Newt Teaches Juan Conservatism

Need further remediation?
Not unexpected.

No evidence those entities were subject to the CRA or negro blackmail?

Didn't think so.

I'm still here. Waiting.

No prob.

"Congress passed the Act in 1977 to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low-income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining.[4][5]

The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to help meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation (Section 802.) To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for CRA compliance, and take this information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions (Section 804.)[6]"

Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets not forget Al Shapton and Jesse Jackson...

Those two fucks parroted the shit since peanut boy Carter and his soup legislated the nonsense - oh and then Bill Clinton's amendments passed by a bunch of RINO's who just didn't want to be labeled "racists."
See, this is why I ask for people to provide the actual sections of the bill. That part you just quoted is for "the purpose of assessing the extent to which a financial activity or financial market in which the financial company participates, or the financial company itself, poses a threat to the financial stability of the United States."

That is directly out of the bill, dumbass.

You continue to fail to provide the full context or sections from which you are quoting.

Gee, I wonder why.

Perhaps you can explain to us how a start-up qualifies as "a threat to the financial stability of the United States".

This is what happens when you quote unsourced snippets in a vacuum.

The reason for the language you are quoting is because hedge funds have been unregulated, and yet they can pose a threat to the financial stabilitiy of the United States. Case in point, Long Term Capital Management.

Dodd-Frank puts reporting requirements on such hedge funds, but has no enforcement power over them.
No evidence those entities were subject to the CRA or negro blackmail?

Didn't think so.

I'm still here. Waiting.

No prob.

"Congress passed the Act in 1977 to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low-income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining.[4][5]

The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to help meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation (Section 802.) To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for CRA compliance, and take this information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions (Section 804.)[6]"

Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Catastrophic failure. None of the entities I listed were subject to the CRA.

Quoting what the CRA is does not prove they were.

Jesus! Is this the best you guys can do?

The CRA is responsible for our present economy, and without question the housing bubble.

The CRA is nothing more than a race based program.
No prob.

"Congress passed the Act in 1977 to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low-income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining.[4][5]

The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to help meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation (Section 802.) To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for CRA compliance, and take this information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions (Section 804.)[6]"

Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Catastrophic failure. None of the entities I listed were subject to the CRA.

Quoting what the CRA is does not prove they were.

Jesus! Is this the best you guys can do?

Now, now...don't beg.
It's so unbecoming.

OK...I'll throw you another life-line...

I do not dispute Fannie and Freddie contributed to the meltdown. Never have. I dispute the CRA played any substantial role.

Nice try, conflating the GSEs and CRA.

You really must do better than that.
Catastrophic failure. None of the entities I listed were subject to the CRA.

Quoting what the CRA is does not prove they were.
Jesus! Is this the best you guys can do?

Now, now...don't beg.
It's so unbecoming.

OK...I'll throw you another life-line...

I do not dispute Fannie and Freddie contributed to the meltdown. Never have. I dispute the CRA played any substantial role.

Nice try, conflating the GSEs and CRA.

You really must do better than that.

The CRA is without question responsible for the housing bubble.
The worst is that Newt lied and the rw's didn't bat an eye.

In FACT, most food stamp recipients are WHITE elderly and children. They are NOT, as the rw's want to believe, people who could work but CHOOSE not to.

"More people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any President in American history."

Uh, Newt, food stamps are only 50 years old. We didn't have food stamps back with, oh say, Jefferson or Madison were in office. Second, the single biggest jump in numbers came with baby bush's second term. Before that, the biggest jump was with the Regan recession. And, yes, with the BUSH RECESSION has come more an more out of work and/or on food stamps.

Those of you who "like" Newt - WHAT has he said that he would do to create jobs? Nothing. All he has said is 'fire people so children could do the job for less'. IOW, he would make more people eligible for food stamps by putting people out of work.

Newt is a racist pig who offers this country nothing but more regressive racism.

OTOH, not one of those spineless twits called Newt on his lies. Is that because they don't know he was lying? Is it because they are just as ignorant and racist as he is?
Something I forgot to address:
Title IX adds 6 new departments to the SEC.

One agency doubled in size, zero reduced.

I keep forgetting you might have been in diapers during Bush's early days.

Bush increased the size of government considerably. He added thousands of new regulations and created a massive new Cabinet-level department.

However, he did considerably decrease the size of just two major federal agencies; the EPA and the SEC.

He took the cops off the beat on Wall Street. Not only that, the SEC approved a request from the five biggest behemoths (none of them subject to the CRA, and none of them was Fannie or Freddie) from the Basel reserve capital requirements in 2005.

At this point, the GSEs began shrinking the number of subprime mortages in their portfolios. Wall Street on the other hand, ramped them up and soon overtook the GSEs in market share.

This was after Wall Street was alerted by AIG that 90 percent of the assets in their CDOs were toxic.

After getting their waiver, these behemoths went on to steal you blind.

That's right. You. Well, maybe not you. I don't know if you have a pot to piss in. But anyone who has any kind of investment account or retirement fund.

Because there were no cops on the beat, see. Bush got rid of them.

Even now, after their illegal activities have been discovered, not one of the crooks who put together these fraudulent securities has gone to jail. And we even know their names and the exact nature of their crimes!

They paid fines which don't even approach the amount of money the investors (you) lost.

So now your money manager is left to fend for himself and is trying to sue these bastards to get some of your money back.

But he's on his own. No one is going to jail for their crimes. The SEC is complicit in these "no admission of wrongdoing" capers.

So, if you don't mind being the goose that lays the golden eggs who is satisfied with the chicken feed they give you, and wish to allow them to keep stealing from your future, fine.

And if someone is alerting you to the thief in your house, and you go after the person alerting you and call them names instead of demanding the cops stop the thief, whatever.

If you had really been paying attention to the theme of my posts on this forum, you would find that when people who start proclaiming the solution to our problems is to tax the rich, I am quite vociferous in saying that won't fix the problem of thieves.

If a thief comes in your house every fucking day and steals from you, raising taxes on your neighbors isn't going to solve the problem. Nor is blaming the negroes. These thieves are in five thousand dollar suits.

So take off the blinders, and stop making assumptions about me.

I'm a law and order kind of guy, fool. I want the bad guys sent to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for life.

I don't know what it is with people. They think when I say these things I am blaming someone. I'm not. I blame EVERYONE.

Everyone in the entire CDO pipeline is to blame. Congress, mortgage brokers, the President, money managers, city treasurers, pension fund managers, ratings agencies, borrowers, Wall Street, and god knows who else. Negroes are way, way, way, way, way down on the list. This is a GLOBAL problem. And it is still going on. And this time there is no Fannie and Freddie involved. There are no negroes involved. But your money is still involved. So wake the fuck up.

Some rules which were thrown out need to be restored, and some deregulation needs to be repealed, but most of all, existing rules need to be fucking enforced.

I frankly don't give a shit if the deluded stand on their negro scapegoat and proclaim their lunacy to the world. Fuck 'em if they are too stupid to notice whose hand is stealing from them. I'm out of that shit. I do my own trading and make a shitload more money that way.

Enjoy your chicken feed.
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One final note to help you out.

If you have a 401k, read the fine print.

If you have your money in a "Conservative" fund, and you are given some kind of pie chart or bar graph which tells you how the "Conservative" fund allocates your money, you may notice that it allocates a substantial portion to "bonds" of some sort. Usually municipal bonds and such.

Pretty safe, right?

If you never look beyond the pie chart, or whatever, you are not being thorough.

Somewhere there will be an asterisk or some reallly tiny print. And that print will say that "bonds" also means bond derivatives.

Which means you're "Conservative" fund is about as safe as an octogenarian drunken blind tightrope walker on crack with no net.

Try printing out all of the performance charts for every fund your money managing company manages. Even the ones you aren't allowed to invest in.

Then lay them on top of each other and look at them in a bright light.

Notice anything?
Catastrophic failure. None of the entities I listed were subject to the CRA.

Quoting what the CRA is does not prove they were.

Jesus! Is this the best you guys can do?

Now, now...don't beg.
It's so unbecoming.

OK...I'll throw you another life-line...

I do not dispute Fannie and Freddie contributed to the meltdown. Never have. I dispute the CRA played any substantial role.

Nice try, conflating the GSEs and CRA.

You really must do better than that.


A crack in your wall of ignorance.

The longest journey begins with one step...

....or is it 'begins with a cash advance'? I forget...

But in either case, we are now on the same page: the one from the book that lays the provenance for the meltdown at the feet of the Democrats, liberals, progressives...

For extra credit, and to help you in your attempt to become the valedictorian of summer school...
Which President is responsible for Fannie and Freddie?
Newt says he is going to teach poor people how to get a job.

That's a novel idea coming from the party that taught people how to lose a job.

I have a better idea, Newt. How about we stop MAKING poor people? Hmmmmmmmmmm?

Tell that to the Food Stamp president.


squawk! Food Stamp President...Food Stamp President squawk

Isn't that a catchy phrase....:eusa_whistle:
Newt hates black people.

Old news.

So....this would pretty much be your position?

"There were interesting aspects to that, wasn't there some applause when he called him Juan? I mean it’s an interesting thing here. I mean, I once, it's very clever -- I mean Newt is a very smart guy. He knows how to play an audience.

Now it is his name, and Juan is his name, but there's an interesting way it's used and to personalize it, and Juan Williams has a lot of guts getting in front of that audience that’s conservative white in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and asking a question which is a reasonable question.


[T]his is going to get very, you know, very ethnic, very racial, it's going to get very hot.

Well, we know what's going on. And everybody knows what’s going on. And to argue with it, the problem with arguing with it, is that the people who don't hear it don't want to hear it, or they hear it and don’t want to admit it. You can't argue a person into it. You can't say to a person "that's code" because the people that don't want to hear that it's code will say it's not and the people who clearly hear that it's code will. It's not something that you can argue with a person."
MSNBC's Chris Matthews Slanders Gingrich, S.C. GOP Debate Attendees As Racists

Calling him by his name was....racist?

Notice....sans numbers.
Newt has a better chance of someday being on foodstamps than he does of ever being president.

My offer still stands. $1000 bet that if Newt wins the nomination he won't beat Obama.
Newt has a better chance of someday being on foodstamps than he does of ever being president.

My offer still stands. $1000 bet that if Newt wins the nomination he won't beat Obama.

YOU (yechhhhhhh..) would beat Obama.

What a thought.
Newt hates black people.

Old news.

So....this would pretty much be your position?

"There were interesting aspects to that, wasn't there some applause when he called him Juan? I mean it’s an interesting thing here. I mean, I once, it's very clever -- I mean Newt is a very smart guy. He knows how to play an audience.

Now it is his name, and Juan is his name, but there's an interesting way it's used and to personalize it, and Juan Williams has a lot of guts getting in front of that audience that’s conservative white in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and asking a question which is a reasonable question.


[T]his is going to get very, you know, very ethnic, very racial, it's going to get very hot.

Well, we know what's going on. And everybody knows what’s going on. And to argue with it, the problem with arguing with it, is that the people who don't hear it don't want to hear it, or they hear it and don’t want to admit it. You can't argue a person into it. You can't say to a person "that's code" because the people that don't want to hear that it's code will say it's not and the people who clearly hear that it's code will. It's not something that you can argue with a person."
MSNBC's Chris Matthews Slanders Gingrich, S.C. GOP Debate Attendees As Racists

Calling him by his name was....racist?

Notice....sans numbers.

You are a terrible actress
You continue to fail to provide the full context or sections from which you are quoting.

Gee, I wonder why.

Perhaps you can explain to us how a start-up qualifies as "a threat to the financial stability of the United States".

This is what happens when you quote unsourced snippets in a vacuum.

The reason for the language you are quoting is because hedge funds have been unregulated, and yet they can pose a threat to the financial stabilitiy of the United States. Case in point, Long Term Capital Management.

Dodd-Frank puts reporting requirements on such hedge funds, but has no enforcement power over them.

No dumbass.

{The Council has very broad powers to monitor, investigate and assess any risks to the US financial system. The Council has the authority to collect information from any State or Federal financial regulatory agency, and may direct the Office of Financial Research, which supports the work of the Council, "to collect information from bank holding companies and nonbank financial companies".[47] The Council monitors domestic and international regulatory proposals, including insurance and accounting issues, and advises Congress and the Federal Reserve on ways to enhance the integrity, efficiency, competitiveness and stability of the US financial markets}

Again, verbatim from the bill.

You can't lie and spin your way out of this.
I keep forgetting you might have been in diapers during Bush's early days.

Well there you go, the refrain of every Obamabot.


Scamper on, moron.

Bush increased the size of government considerably. He added thousands of new regulations and created a massive new Cabinet-level department.



I keep forgetting you might have been in diapers during Bush's early days.

Well there you go, the refrain of every Obamabot.


Scamper on, moron.

Bush increased the size of government considerably. He added thousands of new regulations and created a massive new Cabinet-level department.




Wow, that was the best rebuttal evar :doubt:

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