Next Possible CIA Chief?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Could Vincent Stewart score another first, as the first Black man to run the CIA? With progressives taking aim at former CIA acting director Michael Morell, long considered a shoo-in for the job, and some muted grumbling afoot about Tom Donilon, a tough taskmaster who’s never run a spy agency, Stewart, who made history five years ago when he became the first Jamaican-American—and Marine Corps general to boot—to run the Defense Intelligence Agency. Stewart checks two of Biden’s boxes, as a seasoned intelligence professional with a face that “looks like America,” as President-elect Joseph Biden is fond of saying. Sources consulted by SpyTalk call Stewart, who immigrated from Jamaica at age 13 and, by his own account, struggled to overcome racism in his life and career, an inspiration in his efforts to bring minorities and women into leadership roles."

Since Biden already controlled the Deep State long before he was elected -- and since Biden also controls most of the republicans in the Senate; whomever he chooses shall sail thru confirmation hearings due to the fact that Biden controls the Deep State, therefore controls the CIA and Congress...

I have not seen Stewart attached to any conspiracies yet, I have only read that some say he is arrogant; which a lot of times is code for saying someone is uppity...I am not aware to his connection to the Hugo Chavez-Venezuelan-Chinese-Cuban-Angolian-coup to overthrow the elections, but if he is nominated - I am sure QAnon can come up with something..
"Next Possible CIA Chief?"

Unlikely since he's already removed himself from consideration according to your link ;)
"Next Possible CIA Chief?"

Unlikely since he's already removed himself from consideration according to your link ;)
Only removal in the article is this one:

UPDATE: Donilon took himself out of consideration last week, the New York Times reported Sunday night...

This guy is also a possible CIA pick...


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