Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Behind every Dumpster and every Tesla would be a Patriot or a Gangbanger with a Gun , good luck with your scenario
I hate to tell you this, but in many respects, the Chinese have ALREADY taken over the US, due to Joe Biden's treasonous/opportunistic corrupt persona. For years, as Vice President & as president, he has been $ellling this county out to not only the Chinese, but a multitude of other countries also.

Whatever policies in the US government these countries wanted the US to have, and whatever it was in the executive power to deliver, they got for a price, and the laundered money went indirectly to the Biden family. No guns needed. All that was necessary was to have the American people to be dumb enough to vote for a sleazeball, dirtbag like Joe Biden, loyal to nobody and nothing but himself and his family, and an electoral system using voting machines able to be manipulated into giving someone like Biden a victory + Obama's Catch & Release policy allowing large numbers of illegal aliens to settle here.

If the DOJ doesnt step in to offset it, this Wednesday, Rep Comer (R-KY) and Sen. Grassley (R-PA) are going to reveal the FBI documents of years of this insane corruption, that has resulted in the Chinese et al countries buying & owning US ports, land, and businesses, and having access to "our" military expertise and technology.

Another way that Biden is accomodating these countries (mostly Mexico, China, & India) is by allowing us to be a dumping ground for all the "undesirables" that they dont want, and letting them send those people (mentally ill, criminal, indigent) here, coming across our lack of a US border. These people then get jobs or welfare here and send HUGE amounts of money back to their home countries, thereby depriving US businesses of sale$, and the US treasury of tax $$$.

In 2017, according to the Pew research Center, these remittance$$$$ totaled over $148 Billion/year > modern day imperialism (the Vikings would be envious), and all without the firing of a single gun. And all it took was having guys like Barrack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House.
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"It is anti-American and even treasonous for Tlaib to speak at a USCPR conference that falsely condemns America as an 'imperialist,' and aims to 'mobilize action' against America, Israel, Jews, and Jews on American college campuses," President Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America, the oldest pro-Israel American nonprofit group, told the Washington Examiner. "The leadership of the Democratic Party should publicly condemn Rashida Tlaib and demand she not speak at this anti-American, anti-semitic conference."

News of Tlaib's forthcoming appearance at the USCPR event comes as she continues to face heightened criticism from Republicans and her Democratic colleagues over her anti-Israel positions. In May, Permanent Israel Representative to the United Nations Gilad Erdan said the congresswoman's "ignorance and hatred toward the Jewish people and the state of Israel know no bounds," following Tlaib posting on social media that "the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians."

Many House Democrats, including Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Elaine Luria (D-VA), Jerry Nadler (D-NY), and Ritchie Torres (D-NY), notably condemned Tlaib last September upon her alleging that “Israel’s apartheid government” does not align with “progressive values.” Tlaib joined other left-leaning Democrats in July to boycott Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s joint address to Congress, releasing a joint statementwith Rep. Cori Bush (R-MO) that dubbed Israel "an apartheid state."

USCPR, which fundraises through its U.S. charity called Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, has routinely slammed efforts by Israel's government to thwart terrorism. This includes its signing of a statement in August 2022 that took issue with its move to designate six Palestinian groups as proxies for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — a U.S.-designated terror organization.

The BDS National Committee, which Tablet revealed in 2018 was sponsored by USCPR, includes the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, according to its website. The council's members have, in turn, included U.S.-designated terror groups, such as the Popular Front, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Palestinian Liberation Front, and others, according to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, the BDS coalition website, and the U.S. State Department.

Jeffrey Berk, head of the pro-Israel advocacy group TruthTells, said it's "incomprehensible" Tlaib would choose to be affiliated with USCPR — calling for her to be censured.

(full article online)

"I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country”

-Ilhan Omar, Busboys and Poets, 2/27/19


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