Newly Released Interview Reveals Biden Plan To Pass Gun Ban! for some reason the Las Vegas Sun decided not to release its full conversation until now

JUST IN: Pres. Joe Biden calls on Congress to take action on gun reform on 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting: "This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call."
He told us he would.

Any 2A supporters who voted Biden should kill themselves.

Biden said he would appoint Beto as his gun czar. Beto said he was going to confiscate guns.

Biden literally admits he's cheating in the article:

"So the way you give cover to some of our Republican friends who are scared of the NRA — and this outfit owns the White House right now — is you put it in a larger bill. So they (Republicans) say, “Look, I had to vote for it.”"

So if one side does it it's a good thing but when the other side does it it's a travesty.

Besides, lose the term "Ban". Biden isn't pushing for banning guns. He's looking at regulating the more dangerous weapons that have almost zero application for real hunting and make really poor home defense weapons. What's the matter, you afraid you are going to lose some of your more dangerous toys? Good.

The NRA? You mean the Bankrupt Company and I don't mean just financially either. The Courts have already decided that the States (not the Feds) can impose a ban on mags of more than 15 rounds. And the Courts have already ruled that a State CAN ban the AR and AK style rifles if they are specific in their wording. The Feds (Biden) has zero say in any of this unless he wants to place the AR and AKs under the 1934 Firearms Act and even then, they aren't banned, you can still own them.

You fear tactic isn't being bought into anymore.
Biden literally admits he's cheating in the article:

"So the way you give cover to some of our Republican friends who are scared of the NRA — and this outfit owns the White House right now — is you put it in a larger bill. So they (Republicans) say, “Look, I had to vote for it.”"

So if one side does it it's a good thing but when the other side does it it's a travesty.

Besides, lose the term "Ban". Biden isn't pushing for banning guns. He's looking at regulating the more dangerous weapons that have almost zero application for real hunting and make really poor home defense weapons. What's the matter, you afraid you are going to lose some of your more dangerous toys? Good.

Bullshit. Only a complete moron could ever believe that. The leftists are all clamoring to eliminate gun ownership and not just AR's.
Here we go...They do that, and there still will be school shootings and crime. How brain dead are they?


The NRA? You mean the Bankrupt Company and I don't mean just financially either. The Courts have already decided that the States (not the Feds) can impose a ban on mags of more than 15 rounds. And the Courts have already ruled that a State CAN ban the AR and AK style rifles if they are specific in their wording. The Feds (Biden) has zero say in any of this unless he wants to place the AR and AKs under the 1934 Firearms Act and even then, they aren't banned, you can still own them.

You fear tactic isn't being bought into anymore.

Why do states have to abide by a federal ban? Left-wing states openly ignore federal immigration laws so what is the difference. If you wimps in blue states want a ban of any sort have at it. Don't mess with the red states.

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