Newsflash: Kathy Griffin claims to be the real victim as a result of her actions!

So let me get this straight. The left has been shutting down free speech in campuses all over the country as they harass speakers they don't like, but all of a sudden her defenders want free speech. You can't make this stuff up.
What did she expect?

This is what trump does - he lies and he bullies. He's a professional victim. Even he said he whines until he gets his way and he will ruin you in court. He's a bully.

She should have looked at his long history before she took him on.

In the future, people will remember this the same way they remember the Repubs not going against him.
You guys can't take responsibility, can you.
Proof the little guy cannot take on a rich bully.

I knew someone like him. Not rich but very willing to take any disagreement To. The. Death.

That's the way drumpf is. Make fun of him and he'll ruin you.

RWNJs wish they could do the same.
You sound like the next one to go completely over the edge and destroy yourself over your bitterness and hate. GOOD! Keep in up. I love watching you guys drive yourselves mad.
Telling her she should be ashamed of herself is bullying.

Holding her accountable for the consequences of exercising her free speech is bullying?
The despicable sociopath who is now playing the victim is lucky I'm not running the show because I'd bring charges against her for treason against America for advocating the beheading of the president. At the very least her career should be forever in the toilet and her life turned into a nightmare by the secret service who should tail her every move. I mean the loathsome bitch even said she believed Trump's eleven year old son should be fair game.
Ain't she the biggest mother fucker on the planet?
Dunno Bill Maher using the "N" word on live TV and then waving it off as if saying it's okay if I say it because I'm Bill Maher. So now there's another Hollywood unhinged liberal elite blowing up Twitter as well.

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