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News Flash: 100% of Americans, every single one, recieves govt assistance.

Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. AND...it allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

If you are serious you are obviously a taker not a maker. All of what you spew above I paid for. Not one of those things did I get free. You are definitely warped if you think you get shit for free. Of course being a taker you probably do get shit for free I DON'T. So stop with you high and mighty BS as if the government isn't dependent on what the MAKERS pay into it or debt heaped upon your grandchildren. So you shut the F...K up you woohsey moocher. Nothing is free moocher the government got the money from someone, just not from the takers.

I am serious. And my point was there isn't a "makers" vs "takers" divide. People are so intent on dividing our population into groups to hate each other. We ALL give and take, to different extents. We should root out fraud from the system, no doubt.

Im just sick of the bitterness and hateful attitudes from people who are on a soap box and think anyone who makes less money than they do is some sort of subhuman parasite.

But of course...that attitude just lost an election.

Yep,... your party demonized the white christian, the white worker, the evil white banker, the evil white rich man,, now don't fucking cry to us about bitterness and hate. you democrats reap what you sow.
My whole point was...we all benefit in some way from the government. That is unquestioned.

It seems the "makers" vs "takers" are pissed about basically: Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, free govt housing (except for the military).

So, how would you all suggest we fix this problem? Rather than bitch on USMB about "makers vs takers"?

That was the point of my OP. And I didn't realize how ingrained the bitterness and stupidity was.

The only stupidity was believing we are all a net drain on the treasury.

What would I suggest? Hell, man, I have a very long list.

First, raise the age of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare. We are living longer, so we should be working longer. 6 percent of the population was over 65 when Social Security was enacted. Today, 13 percent are over 65. We have literally more than doubled the entitlement load.

Add five years to the eligibility age and that is five more years you pay into the system, and five years less you take out.

Second, eliminate all deductions, loopholes, subsidies, credits, whathaveyou, from the tax code. All of them. Then you can lower taxes on everyone, and everyone can be sure everyone else is paying the same share as they are.

This has the added benefit of making it almost pointless to buy a Congressman if he is not allowed to fuck with the tax code. All you have to worry about then is regulatory capture through legislation.

Third, restore the military officer corps to a meritocracy. Anyone who has been in the military knows exactly what I mean. Forget about waste, fraud, and abuse. The political system in the military is costing us many hundreds of billions of dollars more. The Peter Principle is in full effect there right now.

Fourth, allow corporations to fail. It is not capitalism if you aren't allowed to fail. As an addendum, no more fines "with no admission of wrongdoing". There needs to be hard time for frauds.

Fifth, education, education, education. Stop trying to protect old and low tech jobs. Let that shit go overseas to developing nations where it belongs. The days of growing up and going to work in your dad's factory are long gone. We need to train for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

And that means school vouchers. Competition is need in our educational system as much as in the markets. Desperately needed.

Want me to keep going?

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My whole point was...we all benefit in some way from the government. That is unquestioned.

It seems the "makers" vs "takers" are pissed about basically: Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, free govt housing (except for the military).

So, how would you all suggest we fix this problem? Rather than bitch on USMB about "makers vs takers"?

That was the point of my OP. And I didn't realize how ingrained the bitterness and stupidity was.

If everyone paid into the system equally you may have a point. But they don't. Some do the majority of the paying and little of the taking while a shit load more just take. That latter group is your takers.
My whole point was...we all benefit in some way from the government. That is unquestioned.

It seems the "makers" vs "takers" are pissed about basically: Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, free govt housing (except for the military).

So, how would you all suggest we fix this problem? Rather than bitch on USMB about "makers vs takers"?

That was the point of my OP. And I didn't realize how ingrained the bitterness and stupidity was.

We could always make it less comfortable for the takers. It used to be that people living on the goodness of others were ashamed. Between that, and the fact that they ate ramman noodles and potato soup most of the time, they had incentive to get themselves off of public assistance. Today, 47% of the population feels the rest owe them the ability to eat rib eyes and arugula and gets pretty damned indignant when we ask them to pick up trash in the park in return. Fuck them! Provide them the ability to get an education that will prepare them for a real job and buy shovels for those that can't hack that, but by all means, teach them something about the Constitution, American History, Mathematics, spelling and grammar and science. Take multiculturalism, tolerance and songs of worship to Dear Leader and shove it all up the collective asses of the NEA.
My whole point was...we all benefit in some way from the government. That is unquestioned.

It seems the "makers" vs "takers" are pissed about basically: Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, free govt housing (except for the military).

So, how would you all suggest we fix this problem? Rather than bitch on USMB about "makers vs takers"?

That was the point of my OP. And I didn't realize how ingrained the bitterness and stupidity was.

We could always make it less comfortable for the takers. It used to be that people living on the goodness of others were ashamed. Between that, and the fact that they ate ramman noodles and potato soup most of the time, they had incentive to get themselves off of public assistance. Today, 47% of the population feels the rest owe them the ability to eat rib eyes and arugula and gets pretty damned indignant when we ask them to pick up trash in the park in return. Fuck them! Provide them the ability to get an education that will prepare them for a real job and buy shovels for those that can't hack that, but by all means, teach them something about the Constitution, American History, Mathematics, spelling and grammar and science. Take multiculturalism, tolerance and songs of worship to Dear Leader and shove it all up the collective asses of the NEA.

The best government is everybody sharing in the responsibility and voluntarily doing what they can to make it work.

The worst government is one that sustains itself by forcing some citizens to provide for government on the pretext that they are being forced to provide for other citizens.
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. AND...it allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

If you are serious you are obviously a taker not a maker. All of what you spew above I paid for. Not one of those things did I get free. You are definitely warped if you think you get shit for free. Of course being a taker you probably do get shit for free I DON'T. So stop with you high and mighty BS as if the government isn't dependent on what the MAKERS pay into it or debt heaped upon your grandchildren. So you shut the F...K up you woohsey moocher. Nothing is free moocher the government got the money from someone, just not from the takers.

I am serious. And my point was there isn't a "makers" vs "takers" divide. People are so intent on dividing our population into groups to hate each other. We ALL give and take, to different extents. We should root out fraud from the system, no doubt.

Im just sick of the bitterness and hateful attitudes from people who are on a soap box and think anyone who makes less money than they do is some sort of subhuman parasite.

But of course...that attitude just lost an election.

I'm sick of the bitterness and hateful attitudes of the takers who contribute nothing and demand more. I'm sick of the dishonesty, incompetence and immorality of our "leaders" that demonize successful people to buy off the votes of society's leeches.
First of all, a national defense is a proper and constitutionally provided federal function...Your nutty opinion that the only thing keeping ravenous hordes from invading America is merely because of the military is so absurd that it deserves no further mention.

Fire and police are locally provided services that are presumably equally available to all....Moreover, police and fire services are a collectivized expression of the individual right to be free from criminal aggression and to safeguard my property should my neighbor's catch fire....The notion that the only thing keeping marauding hordes for burning, looting, pillaging and raping is the existence of police is an equally laughable as your preposterous assertion about the military.

Roads are equally available to all and paid for by fuel taxes and registration fees of those who use them, not as an appendage of the socialistic welfare/redistributionist state.

I have no choice as to whether or not I pay for the monopoly of gubmint schools....They are a defacto welfare program for the middle class....And, like all other welfare programs, they are wasteful, inefficient and fall far short of their promises to deliver the goods...It's amusing that you'd try to bring them up.

Now, you'd better get to cleaning all them red herrings, before they get to smellin' too bad. :lol:

Are there any other kind of schools besides "gubmint" schools for the average family? Do any other major nations have other than public schools for their people?

No. He'd rather just say "Fuck poor people" and only have private schools. If they cant afford it...fuck 'em. ALTHOUGH.....it was the precious founders who started the idea of a community school. Those damn commies!!!!!

I just voted against a city tax increase for some pre-school bs for children referendum. Does that mean I hate my daughter?
Hey asshole. The Republican are all for the voucher program which would allow poor children access to private or charter schools the democrats are against it. Know why? FUCKING TEACHERS UNIONS THAT'S WHY. NOW STICK YOU HEAD BACK UP YOUR ASS.

Well...the only problem is....those kids in the ghettos are probably there because they have shitty, lazy, stupid thug parents who are irresponsible. And you wanna put a voucher in their hands to determine that kids future?

The welfare state wont be solved with handouts, or by taking them away. Only a generational culture and parenting change will. You all are looking in the roof to find a way to fix the plumbing.

I don't want to fix the stupid problem. Let the asshole who are rotten fucking parents grow the fuck up and fix their own damn problems.

Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.
Well...the only problem is....those kids in the ghettos are probably there because they have shitty, lazy, stupid thug parents who are irresponsible. And you wanna put a voucher in their hands to determine that kids future?

The welfare state wont be solved with handouts, or by taking them away. Only a generational culture and parenting change will. You all are looking in the roof to find a way to fix the plumbing.

I don't want to fix the stupid problem. Let the asshole who are rotten fucking parents grow the fuck up and fix their own damn problems.

Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.

You can't fucking baby sit everybody. Maybe if this poor kid's parents weren't lifetime welfare pieces of shit they would take more interest in the kids future. Be a little more involved and care about how they and their children live and prosper outside the government net.
My whole point was...we all benefit in some way from the government. That is unquestioned.

It seems the "makers" vs "takers" are pissed about basically: Welfare, unemployment, food stamps, free govt housing (except for the military).

So, how would you all suggest we fix this problem? Rather than bitch on USMB about "makers vs takers"?

That was the point of my OP. And I didn't realize how ingrained the bitterness and stupidity was.

We could always make it less comfortable for the takers. It used to be that people living on the goodness of others were ashamed. Between that, and the fact that they ate ramman noodles and potato soup most of the time, they had incentive to get themselves off of public assistance. Today, 47% of the population feels the rest owe them the ability to eat rib eyes and arugula and gets pretty damned indignant when we ask them to pick up trash in the park in return. Fuck them! Provide them the ability to get an education that will prepare them for a real job and buy shovels for those that can't hack that, but by all means, teach them something about the Constitution, American History, Mathematics, spelling and grammar and science. Take multiculturalism, tolerance and songs of worship to Dear Leader and shove it all up the collective asses of the NEA.

The best government is everybody sharing in the responsibility and voluntarily doing what they can to make it work.

The worst government is one that sustains itself by forcing some citizens to provide for government on the pretext that they are being forced to provide for other citizens.

Thats well said (and a nice fresh air from the outright anger on the board lately). I can agree with that. And yes, we should demand the extreme freeloaders to do more, do SOMETHING to help out.

I've got a stranger view of govt maybe.

I believe the government is only meant to do things on our behalf, not "serve" us.

Some say the military and police "serve" us. Not so. If we wanna be served, go to Outback or enter a dance contest. They do dirty work on our behalf, so we dont have to. The military fights wars so we dont have to form militias. The cops fight against murder, rape, robbery, DUI, etc, so we dont have to, so we dont have to be vigilantes and try to get revenge for our victims.

The govt should ONLY be stuff on our behalf that we cant do on our own, OR, that we can do much better through govt (like fighting wars and crime).

However, I dont see much wrong with a collective pot of a safety net for the poor and dumb.

The lazy, however....I must say, Im pissed at the lazy as much as anybody.
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. AND...it allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

You are right, we are not being attacked by the countries you listed. We are being attacked by muslim extremist. I appreciate the military and the protection they provide for me and my family and my taxes pay for them. I was a combat marine that served in vietnam.

Actually Americans are being raped, murdered, and robbed. Police can't be everywhere but the ones out there are paid for by my taxes. I am a retired state trooper.

I appreciate the fire departments and the service they provide for the rest of us. My taxes pay for that service. I have many friends that are or have been firemen. By the way the property insurance is not cheap.

Safe roads.....You are aware that the roads are paid for with guess what......thats right my taxes.

Public schools......I pay 9,000 a year for school tax and my youngest child is 35. This means I am probably paying for your child.

A safety net if my business fails.....file bankrupcy.....live in an apartment.....drive a hyundai......lets let that one speak for itself.
Well...the only problem is....those kids in the ghettos are probably there because they have shitty, lazy, stupid thug parents who are irresponsible. And you wanna put a voucher in their hands to determine that kids future?

The welfare state wont be solved with handouts, or by taking them away. Only a generational culture and parenting change will. You all are looking in the roof to find a way to fix the plumbing.

I don't want to fix the stupid problem. Let the asshole who are rotten fucking parents grow the fuck up and fix their own damn problems.

Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.

I don't live in a gated community.. jeramiah wright does though go pound on his sorry ass for awhile.
I don't want to fix the stupid problem. Let the asshole who are rotten fucking parents grow the fuck up and fix their own damn problems.

Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.

You can't fucking baby sit everybody. Maybe if this poor kid's parents weren't lifetime welfare pieces of shit they would take more interest in the kids future. Be a little more involved and care about how they and their children live and prosper outside the government net.

I agree 100%. But until we find a way to make that happen, what about the kid? Or his shitbag father who robs, rapes, sells dope??

I can honestly say I'd be the most hardcore right winger around....if not for my time working as a cop. It shows a side of society that many never see, its ugly its scary and its hopeless sometimes. And...local mayors and governors turning against law enforcement in the past year was the other half of it. Its a complex problem that I dont have answers to. I do know that slashing funds for cops, and stopping food stamps and handouts, will both make the situation worse. Thats a reality. Not saying we should go bankrupt to avoid either one. But just saying both are true.

But I cant forget those experiences, and the sympathy I had for so many people stuck in those shitholes. Just knowing how many good people would be screwed if the cops stopped patrolling there, or, if they didnt get that little bit of help, which few took advantage of...but SOME did and got out.
I don't want to fix the stupid problem. Let the asshole who are rotten fucking parents grow the fuck up and fix their own damn problems.

Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.

You can't fucking baby sit everybody. Maybe if this poor kid's parents weren't lifetime welfare pieces of shit they would take more interest in the kids future. Be a little more involved and care about how they and their children live and prosper outside the government net.

It's funny how the takers demand that we stay the fuck out of their wombs but they think nothing of dipping into our wallets to raise their unwanted offspring.
Ah. There you go. Dont want to fix problems. Just want to cut spending, cut taxes, and put up walls around the gated community. Let the peasants work it out.

You can't fucking baby sit everybody. Maybe if this poor kid's parents weren't lifetime welfare pieces of shit they would take more interest in the kids future. Be a little more involved and care about how they and their children live and prosper outside the government net.

It's funny how the takers demand that we stay the fuck out of their wombs but they think nothing of dipping into our wallets to raise their unwanted offspring.

Doesn't really seem fair that we are required to pay for their contraceptives, their abortions, AND for their groceries and to support and educate their neglected offspring does it?
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. AND...it allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

You are right, we are not being attacked by the countries you listed. We are being attacked by muslim extremist. I appreciate the military and the protection they provide for me and my family and my taxes pay for them. I was a combat marine that served in vietnam.

Actually Americans are being raped, murdered, and robbed. Police can't be everywhere but the ones out there are paid for by my taxes. I am a retired state trooper.

I appreciate the fire departments and the service they provide for the rest of us. My taxes pay for that service. I have many friends that are or have been firemen. By the way the property insurance is not cheap.

Safe roads.....You are aware that the roads are paid for with guess what......thats right my taxes.

Public schools......I pay 9,000 a year for school tax and my youngest child is 35. This means I am probably paying for your child.

A safety net if my business fails.....file bankrupcy.....live in an apartment.....drive a hyundai......lets let that one speak for itself.

Good to see another ex-cop on here. You'll have a perspective few will understand.

BTW...our salaries are almost always funded through hospitality tax and building permits, and sales tax. Rarely do property tax and state payroll taxes do that. Not to nitpick, but hotels, restaurants and construction companies pay most of the salary pot that goes into police depts.
I am sick and tired of this new narrative started by Elizabeth Warren.
How we are nothing without government and we should get on our knees and praise
government because we have air to breathe.

Let's get this straight.


They have a job because we gave them one.
They have money to spend because they TAKE it from us.

Got it.
I will not thank government for providing basic services.
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. AND...it allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

This Marxist bullshit again? You have it ass backward again. My tax dollars are the reason people like Obama and Elizabeth Warren get the opportunity to make millions of dollars for lying to the american people......

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