Newsmax TV Surpasses Fox Business, CNBC in Key Ratings

Fox News will learn quickly. They were the go-to channel for so long. Their embarrasing showing on Election Night was sure to boomarang.
China First goofs like Weasel Wallace won't care, but, Newsmax will make major inroads and drag a bunch of their viewership.
That's the free market. People want something OTHER than the usual MSM, and they want presentation of people fighting for their ideals.

“Fox News’s audience plummeted yesterday after Biden became president-elect. During the Biden/Harris speeches, Fox had 3 million viewers, the lowest total of any network.”
Fox “News” has enjoyed high ratings during the campaign season, particularly buoyed by the Tucker Carlson show, which caters to far right and QAnon conspiracy theorists. However, the network has felt the ire of Trump supporters for calling the presidential race in Arizona for Joe Biden. Many longtime viewers–including incumbent republican presidential candidate Donald Trump–felt betrayed by the sudden dose of reality libtard fantasy the network broadcast forecasting a Trump loss.

Fox News will learn quickly. They were the go-to channel for so long. Their embarrasing showing on Election Night was sure to boomarang.
China First goofs like Weasel Wallace won't care, but, Newsmax will make major inroads and drag a bunch of their viewership.
That's the free market. People want something OTHER than the usual MSM, and they want presentation of people fighting for their ideals.

“Fox News’s audience plummeted yesterday after Biden became president-elect. During the Biden/Harris speeches, Fox had 3 million viewers, the lowest total of any network.”
Fox “News” has enjoyed high ratings during the campaign season, particularly buoyed by the Tucker Carlson show, which caters to far right and QAnon conspiracy theorists. However, the network has felt the ire of Trump supporters for calling the presidential race in Arizona for Joe Biden. Many longtime viewers–including incumbent republican presidential candidate Donald Trump–felt betrayed by the sudden dose of reality libtard fantasy the network broadcast forecasting a Trump loss.


They are going to realize, the only reason they were doing so well is that they bucked the MSM. Once they are deemed just "one of the other Disney media companies", it's over for them.

This is why I always question the choices of CEO's. Some of them are too stupid to understand their own customers and they bow down for easy profits. Do they think CNN or MSNBC will be angry that this happens? "Hey we respect that Fox is just like us now, too bad about the lost millions of viewers".
This is why I always question the choices of CEO's. Some of them are too stupid to understand their own customers and they bow down for easy profits. Do they think CNN or MSNBC will be angry that this happens? "Hey we respect that Fox is just like us now, too bad about the lost millions of viewers".
Working as an Oracle contractor for 22 years in DC, I met a whole bunch of CEOs, and most of them are dull unimaginative little pencil brains. The kind that decides things with little scratching on paper and dont bother to do Reality checks. Why should they? Its not like they are in charge of their own money or anything.
It will certainly hurt Fox News with viewers who simply want clarity in the most unusual, many would say peculiar election in U.S history. Certainly in recent history.

They couldn't stand their ground though. Being bat boys for AP and following other news outlets. One day after the election and citizens wanted answers. Answers that Fox News refused to provide.

Also found Sky News Australia particularly harsh of people like AOC and the instincts of dictators that the Aussies are facing in their own backyards and don't want to read about in the USA. They are not holding back in their opinions. This is definitely NOT the time to be quiet about what kind of societies we want.

It is official. Newsmax TV surpassed both Fox Business and CNBC in daytime ratings the day after Election Day.

Nielsen reported Wednesday that Newsmax drew 287,000 average viewers per minute in the key daypart 9am to 4pm, outpacing CNBC with 285,000 viewers and Fox Business with 281,000.

Newsmax also outpaced Fox Business in primetime, with 205,000 viewers compared to 138,000.

The Nielsen rating only tells part of the story. OTT viewership on platforms like YouTube added an additional 100,000 per minute live viewers tuned into Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"We're in less cable homes, our channel position is usually not as good as competitors, and our brand is less known, yet we're beating these guys," Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax TV said. "We have a better mousetrap and viewers are flocking to us."

Ruddy noted Newsmax's new programming lineup, including shows like "Greg Kelly Reports" and Sean Spicer's "Spicer & Co." only started this year.

"Our trajectory is like a rocket right now," Ruddy said.

On Election Night, Nielsen reported Newsmax TV's coverage was watched by 3 million viewers, with as many as 600,000 viewers per minute.
Faux wasn't playing the conspiracy theories hard enough.

tRumpling's gotta tRump, after all.
This is why I always question the choices of CEO's. Some of them are too stupid to understand their own customers and they bow down for easy profits. Do they think CNN or MSNBC will be angry that this happens? "Hey we respect that Fox is just like us now, too bad about the lost millions of viewers".
Working as an Oracle contractor for 22 years in DC, I met a whole bunch of CEOs, and most of them are dull unimaginative little pencil brains. The kind that decides things with little scratching on paper and dont bother to do Reality checks. Why should they? Its not like they are in charge of their own money or anything.

A decade ago at a bank I told my manager that the way in which we transferred documents was ancient, it was delaying business deals, loans and mortgages when documents would go missing in transit. As a former IBMer I KNEW there were multiple ways to improve this and I told her it was paramount that it was fixed.

She told me, "do you know how much money and technical know how it would take to fix this"? I told her there were multiple fixes, and to not do so would cost us in Customer Sat and lost business, possibly even open us up to lawsuits.

Well, she went to her boss and his boss, and within two months a simple new software from the fax was patched into the system. Viola.

I didn't get a nickel of credit for it. She presented the idea as hers, lol. In Canada we are horse and buggy and everyone wants to steal credit, rather than embrace creativity and ambition. We are just another former Easter Bloc nation, socially and otherwise. Our failed economy and lost wage growth confirms this.
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I get Newmax via live stream on You Tube. Tucker, Hannity, Laura are the only fair and balanced talent on FOX now. It will be interesting what they decide to do. They obviously are making big money, and reaching viewers that watch Fake News on their own station and of course in the Fake News MSM. But at what point is working for a hybrid Fake News like FOX station worth it.
A decade ago at a bank I told my manager that the way in which we transferred documents was ancient, it was delaying business deals, loans and mortgages when documents would go missing in transit. As a former IBMer I KNEW there were multiple ways to improve this and I told her it was paramount that it was fixed.

She told me, "do you know how much money and technical know how it would take to fix this"? I told her there were multiple fixes, and to not do so would cost us in Customer Sat and lost business, possibly even open us up to lawsuits.

Well, she went to her boss and his boss, and within two months a simple new software from the fax was patched into the system. Viola.

My daughter worked for a bank, I wont name it, but they had everything developed in India to save costs. The problems were so unmanageable for various reasons, they simply shut the project down after several years of investment.

Her part was relatively low level, but after 6 months there she moved over to Geico, a business she once worked at as a customer support person and she swore she would never work there again. Never say never!

I didn't get a nickel of credit for it. She presented the idea as hers, lol. In Canada we are horse and buggy and everyone wants to steal credit, rather than embrace creativity and ambition. We are just another former Easter Bloc nation, socially and otherwise. Our failed economy and lost wage growth confirms this.
Yeah, low level managers often do that. I developed a document tracking system for a major international pharmaceutical company back in the 1990s, and several people I ran into over the years would tell me that the manager I worked for took credit for actually doing the code, lol, and everyone knew she couldnt code her way out of a phone booth. It just made her look like a lying sack of shit.
It will certainly hurt Fox News with viewers who simply want clarity in the most unusual, many would say peculiar election in U.S history. Certainly in recent history.

They couldn't stand their ground though. Being bat boys for AP and following other news outlets. One day after the election and citizens wanted answers. Answers that Fox News refused to provide.

Also found Sky News Australia particularly harsh of people like AOC and the instincts of dictators that the Aussies are facing in their own backyards and don't want to read about in the USA. They are not holding back in their opinions. This is definitely NOT the time to be quiet about what kind of societies we want.

It is official. Newsmax TV surpassed both Fox Business and CNBC in daytime ratings the day after Election Day.

Nielsen reported Wednesday that Newsmax drew 287,000 average viewers per minute in the key daypart 9am to 4pm, outpacing CNBC with 285,000 viewers and Fox Business with 281,000.

Newsmax also outpaced Fox Business in primetime, with 205,000 viewers compared to 138,000.

The Nielsen rating only tells part of the story. OTT viewership on platforms like YouTube added an additional 100,000 per minute live viewers tuned into Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"We're in less cable homes, our channel position is usually not as good as competitors, and our brand is less known, yet we're beating these guys," Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax TV said. "We have a better mousetrap and viewers are flocking to us."

Ruddy noted Newsmax's new programming lineup, including shows like "Greg Kelly Reports" and Sean Spicer's "Spicer & Co." only started this year.

"Our trajectory is like a rocket right now," Ruddy said.

On Election Night, Nielsen reported Newsmax TV's coverage was watched by 3 million viewers, with as many as 600,000 viewers per minute.
Ratings will go down in general. Trump was controversial. Biden is a snooze fest.

You have that exactly right.
Audiences will be drawn to shitshows and not drawn to dry policy-based analyses. That's exactly why the Vast Wasteland specializes in shitshows. It sells advertising. And that's all they care about.
There are still people who watch broadcast television?


I know right. I can't even remember how long ago it was that I fired my TV and told the cable company to fuck off.
It will certainly hurt Fox News with viewers who simply want clarity in the most unusual, many would say peculiar election in U.S history. Certainly in recent history.

They couldn't stand their ground though. Being bat boys for AP and following other news outlets. One day after the election and citizens wanted answers. Answers that Fox News refused to provide.

Also found Sky News Australia particularly harsh of people like AOC and the instincts of dictators that the Aussies are facing in their own backyards and don't want to read about in the USA. They are not holding back in their opinions. This is definitely NOT the time to be quiet about what kind of societies we want.

It is official. Newsmax TV surpassed both Fox Business and CNBC in daytime ratings the day after Election Day.

Nielsen reported Wednesday that Newsmax drew 287,000 average viewers per minute in the key daypart 9am to 4pm, outpacing CNBC with 285,000 viewers and Fox Business with 281,000.

Newsmax also outpaced Fox Business in primetime, with 205,000 viewers compared to 138,000.

The Nielsen rating only tells part of the story. OTT viewership on platforms like YouTube added an additional 100,000 per minute live viewers tuned into Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"We're in less cable homes, our channel position is usually not as good as competitors, and our brand is less known, yet we're beating these guys," Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax TV said. "We have a better mousetrap and viewers are flocking to us."

Ruddy noted Newsmax's new programming lineup, including shows like "Greg Kelly Reports" and Sean Spicer's "Spicer & Co." only started this year.

"Our trajectory is like a rocket right now," Ruddy said.

On Election Night, Nielsen reported Newsmax TV's coverage was watched by 3 million viewers, with as many as 600,000 viewers per minute.
Ratings will go down in general. Trump was controversial. Biden is a snooze fest.

You have that exactly right.
Audiences will be drawn to shitshows and not drawn to dry policy-based analyses. That's exactly why the Vast Wasteland specializes in shitshows. It sells advertising. And that's all they care about.
You don't have a TV so....
It will certainly hurt Fox News with viewers who simply want clarity in the most unusual, many would say peculiar election in U.S history. Certainly in recent history.

They couldn't stand their ground though. Being bat boys for AP and following other news outlets. One day after the election and citizens wanted answers. Answers that Fox News refused to provide.

Also found Sky News Australia particularly harsh of people like AOC and the instincts of dictators that the Aussies are facing in their own backyards and don't want to read about in the USA. They are not holding back in their opinions. This is definitely NOT the time to be quiet about what kind of societies we want.

It is official. Newsmax TV surpassed both Fox Business and CNBC in daytime ratings the day after Election Day.

Nielsen reported Wednesday that Newsmax drew 287,000 average viewers per minute in the key daypart 9am to 4pm, outpacing CNBC with 285,000 viewers and Fox Business with 281,000.

Newsmax also outpaced Fox Business in primetime, with 205,000 viewers compared to 138,000.

The Nielsen rating only tells part of the story. OTT viewership on platforms like YouTube added an additional 100,000 per minute live viewers tuned into Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"We're in less cable homes, our channel position is usually not as good as competitors, and our brand is less known, yet we're beating these guys," Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax TV said. "We have a better mousetrap and viewers are flocking to us."

Ruddy noted Newsmax's new programming lineup, including shows like "Greg Kelly Reports" and Sean Spicer's "Spicer & Co." only started this year.

"Our trajectory is like a rocket right now," Ruddy said.

On Election Night, Nielsen reported Newsmax TV's coverage was watched by 3 million viewers, with as many as 600,000 viewers per minute.
Ratings will go down in general. Trump was controversial. Biden is a snooze fest.

You have that exactly right.
Audiences will be drawn to shitshows and not drawn to dry policy-based analyses. That's exactly why the Vast Wasteland specializes in shitshows. It sells advertising. And that's all they care about.
You don't have a TV so....

Zackly. I deliberately don't have it because I know what it is and what it's used for.
And I know it because I've both studied and worked in broadcasting for decades.
Anyone see the interview of Megyn Kelly on Newsmax recently? She mentioned the assorted questions that Sleepy Joe should have been asked if she had been a debate moderator had there not been the obvious Fake News debate moderators.

Would have been redemption if she had been a debate moderator instead of Fake News democrat Wallace since she was on the Fake News side of things in 2016.
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