserable existence and worked over his entire political career to divide and ruin this nation exploiting his own race to do so in the process. Now just who is the idiot?
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.

Welcome. Mostly reasonable people here but some of the Democrats are real mooks.
That figures as any Democrat that hasn't walked away yet almost has to be a Mook by definition and none too bright for that matter.
Voting for trump marks one out as "none too bright".
Well let's examine that. Trump is a billionaire working for the country for nothing just because he saw the need for someone to do something to save it. While your Obama never earned an honest buck in his entire miserable existence and worked over his entire political career to divide and ruin this nation exploiting his own race to do so in the process. Now just who is the idiot?
I know you are new here, but one thing to know is that these regressive trolls never debate honestly about anything. Facts or proof are met with trolling and attacks. I don't even bother to debate them anymore. But again, welcome!
Just found this place and so far it's lookin good.

Welcome. Mostly reasonable people here but some of the Democrats are real mooks.
That figures as any Democrat that hasn't walked away yet almost has to be a Mook by definition and none too bright for that matter.
Voting for trump marks one out as "none too bright".
Well let's examine that. Trump is a billionaire working for the country for nothing just because he saw the need for someone to do something to save it. While your Obama never earned an honest buck in his entire miserable existence and worked over his entire political career to divide and ruin this nation exploiting his own race to do so in the process. Now just who is the idiot?
You are mate.Welcome to the board.
Can y'all just drop the politics for ONE forum? :rolleyes: Let the newbie get to his bunker first at least... ;)

Hope you appreciate the difference between USMB and Facebook.. Facebook doesn't have medics on 24 hour call..

:badgrin: Welcome...

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