California Gov. Newsom will pick Feinstein’s replacement. He pledged in past to choose a Black woman

the Deep State wants Black women specifically in all positions of power because they are obedient and have no qualms about doing anything illegal . They want Stacey Abrahms for president.
I suppose there are places so red you could run a Russian spy as a Republican and they’d win. Trump proves that. No matter how much comes out he’s still your front runner. Weird
bobo the clown is a true believer, lol. 🤪
the Deep State wants Black women specifically in all positions of power because they are obedient and have no qualms about doing anything illegal . They want Stacey Abrahms for president.
This is true. And in the end, they will reap the vengeance from their vengeance.
Why is Newsome a HOMOPHOBE?

That chick had better be a lesbian or GTFO.

Even better disabled.

A black disabled lesbian. It‘s the only way to go.
the Deep State wants Black women specifically in all positions of power because they are obedient and have no qualms about doing anything illegal . They want Stacey Abrahms for president.
Clarence Thomas says what? Don’t forget when Clarence or republicans have to side with billionaires like Harlan crow, or the Koch brothers, they always side with the rich and corporations. The founders would be so disappointed in modern day republicans. Since Reagan you’ve sold out.

These black women, or nancy, Whitmer, Hillary, aoc, doesn’t matter. They side with we the people more than your side does. Not always, but more.
The politics of skin color. The Democrats are up to their eyeballs in it.
Anyway, isn't appointing black women to everything, getting a little exhausting? And hasn't it reached peak-skin color yet? I mean, TV, SCOTUS, VP, christ enough already. They make up about 7% of the fucking population, not 70%!

Anyway, I wonder if Adam Schiff has run out to the store yet to buy some high heels and black shoe polish yet?

Why would Schiff need to go to the store? He has an ample supply of black face and high heels in his closet.
I always remind myself republicans are projectionists.
"A projectionist brings a film to a live audience. They are the individuals responsible for a superb viewing experience at the cinema, drive-in theatre, film festival, corporate seminar, or school function."

You really shouldn't try to use big words you don't know the meaning of.....

:auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::ahole-1:
The politics of skin color. The Democrats are up to their eyeballs in it.
Yet here you are with a diatribe focused on skin color...
and completely ignorant of the irony...

In any case, were I Newsom...

I'd pick someone qualified but with zero interest in running for the office.
Let them serve then let the electorate pick the new senator in next year's election.

This "moral high ground" serves both the electorate and his own political ambitions.

By allowing the electorate to choose the senator he establishes himself as the champion for clean politics and he avoids any negative blowback for picking one of the current candidates who may then go on to lose in the general for being a "party insider."

I'm sure there are enough rich people in California willing to take the pay cut to serve a year in the Senate.
"A projectionist brings a film to a live audience. They are the individuals responsible for a superb viewing experience at the cinema, drive-in theatre, film festival, corporate seminar, or school function."

You really shouldn't try to use big words you don't know the meaning of.....

:auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::ahole-1:
The opposite of woke is sleep
My prediction: He'll renege on that promise.

He's angling for the presidential nomination as hard as he can without openly announcing his intent to run. Choosing a black woman for no other reason than she's a black woman would put a crimp in his goal to win the general once he unseats Biden.
Because skin pigmentation should be the basis of hiring someone, WTF?? If you want to base it on minority representation why not Hispanic?
Let's be honest, Dem's will pick some moron.
They will, won't they? Not every black woman in California is a moron, but they will surely find one for this. Clearly, the Dems like appointing morons because they are so easy to control. Now that I think about it, AA gives them an excuse to put up some real loo loos.
Newsom will pick who he picks and Trumpers/Republicans will hate that pick regardless
the Deep State wants Black women specifically in all positions of power because they are obedient and have no qualms about doing anything illegal . They want Stacey Abrahms for president.
Anyone who thinks black women are obedient doesn’t know any black women

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