Newsom wants to fight store looting


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Story by William Furney
Smash-and-Grab crimes plaguing California may soon be the thing of the past, as Governor Gavin Newsom launched a multimillion-dollar initiative to crack down on the thieving criminals.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom vowed to help beleaguered store owners deal with people running into their businesses, grabbing items and fleeing without paying.
Governor Newsom said in a statement: “Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests and more felony prosecutions.”
The aim was to ensure that the moment criminals left a store with something they stole, police would be ready to pounce. “When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells,” he said.

The Democrat Politicians are trying to save themselves from being thrown out of office because of the crime surge that they caused.
The nazi collaborator George Soros has funded the campaigns of far-left extremist Democrat DAs.
Soros said that he wanted to destroy America, so he chose the Democrats to help him do it.
Smash-and-Grab Looting is a crime problem and a cultural problem.
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Story by William Furney
Smash-and-Grab crimes plaguing California may soon be the thing of the past, as Governor Gavin Newsom launched a multimillion-dollar initiative to crack down on the thieving criminals.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom vowed to help beleaguered store owners deal with people running into their businesses, grabbing items and fleeing without paying.
Governor Newsom said in a statement: “Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests and more felony prosecutions.”
The aim was to ensure that the moment criminals left a store with something they stole, police would be ready to pounce. “When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells,” he said.

The Democrat Politicians are trying to save themselves from being thrown out of office because of the crime surge that they caused.
The nazi collaborator George Soros has funded the campaigns of far-left extremist Democrat DAs.
Soros said that he wanted to destroy America, so he chose the Democrats to help him so it.
Smash-and-Grab Looting is a crime problem and a cultural problem.

Democraps created this mess, with laws and policies that favor the interests of subhuman criminal shit over the interests of human beings.

The solution is to repeal those policies and go back to policies that protect human beings from subhuman criminal shit. Instead, the corrupt piece of shit politician Gavin Newsom wants to leave those pro-criminal policies in place, and create a whole new round of kleptocratic tax-and-spend policies fraudulently claimed to be intended to mitigate the results of his pro-criminal policies.

I don't need a crystal ball to see how that will play out. Just look at how the growing automotive fuel and registration taxes are being stolen and wasted. They're supposed to be spent fixing and maintaining our roads, but instead, the Democraps are stealing and misappropriating them, and then raising them every year because after their theft and mismanagement, there's not enough left to fix the roads. If those taxes were being spent the way they are supposed to be, the way that the law requires them to be, then California would have the best roads in the nation, probably in the world. Anyone who drives in California knows very well from direct experience that our roads are shit.
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tory by William Furney
Smash-and-Grab crimes plaguing California may soon be the thing of the past, as Governor Gavin Newsom launched a multimillion-dollar initiative to crack down on the thieving criminals.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom vowed to help beleaguered store owners deal with people running into their businesses, grabbing items and fleeing without paying.
Governor Newsom said in a statement: “Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests and more felony prosecutions.”
The aim was to ensure that the moment criminals left a store with something they stole, police would be ready to pounce. “When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells,” he said.
I think we can all agree that this ship has long since sailed!
They did the damage. Once they go into the denial tour with the Prog media/entertainers they will get elected again and start the same agendas over.
It only took Newsome 4 years to realize that large gangs robbing large stores is a bad thing. I'd say the boy is a little slow. The dude is all packaging and when you open it, there's nothing inside.

To be fair, the primary root of the issue was a 2014 ballot proposition, fraudulently sold to the voters. Proposition 47, was claimed to help make us safer, by prioritizing more serious crimes. What it really did was to deprioritize crimes deemed less serious, gutting any attempt to enforce the law against those crimes and making them de-facto legal.

Among these is any theft up to $950 in value.

So, in California, you can walk into any store, grab up to $950 worth of merchandise, and walk out without paying for it, nobody can do anything to stop you, and you won't face any legal consequences.

It didn't take long for mobs of thieving subhuman shit to figure out how they can do that en-masse, a whole bunch of them raiding a store at once, grabbing stuff, and running out with it. Such a mob can pick a store clean, and as long as no one individual steals more than $950 worth of merchandise, there's nothing that can be done about it under our current laws.

Newsom and other Democraps in this state have openly pushed other policies to reinforce the effects of Proposition 47.

Now, with elections coming up, and with it becoming clear that the people rightfully blame the Democraps for the recent waves of crime, now the Democraps are making an empty show of wanting to do something about it.
To be fair, the primary root of the issue was a 2014 ballot proposition, fraudulently sold to the voters. Proposition 47, was claimed to help make us safer, by prioritizing more serious crimes. What it really did was to deprioritize crimes deemed less serious, gutting any attempt to enforce the law against those crimes and making them de-facto legal.

Among these is any theft up to $950 in value.

So, in California, you can walk into any store, grab up to $950 worth of merchandise, and walk out without paying for it, nobody can do anything to stop you, and you won't face any legal consequences.

It didn't take long for mobs of thieving subhuman shit to figure out how they can do that en-masse, a whole bunch of them raiding a store at once, grabbing stuff, and running out with it. Such a mob can pick a store clean, and as long as no one individual steals more than $950 worth of merchandise, there's nothing that can be done about it under our current laws.

Newsom and other Democraps in this state have openly pushed other policies to reinforce the effects of Proposition 47.

Now, with elections coming up, and with it becoming clear that the people rightfully blame the Democraps for the recent waves of crime, now the Democraps are making an empty show of wanting to do something about it.
Thank you, but I have to admit that I was thinking Newsome was just pissed because the Rite Aid where he was getting his sex reassignment drugs got wiped out by the smash and grabbers. MAGA
Story by William Furney
Smash-and-Grab crimes plaguing California may soon be the thing of the past, as Governor Gavin Newsom launched a multimillion-dollar initiative to crack down on the thieving criminals.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom vowed to help beleaguered store owners deal with people running into their businesses, grabbing items and fleeing without paying.
Governor Newsom said in a statement: “Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests and more felony prosecutions.”
The aim was to ensure that the moment criminals left a store with something they stole, police would be ready to pounce. “When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells,” he said.

The Democrat Politicians are trying to save themselves from being thrown out of office because of the crime surge that they caused.
The nazi collaborator George Soros has funded the campaigns of far-left extremist Democrat DAs.
Soros said that he wanted to destroy America, so he chose the Democrats to help him do it.
Smash-and-Grab Looting is a crime problem and a cultural problem.
I about bust a gut laughing when Newsome said they were going to rush smash and grab looters right into jail. We all know that ain't happenin. Or, if they do rush them right into jail the court system will just rush them right back out. And, we can't have black smash and grabbers incarcerated at a higher rate. That would be social injustice.
Story by William Furney
Smash-and-Grab crimes plaguing California may soon be the thing of the past, as Governor Gavin Newsom launched a multimillion-dollar initiative to crack down on the thieving criminals.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom vowed to help beleaguered store owners deal with people running into their businesses, grabbing items and fleeing without paying.
Governor Newsom said in a statement: “Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs. With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests and more felony prosecutions.”
The aim was to ensure that the moment criminals left a store with something they stole, police would be ready to pounce. “When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells,” he said.

The Democrat Politicians are trying to save themselves from being thrown out of office because of the crime surge that they caused.
The nazi collaborator George Soros has funded the campaigns of far-left extremist Democrat DAs.
Soros said that he wanted to destroy America, so he chose the Democrats to help him do it.
Smash-and-Grab Looting is a crime problem and a cultural problem.

Theft, violence, drug use, and sex crimes are a way of life for millions of Californians. It's essentially the culture of the state at this point. There's nothing a governor can do to change that.

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