Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

All that history and the Palestinians still never had their own country.

Arabs are not a race, and no Christian fantasy is going to change that.

Have your church, or those who go to that one, have the guts to get the real story and only tell the real story. Enough of changing Jewish History to shove Arab history into it.

Etymology. From Arabic عَرَب‎ (ʿarab, “Arabs”) or عَرَبِيّ‎ (ʿarabiyy, “Arab, Arabic”, adjective). According to folk etymology, the word Arab comes from Ya'rub ibn Qahtan, the first person who spoke Arabic, and the ancestor of all Arabs.

Arab - Wiktionary​


Arab (plural Arabs)

  1. A Semitic person, whose forebears were from Arabia
  2. An inhabitant of Arabia or the Arab world
  3. A member of an Arabic-speaking community
  4. An Arabian horse. quotations ▼
  5. (archaic) A street Arab. quotations ▼

Arabs are not a race, and no Christian fantasy is going to change that.

Have your church, or those who go to that one, have the guts to get the real story and only tell the real story. Enough of changing Jewish History to shove Arab history into it.

Etymology. From Arabic عَرَب‎ (ʿarab, “Arabs”) or عَرَبِيّ‎ (ʿarabiyy, “Arab, Arabic”, adjective). According to folk etymology, the word Arab comes from Ya'rub ibn Qahtan, the first person who spoke Arabic, and the ancestor of all Arabs.

Arab - Wiktionary​


Arab (plural Arabs)

  1. A Semitic person, whose forebears were from Arabia
  2. An inhabitant of Arabia or the Arab world
  3. A member of an Arabic-speaking community
  4. An Arabian horse. quotations ▼
  5. (archaic) A street Arab. quotations ▼

Did your family stay in Palestine for the past 2500 years?
Herodotus called it Syria -Palestine in 500 BC. Both Shakespeare and Chaucer wrote about Palestine.
They spoke of it as an area, but never as a country and there has never been a distinct Palestinian culture. "Palestinians" referred to people who lived there but never as an indigenous culture. Today, also, they are simply people who live in unincorporated remnants of the former Mandate and have no national identity or distinct culture. They are distinguished only by their refusal to make peace with Israeel.
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan responded to a tweet on May 3 from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who wrote that “Speaker [Kevin] McCarthy wants to rewrite history but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”

“Tlaib’s ignorance and hate toward Jews and Israel know no bounds. The facts are clear: the Arabs rejected the U.N.’s resolution to establish a Jewish state and started a war to annihilate it,” wrote Erdan. “Palestinian leadership is leading its people to catastrophe by inciting hate/terror and rejecting peace.”

The Israeli diplomat went further in an interview with Fox News.

“Tlaib is rewriting history, and her antisemitic lies ignore the fact that the only ethnic cleansing took place against the 850,000 Jews, who were expelled from Arab countries following Israel’s establishment,” he said.

One of nine House members to vote against funding Israel’s Iron Dome air-defense system, Tlaib has often attacked Israel on social media, including a recent post that slandered Israeli police.

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan responded to a tweet on May 3 from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who wrote that “Speaker [Kevin] McCarthy wants to rewrite history but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”

“Tlaib’s ignorance and hate toward Jews and Israel know no bounds. The facts are clear: the Arabs rejected the U.N.’s resolution to establish a Jewish state and started a war to annihilate it,” wrote Erdan. “Palestinian leadership is leading its people to catastrophe by inciting hate/terror and rejecting peace.”

The Israeli diplomat went further in an interview with Fox News.

“Tlaib is rewriting history, and her antisemitic lies ignore the fact that the only ethnic cleansing took place against the 850,000 Jews, who were expelled from Arab countries following Israel’s establishment,” he said.

One of nine House members to vote against funding Israel’s Iron Dome air-defense system, Tlaib has often attacked Israel on social media, including a recent post that slandered Israeli police.

:bs1: :bs1: :bs1: :cuckoo::cuckoo:
The UN wanted to give half of Palestine to colonial settlers.

What other people would accept that?

Give me some names.
Worthless question.

The whole thing is about who is indigenous to Canaan, to the Land of Israel.

Arabs are NOT.
Definitely its not the Jews aka Hebrews - since the "invading aggressor" towards the Canaanites e.g. Jericho is documented in writing and also extensively via archeology.
If the Palestinians are the "successors" of the Canaanites, Hittite or Philistines - however can't be out-ruled. The latter arrived around the same time as those who were termed Israelite's by the Egyptians. Whilst Canaanites and Hittites had (archeologically proven) settled in this area already 1500 years before this Israelite term shows up in non-bible related documents and inscriptions.

Arabs is a European Term that only refers to Mid-eastern people from the 16th century onward - in regards to nomadic (Arabia Muslims). It has no bearing on ethnicity.
In European literature and documents they were termed Muslemans till the 15th century AD. This was replaced in general via the term Ottomans from the 16th century onward.
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:bs1: :bs1: :bs1: :cuckoo::cuckoo:
The UN wanted to give half of Palestine to colonial settlers.

What other people would accept that?

Give me some names.
Israel is (almost) authorized by everyone the right to exist, and their country in Canaan was given back to them to prevent them from ever offending other nations due to their religious beliefs. In America, the Jews of New York funded George Washington's army when they were losing their bid for independence from a European nation (Nazi Germany), due to the earlier English king's taxation without granting the colonists any representation whatsoever. Love it or hate it, Israel is a thriving country, and so are its wealthy neighbors who profited from living on top of the world's energy sources, crude oil and gas. So far, Israel the country has either not discovered or is not willing to drill for oil for their energy needs. I don['t know why, but I don't know about oil in Israel, and why they're not producing as much fossil fuels as their Arabic neighbors who have so much wealth they sent their children to America to learn English and all the stuff our nation created from its colonial reverence for higher education, freedom to experiment with things they found here, and have heretofore shared with the rest of the world by one means or another. If the Arabic people decided to decimate Israel, they'd become quick enemies to Europeans, and I do mean it would be like digging up the world's largest ant bed and being eaten down-to-the-bone-hate in all of Europe and Africa.

We need to let it be about Israel and encourage others to respect the tiny bit of land Abraham claimed as his country in the land of Canaan of which he was the first leader. The Egyptians never accepted Joseph's family and used them as construction and household slaves that grew to the Biblical differences in the time of Moses who was adopted by a lonely princess and became like a son to the era's pharaoh until he killed a cop who was whipping an Israel slave to death when Moses killed the cop, which stirred up an escape, return, and revolution for the freedom of the Hebrew people according to the Torah Books, and especially Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Tinmore, I only know Israel from a King James' Biblical perspective, and I have not studied the Arabic perspective. However, even so, if the Arabic nations "reclaim" Israel with genocidal rage rather than take in the Palestinian peoples into their midst, there will be a war on this planet that blows up the world that will shame countries who have put the pox on fossil fuel the way the fake "Green New Deal" claims, and it will end life on earth as human beings know it.

You want your children to serve the AI Gorillas for their leadership, you just keep up that narrative about decimating Israel. It's not a can of worms that humanity needs. And that's what I think.
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Israel is (almost) authorized by everyone the right to exist, and their country in Canaan was given back to them to prevent them from ever offending other nations due to their religious beliefs. In America, the Jews of New York funded George Washington's army when they were losing their bid for independence from a European nation (Nazi Germany), due to the earlier English king's taxation without granting the colonists any representation whatsoever. Love it or hate it, Israel is a thriving country, and so are its wealthy neighbors who profited from living on top of the world's energy sources, crude oil and gas. So far, Israel the country has either not discovered or is not willing to drill for oil for their energy needs. I don['t know why, but I don't know about oil in Israel, and why they're not producing as much fossil fuels as their Arabic neighbors who have so much wealth they sent their children to America to learn English and all the stuff our nation created from its colonial reverence for higher education, freedom to experiment with things they found here, and have heretofore shared with the rest of the world by one means or another. If the Arabic people decided to decimate Israel, they'd become quick enemies to Europeans, and I do mean it would be like digging up the world's largest ant bed and being eaten down-to-the-bone-hate in all of Europe and Africa.

We need to let it be about Israel and encourage others to respect the tiny bit of land Abraham claimed as his country in the land of Canaan of which he was the first leader. The Egyptians never accepted Joseph's family and used them as construction and household slaves that grew to the Biblical differences in the time of Moses who was adopted by a lonely princess and became like a son to the era's pharaoh until he killed a cop who was whipping an Israel slave to death when Moses killed the cop, which stirred up an escape, return, and revolution for the freedom of the Hebrew people according to the Torah Books, and especially Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Tinmore, I only know Israel from a King James' Biblical perspective, and I have not studied the Arabic perspective. However, even so, if the Arabic nations "reclaim" Israel with genocidal rage rather than take in the Palestinian peoples into their midst, there will be a war on this planet that blows up the world that will shame countries who have put the pox on fossil fuel the way the fake "Green New Deal" claims, and it will end life on earth as human beings know it.

You want your children to serve the AI Gorillas for their leadership, you just keep up that narrative about decimating Israel. It's not a can of worms that humanity needs. And that's what I think.
The Palestinians predate the Hebrew invasion from Egypt.
Arabs are not a race, and no Christian fantasy is going to change that.

Have your church, or those who go to that one, have the guts to get the real story and only tell the real story. Enough of changing Jewish History to shove Arab history into it.

Etymology. From Arabic عَرَب‎ (ʿarab, “Arabs”) or عَرَبِيّ‎ (ʿarabiyy, “Arab, Arabic”, adjective). According to folk etymology, the word Arab comes from Ya'rub ibn Qahtan, the first person who spoke Arabic, and the ancestor of all Arabs.

Arab - Wiktionary


Arab (plural Arabs)

  1. A Semitic person, whose forebears were from Arabia
  2. An inhabitant of Arabia or the Arab world
  3. A member of an Arabic-speaking community
  4. An Arabian horse. quotations ▼
  5. (archaic) A street Arab. quotations ▼

Adam and Eve owned the entire planet at one time. Their posterity is not getting along with each other, although they are supposed to consider their distant brothers as worthy of self-rule. We proved that in the United States of America when we broke free from uncaring overlords who taxed but gave no representation of the colonists because of their King. Mankind seems to survive revolutionary wars. It's a miracle.

No crying when you listen to the words of the song above. I shed enough tears for all of us to think of how little we try hard to get along.
We should treat each other with more respect. But we forget. :dunno:
Love, beautress​
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