Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

There's more to history than just Jewish history. Jews from Spain and Portugal moved to Hebron in 1492... without incident until the European Zionists arrived.
Turkey invited Spanish Jews to migrate to the Ottoman Empire and Hebron was part of the Empire, but what does any of this have to do with conditions that exist now?
There's more to history than just Jewish history. Jews from Spain and Portugal moved to Hebron in 1492... without incident until the European Zionists arrived.
Deal with the issue without changing the subject.
The issue is Jewish self determination and the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation ON the Jewish Homeland.

That piece of land the Arabs conquered in the 7th century CE and lost to Christian and Muslim conquerors but never bothered to fight them to liberate that land.

That piece of land which the Hashemites got 78% of in 1922.

That piece of land which the Egyptians and Jordanians had for 19 years but never bothered to "give back" or help the not yet called, named Arab Palestinians to create their own state.

You do know very well that the Arabs refused a State in 1936 and 1947. Because they wanted the whole Mandate to themselves. The whole land.

What is the Gaza or PA idea of a two state solution?
There isn't one.
There is only the Arab/Muslim land from Gaza to Jordan which the British called the Mandate for Palestine, which was to be returned to the Indigenous Jewish People.

The Invading, migrating Arabs/Muslims have 80% of that land now.

Tell us when is the PA and Gaza going to stop wanting the Legally rebuilt State of Israel, rebuilt on the Jewish homeland, and only the Jewish homeland, however tiny it became?

"we will stand together in solidarity until every human being is free"​

"we will stand together in solidarity until every human being is free"​

And every Jew is dead.

If you actually cared about freedom, you'd be looking at Iran, not Isreal.

But the reality is that you're a Muslim Supremacist seeking to purge the Zimmis from what you view as Muslim lands.

Not one grain of sand under the dominion of non-Muslims.
A two state solution evaporated over a decade ago. With so many Jewish only settlements in the West Bank there's no contiguous land left. A Palestinian state would just be tiny, disconnected ghettos.. bantustans. I'm not a fan of Talib or whatever her name is.. What do the Israelis propose for a two state solution?

It's true, the Arabs fucked up.
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
i LIKE THE way muslims treat their cattle to be bought and sold to the highest bidder
BDS is actively intertwined with Hamas. Hamas vows the extermination of Jews in their very charter. Both of these subhumans know that, I'm sure.

I left the Democratic party a few years ago because it had abandoned liberalism in favor of this sort of retarded identity politics and because of the increasing antisemitism.

It's getting worse and more vicious all the time.
liberals hate jews...HItler is so proud down there in hell
Deal with the issue without changing the subject.
The issue is Jewish self determination and the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation ON the Jewish Homeland.

That piece of land the Arabs conquered in the 7th century CE and lost to Christian and Muslim conquerors but never bothered to fight them to liberate that land.

That piece of land which the Hashemites got 78% of in 1922.

That piece of land which the Egyptians and Jordanians had for 19 years but never bothered to "give back" or help the not yet called, named Arab Palestinians to create their own state.

You do know very well that the Arabs refused a State in 1936 and 1947. Because they wanted the whole Mandate to themselves. The whole land.

What is the Gaza or PA idea of a two state solution?
There isn't one.
There is only the Arab/Muslim land from Gaza to Jordan which the British called the Mandate for Palestine, which was to be returned to the Indigenous Jewish People.

The Invading, migrating Arabs/Muslims have 80% of that land now.

Tell us when is the PA and Gaza going to stop wanting the Legally rebuilt State of Israel, rebuilt on the Jewish homeland, and only the Jewish homeland, however tiny it became?
The issue is Jewish self determination and the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation ON the Jewish Homeland.
You are a hoot. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo:
[ Palestinians are not a Whole People, they have only been around since 1964, and ONLY to destroy Israel with their numbers, which grow and grow and grow ]

You should tell that to the political party you cling to.

Obviously, what you say is certainly true, but you will find precious few democrats who agree these days.
You should tell that to the political party you cling to.

Obviously, what you say is certainly true, but you will find precious few democrats who agree these days.
Regardless of what you think, the Democrats are for protecting Israel.

You assume the Republicans are for Israel, but the religious ones are only for Israel for Jesus' 2nd coming, nothing else. Not happening.
They are not a People. They know it. And they know why they want Israel destroyed and all Jews gone.

Being used to get rid of Jews, does not a People make. They were not a people in 1914. They were not a People in 1963. They were Arabs who wanted Israel destroyed and Arafat and the KGB gave them an identity for that reason only.

History. Cannot be changed no matter how much you may continue to insist that they are "ancient".

An ancient people without a history, without a historical record from conquerors and others who passed by are NOT a People.
They are not a People. They know it. And they know why they want Israel destroyed and all Jews gone.

Being used to get rid of Jews, does not a People make. They were not a people in 1914. They were not a People in 1963. They were Arabs who wanted Israel destroyed and Arafat and the KGB gave them an identity for that reason only.

History. Cannot be changed no matter how much you may continue to insist that they are "ancient".

An ancient people without a history, without a historical record from conquerors and others who passed by are NOT a People.

They were called Palestinians in the early 1950s in Saudi Arabia. They are definitely a people just like Jews are a people.
You are a hoot. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

You should be supporting Israel. An arab living inside Israel as a citizen has much more freedom and rights, then does an Iranian living inside of Iran, which is an ally of Russia and then China, who would both be happy to see Israel dissapear completely. Israel is a stablizing force in the region that brings in revenue through trade and jobs
You should be supporting Israel. An arab living inside Israel as a citizen has much more freedom and rights, then does an Iranian living inside of Iran, which is an ally of Russia and then China, who would both be happy to see Israel dissapear completely. Israel is a stablizing force in the region that brings in revenue through trade and jobs

Israel bought all their oil from Iran for decades. When I was a girl 250,000 Jews lived in Iran. They'd been there 2500 years.
Israel bought all their oil from Iran for decades. When I was a girl 250,000 Jews lived in Iran. They'd been there 2500 years.

only a quarter of a million jews after two thousand, five hundred years? why so few? must be persecuted.
And stop turning a blind eye to the ongoing violence and suppression by the Iranian government, Right now against its own citizens who want nothing more than basic human respect and are denied.

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