Next Fox Debate Canceled - Trump Pulls Out

Fox lost millions of dollars with this move by Trump!

We love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTrump!:dance:
After Trump pulls out, Fox News cancels Republican debate

I hope this is true. The FNC "moderators" have been anything but moderate in their conduct towards Trump, and he doesn't need to further feed their attempts to be the stars of the production. Megyn Kelly, in particular, is nothing more than an opinionated boor who is stepping into the shoes of Candy Crowley as a clearly partisan self-promoter who is out of her league. She frequently refers to herself as an attorney, yet she doesn't understand that changing the name of a corporation does not create a new business entity. Further, she ignores any disruption of Trump's right to free speech, but is holier-than-thou when it that same issue affects journalists.

Good for you, Donald. Other than Megyn's misbehavior during the last debate, it was a real snoozer. Why give her yet another chance to pretend she is the one running for office?

Do they really need debate after debate? How much debate was actually going on? Compared to the amount of bravado and bullshit that was being spewed?

Now Trump's almost there, they're probably waiting until it's all finalized so they can then have MORE ENTERTAINMENT with Trump and Clinton. Or will Trump bail out of these too?
No he won't. He'll set the terms for the debate and the media will comply. He's pimp like that.

And they'll do anything to have him boost their ratings, as he's entertaining.
Especially when he spews his "Bush lied!" rhetoric sounding like a fucking Code Pink loon. I'm no Trump head, that's for sure.
me likes FOX losing so much money....we like that.....

be friends with Trump FOX...stop backing Hillary the Beast scum

wake up Fox!
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

You are delusional and angry at life. Have a Fresca and whine at someone else.
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

You are delusional and angry at life. Have a Fresca and whine at someone else.

Delusional more aptly describes people like you - who continue to underestimate Trump's appeal. Don't worry it will all sink in on Friday January 20th, 2017

Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

You are delusional and angry at life. Have a Fresca and whine at someone else.

Delusional more aptly describes people like you - who continue to underestimate Trump's appeal. Don't worry it will all sink in on Friday January 20th, 2017


Still whining? :cuckoo:
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

You are delusional and angry at life. Have a Fresca and whine at someone else.

Delusional more aptly describes people like you - who continue to underestimate Trump's appeal. Don't worry it will all sink in on Friday January 20th, 2017


Still whining? :cuckoo:

Looks like I hit a nerve?

Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

You are delusional and angry at life. Have a Fresca and whine at someone else.

Delusional more aptly describes people like you - who continue to underestimate Trump's appeal. Don't worry it will all sink in on Friday January 20th, 2017


Still whining? :cuckoo:

Looks like I hit a nerve?


LOL You did hit a nerve, next time you're on your knees, no biting. Thanks.
me likes FOX losing so much money....we like that.....

be friends with Trump FOX...stop backing Hillary the Beast scum

wake up Fox!

Buy an English dictionary please.
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

Yeah, I got a problem with this nutbag in charge of the world's most powerful military. I really do.

Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

Yeah, I got a problem with this nutbag in charge of the world's most powerful military. I really do.

Good for you. Don't vote for him.:thup:
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

Yeah, I got a problem with this nutbag in charge of the world's most powerful military. I really do.

Good for you. Don't vote for him.:thup:

I won't. I don't vote for mentally unstable people.
Do conservatives have any idea how delicious this moment is of much of the conservative base bashing Faux? And of Trump bashing Bush and Christie. Jesus H he bashes Christie to his face at a rally Christie is on stage to support Trump at!

Its like watching the battle of Kursk, where thousands of German and Russian tanks fought the greatest tank battle in history. You really didn't want either side to win you just wanted the battle to go on and on.

And that is the bad part. Some day, this campaign will end...

It will end, with Trump as POTUS, the end of the war party neoconservatives. and the rise of a new conservative movement that puts AMERICA FIRST.

Got a problem with that?

Yeah, I got a problem with this nutbag in charge of the world's most powerful military. I really do.

Good for you. Don't vote for him.:thup:

I won't. I don't vote for mentally unstable people.

I truly think he has a mental issue.
Not that I don't believe Trump would happily give the media the double bird. I believe the real reason is because of this - Policy Conference '16 Which both Clinton and Trump are scheduled to speak at. I also read that Kasich wasn't able to attend as well, so basically there'd be no one there but Cruz heh
Indeed. We have been there for seven-plus years under Obama.

You would think that people would recall the moonbat messiah's vacuous "make America better" platitudes that were just as devoid of substance and the rock star imagery that created a cult of personality.

I used to believe only libturds were mindless drones and susceptible to being sucked into cults of personality. I know many of Trump's supporters are not stupid, but to believe that anything is going to be built on the border, or that a man who contributed to and helped create the donor government system is going to end the corruption strikes me as laughable.

If it wasn't so fucking sad I would laugh.

Indeed. We have been there for seven-plus years under Obama.

You would think that people would recall the moonbat messiah's vacuous "make America better" platitudes that were just as devoid of substance and the rock star imagery that created a cult of personality.

I used to believe only libturds were mindless drones and susceptible to being sucked into cults of personality. I know many of Trump's supporters are not stupid, but to believe that anything is going to be built on the border, or that a man who contributed to and helped create the donor government system is going to end the corruption strikes me as laughable.

If it wasn't so fucking sad I would laugh.

Building that wall is about the only thing I believe he's going to pull off. Congress already authorized the project years ago and great buildings....that's what Trump does. It's going to be magnificent and it's going to protect America from illegals, drugs, and terrorists more than anything else proposed.

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