Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

The apologetics for Ilhan Omar were amazing to watch.

If we want to ensure equal rights for all American citizens, that means we must expect equal responsibilities from all of them as well. This is not a difficult concept, but it is one that is very uncomfortable to those who want to elevate the people considered "intersectional" without regard to their actual actions or words.

(full article online)
Time to admit the obvious: Muslims get a pass on antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

No different from Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom lynching enforcement getting a Bicentennial pass on all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists or those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act lynching enforcement getting a pass for the second coming; dictating with baptisms by urinations to one born in Washington, D.C. to one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants as an Arab back in the 1970's; just to dictate 25 years later instead of being Arab now is either Islam &/or Muslim for their Christiananality pedophilia business more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" & "death to the infidels" 9/11 jihad crusade.
No muslim should ever hold office in the United States. We imported a muslim majority to fashion a muslim district. Neither Mullah Omar nor Rashida Taliban should ever have escaped their respective kitchens.

Thank you for confirming how little regard you have for the constitution

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The level of mental retardation of the typical super patriotic american clown is so hopelessly abysmal they can't even realize that what happened in Manhattan in 2001 was a direct consequence of America arming a murderous supremacist state with state of the art weaponry for half a century for it to murder the native population confined in their ethnic enclaves all the while brainwashing her citizens into calling it "a beacon of democracy in the Middle East".

The level of mental retardation of the typical super patriotic american clown is so hopelessly abysmal they can't even realize that what happened in Manhattan in 2001 was a direct consequence of America arming a murderous supremacist state with state of the art weaponry for half a century for it to murder the native population confined in their ethnic enclaves all the while brainwashing her citizens into calling it "a beacon of democracy in the Middle East".
We aided Afghanistan against Russia, you brain dead freak...and tell me Iran would not have been better off than where it is today.
Perhaps muslim should have thought about it before killing 3000 Americans..... As the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was not all the people but it was a large portion of them that condoned it!


Oh right. Blame every Muslim for the acts of a few. That has a familiar ring to it.
Just as we blamed Imperial Japan....Didn’t FDR lock up most Japanese in America afraid they were the forget what your DEMONRAT party did.... There were no mass arrests of Muslims but as we have seen in 18 years muslim are the prime culprits in most suicide murders and most problems in other countries....shall we look to Europe, in their great stupidity in taking in your garbage? Now, as here, muslims are trying to take over....the only fix is dispatching thousands, if not more of do you tell a good muslim from one that wants to kill you? Inquisitive minds would like to know!
New Muslim congresswomen favor eliminating Israel

I am so happy they stated that is the long term Goal. For that reason alone Israel will never give up any more territory or allow " Right of Return"
This is a rightwing lie – neither support ‘eliminating Israel.’
Mr. Jones, did you bother to read the link? I didn't know what they meant by BDS, so I researched it through a search engine, and here is what it means:

BDS stands for Boycott of, Divestment from, and Sanctions against Israel.
Divest synonyms: expropriate, oust, dispossess
In other words, Muslims are hell bent on taking away Israel's property, like the Nazis did before they gassed 6 million Jews at camps like Auschwitz with the lie that they needed a shower after the long journey, and planned on "delousing" them to prevent panic when the smell of their extermination was overwhelming.

How dare they?

Mr. Jones, how would you feel if the Democrats decided that instead of going along with survivors of an extermination plot for blacks, they just decided to dispossess , eliminate, and expropriate you and your extended family's living, bank account, jewelry, household goods and cars on account of your skin color?

Wouldn't you be outraged as well?

Well, you have two of them that want BDS, and you and your family could be next if they got together and plotted and planned against you.

As a matter of fact, the Democrats already did try to dispossess you, take away all you had and on top of all that put your life into permanent sanction for simply living, being, and serving others.

BDS is bad people. Maxine Waters tried to do a BDS on President Trump's staff by charting and following them every where they went for a few days. That's harassment and not a thing that is befitting of a Congressperson.

You could be next, I'm sorry to say.
New Muslim congresswomen favor eliminating Israel

I am so happy they stated that is the long term Goal. For that reason alone Israel will never give up any more territory or allow " Right of Return"
This is a rightwing lie – neither support ‘eliminating Israel.’
Mr. Jones, did you bother to read the link? I didn't know what they meant by BDS, so I researched it through a search engine, and here is what it means:
BDS stands for Boycott of, Divestment from, and Sanctions against Israel.
Divest synonyms: expropriate, oust, dispossess
In other words, Muslims are hell bent on taking away Israel's property, like the Nazis did before they gassed 6 million Jews at camps like Auschwitz with the lie that they needed a shower after the long journey, and planned on "delousing" them to prevent panic when the smell of their extermination was overwhelming.​
How dare they?
Mr. Jones, how would you feel if the Democrats decided that instead of going along with survivors of an extermination plot for blacks, they just decided to dispossess , eliminate, and expropriate you and your extended family's living, bank account, jewelry, household goods and cars on account of your skin color?
Wouldn't you be outraged as well?
Well, you have two of them that want BDS, and you and your family could be next if they got together and plotted and planned against you.
As a matter of fact, the Democrats already did try to dispossess you, take away all you had and on top of all that put your life into permanent sanction for simply living, being, and serving others.
BDS is bad people. Maxine Waters tried to do a BDS on President Trump's staff by charting and following them every where they went for a few days. That's harassment and not a thing that is befitting of a Congressperson.
You could be next, I'm sorry to say.

BDS is Christians employing US Muslims to exterminate on their behalf just as in the mid 1970's KKK churchstate cops dictated Jews had to pay for the Holocaust since WW II US troops died saving their lives; which now is more like the burning Bush's employed Muslims to eradicate on 9/11 in that "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union marriage with " death to the infidels" which has the crooks on Capitol Hill employing more homicidal suicidal Muslims for sociopsychopathilogical human farming practices.
These radicals got just what they wanted. Instead of singularly condemning antisemitism, the new resolution decries “the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, as well as the historical struggles against them.” A passing reference to Omar’s claim that Jews have a divided loyalty appears buried on the fourth page of the document — in paragraph 18. Plenty of mention of white supremacist hatred of Jews can be found in the document, but the Muslim antisemitism that created this controversy to begin with is absent.

(full article online )

Radical Palestinian Group Gloats as Pelosi Caves to Political Pressure
LOL, I still can’t believe that the Democrats voted in Palestinian and Somali Muslims into congress.

Their stupidity knows no bounds these days. They are literally ensuring that the Republicans get the Jewish vote with actions like these.

Not only the Jewish vote. Also the overwhelming majority of Christians. Keep it up Omar to guarantee Trump or some other republican will be our next president as well as now.
Perhaps muslim should have thought about it before killing 3000 Americans..... As the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was not all the people but it was a large portion of them that condoned it!


Oh right. Blame every Muslim for the acts of a few. That has a familiar ring to it.
Just as we blamed Imperial Japan....Didn’t FDR lock up most Japanese in America afraid they were the forget what your DEMONRAT party did.... There were no mass arrests of Muslims but as we have seen in 18 years muslim are the prime culprits in most suicide murders and most problems in other countries....shall we look to Europe, in their great stupidity in taking in your garbage? Now, as here, muslims are trying to take over....the only fix is dispatching thousands, if not more of do you tell a good muslim from one that wants to kill you? Inquisitive minds would like to know!
Guess what. I strongly condemned what was done to Japanese Americans. Unlike you I dont care what party does it. I an sure you would have been rigbt there shoving them in buses and taking their property.
These radicals got just what they wanted. Instead of singularly condemning antisemitism, the new resolution decries “the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, as well as the historical struggles against them.” A passing reference to Omar’s claim that Jews have a divided loyalty appears buried on the fourth page of the document — in paragraph 18. Plenty of mention of white supremacist hatred of Jews can be found in the document, but the Muslim antisemitism that created this controversy to begin with is absent.

(full article online )

Radical Palestinian Group Gloats as Pelosi Caves to Political Pressure
“All about the Benjamins, baby,”

A congressional resolution condemning all forms of bigotry is no doubt commendable, but it doesn’t serve our political purpose. What is necessary is a fierce and detailed expose of all the lies about the Jews. And it is important that the word be used: lies. Many of Omar’s critics prefer to be offended, hurt, and distressed by her repetition of anti-Semitic tropes rather than outraged by the dishonesty of the tropes. And they are, in turn, afraid to offend Omar’s supporters, who seem to think that the lies Omar repeats are simply her opinions; they are just like everyone else’s opinions. Indeed, Omar is entitled to her falsehoods; it is, as we say, a free country. But the falsehoods have to be given their proper name. If Jewish Democrats don’t get tough about this, they will soon find themselves unable to be tough about anything. They will be pushed out of the Democratic Party just as Jews are being pushed out of the Labour Party in the U.K.

(full article online)

Michael Walzer: The Socialism of Fools Takes Washington
A congressional resolution condemning all forms of bigotry is no doubt commendable, but it doesn’t serve our political purpose. What is necessary is a fierce and detailed expose of all the lies about the Jews. And it is important that the word be used: lies. Many of Omar’s critics prefer to be offended, hurt, and distressed by her repetition of anti-Semitic tropes rather than outraged by the dishonesty of the tropes. And they are, in turn, afraid to offend Omar’s supporters, who seem to think that the lies Omar repeats are simply her opinions; they are just like everyone else’s opinions. Indeed, Omar is entitled to her falsehoods; it is, as we say, a free country. But the falsehoods have to be given their proper name. If Jewish Democrats don’t get tough about this, they will soon find themselves unable to be tough about anything. They will be pushed out of the Democratic Party just as Jews are being pushed out of the Labour Party in the U.K.

(full article online)

Michael Walzer: The Socialism of Fools Takes Washington
What lies?
These radicals got just what they wanted. Instead of singularly condemning antisemitism, the new resolution decries “the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, as well as the historical struggles against them.” A passing reference to Omar’s claim that Jews have a divided loyalty appears buried on the fourth page of the document — in paragraph 18. Plenty of mention of white supremacist hatred of Jews can be found in the document, but the Muslim antisemitism that created this controversy to begin with is absent.

(full article online )

Radical Palestinian Group Gloats as Pelosi Caves to Political Pressure
“All about the Benjamins, baby,”


What's true?
Perhaps muslim should have thought about it before killing 3000 Americans..... As the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was not all the people but it was a large portion of them that condoned it!


Oh right. Blame every Muslim for the acts of a few. That has a familiar ring to it.
Just as we blamed Imperial Japan....Didn’t FDR lock up most Japanese in America afraid they were the forget what your DEMONRAT party did.... There were no mass arrests of Muslims but as we have seen in 18 years muslim are the prime culprits in most suicide murders and most problems in other countries....shall we look to Europe, in their great stupidity in taking in your garbage? Now, as here, muslims are trying to take over....the only fix is dispatching thousands, if not more of do you tell a good muslim from one that wants to kill you? Inquisitive minds would like to know!
Guess what. I strongly condemned what was done to Japanese Americans. Unlike you I dont care what party does it. I an sure you would have been rigbt there shoving them in buses and taking their property.
No but I would have had surveillance on anyone that may have been suspicious ...unlike the poor quality of Muslim surveillance after 9/11!!!
Wow, how this thread has descended into what it is not about, really fast !!!!

What is this thread about, again ?
It really is a shame that identity politics has lead us to dregs like Rashida Tlaib.

Rep. Tlaib Defends Rep. Omar Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy: She's 'Targeted' Like 'Civil Rights Icons'

I think both these women are being targeted in part because they are Muslim.
I think they are being targeted because of what they have been saying.

From pro Israel and anti BDS before elections, to anti Israel and pro BDS post elections.

Other politicians have expressed anti-semitic views and not been targeted. There is absolutely no requirement for any of our politicians to be pro-Israel. Israel is a nation, like any other nation who happens to be an ally.
Just maybe, none of the politicians you are thinking about won seats in office by saying they were pro Israel and anti BDS when they were really not.

In other words, both of these women lied in order to be voted in.

Beyond that, they did not miss any time in attacking Israel after they got in.

They do not need to be Pro Israel.

They do not need to make it their main event for the next 2 to 4 years.
No the people who
OWN the Congress have a goal, Open Borders to let more slave voters in, more drugs, gangs, illness, disabled welfare Mothers, children who have no education, and in some cases disabled mentaly, so a pretty wide range of new people coming across the borders, from China, South America, Muslim Nations, Russia, Japan, anyone who can get her gets a free ticket to ride the welfare train. Who pays for it the working Americans who do the 9 to 5 job and then works part time just to make to day to day. No saving account because they are required to pay for Health Ins, and taxes, and house taxes. We are getting screwed by every welfare program and on the side is still Vets, and disabled American who can not feed themselves. We need to find the illegals and deport, we want no more border baby being dropped this needs to be done now if not yesterday.

You took the Israel apologists to school.
Perhaps muslim should have thought about it before killing 3000 Americans..... As the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was not all the people but it was a large portion of them that condoned it!


Oh right. Blame every Muslim for the acts of a few. That has a familiar ring to it.
Just as we blamed Imperial Japan....Didn’t FDR lock up most Japanese in America afraid they were the forget what your DEMONRAT party did.... There were no mass arrests of Muslims but as we have seen in 18 years muslim are the prime culprits in most suicide murders and most problems in other countries....shall we look to Europe, in their great stupidity in taking in your garbage? Now, as here, muslims are trying to take over....the only fix is dispatching thousands, if not more of do you tell a good muslim from one that wants to kill you? Inquisitive minds would like to know!
Guess what. I strongly condemned what was done to Japanese Americans. Unlike you I dont care what party does it. I an sure you would have been rigbt there shoving them in buses and taking their property.
No but I would have had surveillance on anyone that may have been suspicious ...unlike the poor quality of Muslim surveillance after 9/11!!!

other way around charlie,the pic on the left is a world WITH Israel,pic on the right,is a pic of a world WITHOUT Israel Einstein.:cuckoo:

YES. Bless her. Go girl go. Trump or some other republican is now certain to win our next presidential election.

I think I love her. GO GIRL GO! Now that Americans see for ourselves what Israels & Americas enemies represent in our congress, Trump or some other republican is now guaranteed to win our next presidential election.

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