Newt Spills: 'Swamp' Talk Was Just For Show


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On ‘Draining The Swamp’

If that wasn’t obvious.

After campaigning on a promise to clean up Washington and rid it of special interests, Donald Trump has stacked his team with the likes of former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

Now, just weeks before taking office, Trump has decided to sideline his pledge to “drain the swamp,” his ally Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) the former House speaker, told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Gingrich posted to Twitter this week what he described to NPR as “a very cute tweet” about the alligators in Washington. But someone ― Gingrich didn’t disclose who ― sent him a note saying they were tired of hearing such talk.

"The alligators are unhappy about draining the swamp. That is the explanation for the nonsense about subverting the electoral college." --Newt Gingrich

Gingrich told NPR he’s noticed a post-election change in Trump’s attitude about certain things, namely the “lock her up” chant that rang through campaign events.

Trump this month acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server was a show to garner support.

Apparently, vowing to “drain the swamp” may have been more of the same.

More: Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On 'Draining The Swamp'

Trump's entire campaign was "just for show". His entire campaign was based on lies - starting with the Obama birther bullshit which he knew was a lie from the beginning.

Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On ‘Draining The Swamp’

If that wasn’t obvious.

After campaigning on a promise to clean up Washington and rid it of special interests, Donald Trump has stacked his team with the likes of former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

Now, just weeks before taking office, Trump has decided to sideline his pledge to “drain the swamp,” his ally Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) the former House speaker, told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Gingrich posted to Twitter this week what he described to NPR as “a very cute tweet” about the alligators in Washington. But someone ― Gingrich didn’t disclose who ― sent him a note saying they were tired of hearing such talk.

"The alligators are unhappy about draining the swamp. That is the explanation for the nonsense about subverting the electoral college." --Newt Gingrich

Gingrich told NPR he’s noticed a post-election change in Trump’s attitude about certain things, namely the “lock her up” chant that rang through campaign events.

Trump this month acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server was a show to garner support.

Apparently, vowing to “drain the swamp” may have been more of the same.

More: Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On 'Draining The Swamp'

Trump's entire campaign was "just for show". His entire campaign was based on lies - starting with the Obama birther bullshit which he knew was a lie from the beginning.

Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On ‘Draining The Swamp’

If that wasn’t obvious.

After campaigning on a promise to clean up Washington and rid it of special interests, Donald Trump has stacked his team with the likes of former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

Now, just weeks before taking office, Trump has decided to sideline his pledge to “drain the swamp,” his ally Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) the former House speaker, told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Gingrich posted to Twitter this week what he described to NPR as “a very cute tweet” about the alligators in Washington. But someone ― Gingrich didn’t disclose who ― sent him a note saying they were tired of hearing such talk.

"The alligators are unhappy about draining the swamp. That is the explanation for the nonsense about subverting the electoral college." --Newt Gingrich

Gingrich told NPR he’s noticed a post-election change in Trump’s attitude about certain things, namely the “lock her up” chant that rang through campaign events.

Trump this month acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server was a show to garner support.

Apparently, vowing to “drain the swamp” may have been more of the same.

More: Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On 'Draining The Swamp'

Trump's entire campaign was "just for show". His entire campaign was based on lies - starting with the Obama birther bullshit which he knew was a lie from the beginning.

Just the slogan. He didn't like it in the first place. He still plans on driving out the moneychangers ... err, Democrats.
Quit crying about it. He got the job done, Hillarious failed like she always does. Go abort a fetus or some other crime against humanity that makes you libtardos feel good.
I'm very impressed that you gave him a real chance before you declared his presidency a failure. SOme partisans were talking about him being a failure after just a few months or the first year.

But you, you really waited.

I really, really respect that. Kudos to you.
All you have to do to "drain the swamp" in the federal government is hire competent people who aren't worthless crooks.

What passes for a working public sector is absolutely pathetic.
Nobody believed he was goiung to drain the swamp. Same for Clinton. Same old american crap....cabinets full of uber wealthy who don't know what a hard days work means. Trump no worse than Clinton. This is what america of the rich for the rich. Undeniable fact. Get over it.
Trump will suffer the wrath of American patriots like me during his entire (hopefully limited) time in the White House. Just like NaziCons would have trashed Hillary had she won. Paybacks are hell. Get used to it.
A CEO passing as someone who cares about america instead of money is equally pathetic.
Trump will suffer the wrath of American patriots like me during his entire (hopefully limited) time in the White House. Just like NaziCons would have trashed Hillary had she won. Paybacks are hell. Get used to it.

This is for you, you dumb bitch.

Trump will suffer the wrath of American patriots like me during his entire (hopefully limited) time in the White House. Just like NaziCons would have trashed Hillary had she won. Paybacks are hell. Get used to it.

This is the politics forum. That rant belongs in the Satire section.
Only liberals assumed Trump was going to fire Congress on January 20th.The rest of us knew he would clean up DC and the mess Obama is leaving through legislation.
Trump will suffer the wrath of American patriots like me during his entire (hopefully limited) time in the White House. Just like NaziCons would have trashed Hillary had she won. Paybacks are hell. Get used to it.
You're far from a patriot. You're a leftist. And today's leftists are traitors. So that makes you a traitor! Congrats! Now pack your bags for France.
He will ensure the uber wealthy get more wealthy. Priority number one of every president we've had. I cannot think of one that I would label as good.
Dissent is a form of patriotism as is free speech. Take that away and the country dies right there.

Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On ‘Draining The Swamp’

If that wasn’t obvious.

After campaigning on a promise to clean up Washington and rid it of special interests, Donald Trump has stacked his team with the likes of former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

Now, just weeks before taking office, Trump has decided to sideline his pledge to “drain the swamp,” his ally Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich (R-Ga.) the former House speaker, told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Gingrich posted to Twitter this week what he described to NPR as “a very cute tweet” about the alligators in Washington. But someone ― Gingrich didn’t disclose who ― sent him a note saying they were tired of hearing such talk.

"The alligators are unhappy about draining the swamp. That is the explanation for the nonsense about subverting the electoral college." --Newt Gingrich

Gingrich told NPR he’s noticed a post-election change in Trump’s attitude about certain things, namely the “lock her up” chant that rang through campaign events.

Trump this month acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server was a show to garner support.

Apparently, vowing to “drain the swamp” may have been more of the same.

More: Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On 'Draining The Swamp'

Trump's entire campaign was "just for show". His entire campaign was based on lies - starting with the Obama birther bullshit which he knew was a lie from the beginning.

Hitlary is gone and Obummer is leaving. . . slogan or not, the swamp is looking better already.
He will ensure the uber wealthy get more wealthy. Priority number one of every president we've had. I cannot think of one that I would label as good.

Jimmy Carter was a good man. Probably none as evil as Trump - and he's just getting started.

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