Newsflash: Kathy Griffin claims to be the real victim as a result of her actions!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Claiming ‘bullying’ by Trump over gruesome joke, Griffin says she’s standing up for free speech

Wow talk about a picture that says a 1000 words...look at her female attorney on the right in the still photo, she's LAUGHING! Obviously all of Griffin's crocodile tears were staged! That despicable pile of excrement is a player and a complete sociopath. Even in the aftermath of doing something so horrendous, she's despicably playing the victim blaming others. Oh but yeah she's sorry alright.

It really doesn't get any worse than this folks. I've never liked this crass nasty so called comic and knew she was bad but she even blew my expectations away as to how low she'd be willing to go for publicity. Even Hillary who until now I thought was the coldest psychopath on the planet has never stooped this low.

Perhaps Griffin needs to do some serious jail time for advocating for the beheading of the president. Maybe then she'd realize the magnitude of her actions. Although she would NEVER learn from it, it would certainly make everyone including Trump, his family, and his 11 year old son who was no doubt traumatized, feel better.
She exercised her free speech right. OK, fine...but there are consequences for what you say and do. And, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Ol' Kathy has never learned that bit of wisdom. Too bad, so sad...suck it up buttholecup.

Isn't that id and ego?

What you would like to do and what you actually do.

Ego controls the id.
Robber/rapist/thief: Enters home via locked window but jimmies his way in.
Gets busted. Tries to flee thru the window after raping, stealing. Gets cut badly from the glass he broke entering.
Hires Stupid Lawyer and sues victims for his cuts=

Kathy Griffin.
Robber/rapist/thief: Enters home via locked window but jimmies his way in.
Gets busted. Tries to flee thru the window after raping, stealing. Gets cut badly from the glass he broke entering.
Hires Stupid Lawyer and sues victims for his cuts=

Kathy Griffin.
That's why my daddy always told us: "If you have to shoot someone breaking into the house or threatening you, make sure he's DEAD!" Shoot to kill, not to wound. Dead people don't sure for damages.
I think she lost her marbles, myself. But she has enablers now..due to hatred of Trump and not using their own common sense.
What did she expect?

This is what trump does - he lies and he bullies. He's a professional victim. Even he said he whines until he gets his way and he will ruin you in court. He's a bully.

She should have looked at his long history before she took him on.

In the future, people will remember this the same way they remember the Repubs not going against him.
What did she expect?

This is what trump does - he lies and he bullies. He's a professional victim. Even he said he whines until he gets his way and he will ruin you in court. He's a bully.

She should have looked at his long history before she took him on.

In the future, people will remember this the same way they remember the Repubs not going against him.
Yes! You are correct! She is a dumbasses liberal!
Proof the little guy cannot take on a rich bully.

I knew someone like him. Not rich but very willing to take any disagreement To. The. Death.

That's the way drumpf is. Make fun of him and he'll ruin you.

RWNJs wish they could do the same.
Watching the video I sense a set up for a book deal within a year for Griffin. Liberals will eventually forgive and forget and in a year's time will eat her "poor me" story up on daytime television talk shows as she plugs the book.
To me, if that girl couldn't take what is now being thrown in her direction, she shouldn't have dished it out in the first place.

God bless you and our leader and his family always!!!


P.S. I heard her say earlier today on that Inside Edition show that she has no intention of laying off of our leader, that she will continue to trash him however she wants to. Well in my opinion if she doesn't want anyone else in such a game, she shouldn't be showing us how to play it.

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