Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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you merely quibble about degree of Socialism. Socialism is like Palmolive; we are soaking in it.

You people define everything the government does as socialism but we all know you don't use the proper definition of the word
political Jargon from a dictionary is not any actual understanding of Socialism as concept. Besides, if you really want to quibble, it is about social-ism.

So now you call definitions of words jargon

do you know what jargon means?

Dictionary result for jargon
  1. special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.

I'm not the one making up definitions here, you are
socialism had to be dumbed down for the right wing. the left doesn't get their understanding of concepts from dictionaries, only words.

We get our understanding of Concepts, from Encyclopedias, not Dictionaries.

And where do the people who write encyclopedias get the definitions of the words they use?
Socialism as a term has been in use for centuries.

When did it show up with that term, in dictionaries.

The McCarthy era?
Piss off troll.
in other words, You got Nothing; but blame me for being Troll.

even Ogres argue better than you.

In other words, I got nothing for trolls. Piss off.
in other words, i can Only take You as seriously as any right winger.

Piss off troll.
ok. i am the serious one and You are not, every time it comes up.

please, continue being yourself to confirm it.

Piss off troll.
in other words, You got Nothing; but blame me for being Troll.

even Ogres argue better than you.

In other words, I got nothing for trolls. Piss off.
in other words, i can Only take You as seriously as any right winger.

Piss off troll.
ok. i am the serious one and You are not, every time it comes up.

please, continue being yourself to confirm it.

Piss off troll.
You don't know what you are talking about.
In other words, I got nothing for trolls. Piss off.
in other words, i can Only take You as seriously as any right winger.

Piss off troll.
ok. i am the serious one and You are not, every time it comes up.

please, continue being yourself to confirm it.

Piss off troll.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Piss off troll.
in other words, i can Only take You as seriously as any right winger.

Piss off troll.
ok. i am the serious one and You are not, every time it comes up.

please, continue being yourself to confirm it.

Piss off troll.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Piss off troll.
You are the one trolling around. I have valid arguments.
ok. i am the serious one and You are not, every time it comes up.

please, continue being yourself to confirm it.

Piss off troll.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Piss off troll.
You are the one trolling around. I have valid arguments.
Piss off troll.
I am not the troll; I have valid arguments.
You do know that Winston Churchill was a total and abject failure in managing the economy or the country during times of peace, don't you? The man didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground economically. He was born to the House of Lords class, and was an elitist of the first order. But he was only Prime Minister I would ever want while the country is at war.

It is foolish and unwise to quote Winston Churchill to anyone who lived while he was PM or has read his biography. I recommend William Manchester's wonderful books on WWII.

And that in no way means he was wrong about socialism.

I know doctors who can't run the day to day business of medicine but that in no way means they are not damn good doctors does it?
He was talking about communism and so are you... The definition of socialism has moved on to always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Like every successful modern country except us. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility and safety-net going. Thanks scumbag greedy idiot brainwashing GOP and silly dupes like you....

No I am talking about socialism as it is defined

Socialism is a political system where the government owns all means of production distribution and exchange

Look it up
What is Government? It cannot be Capitalism and must be a form of Socialism. Look it up in a dictionary.

You're the one who needs to look up the definition of socialism not me

If the governemnt does not own the means of production, distribution and exchange it is not socialist.
Own control regulate or administer Tama super duper. It's goddamn huge definition. Yes we know you are a brainwashed functional more on Cold War dinosaur, try looking at every Socialist Party in the modern world, it's always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net... Every modern successful country is socialist, except us. We have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever after 35 years of give away to the rich with GOP tax rates, and we also have the worst bs garbage propaganda machine. So why are we the only modern successful country without Health Care daycare paid parental leaveLiving wage cheap college and training, national ID card to end illegal immigration,and a fair tax system that taxes the rich their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans for a change? Thank you scumbag greedy idiot GOP rich and silly dupes like you...
francoHFW does not have the stones to objectively discuss Hardt and Negri's excerpt in front of the people. H&N are both communists, and communists (adept at tracking down fascism) links another excerpt from Storch to the social democrats currently gaining momentum inside the American rhizome (Sanders, et al):

'Red Chicago focuses on the years between 1928 and 1935, thought to be the most sectarian period in party history. The scholars Irving Howe and Lewis Coser, for example, argue that these years represent a time of unified thought and action throughout the party. "Year by Year," they claim, "the totalitarian symptoms grew more distinct." Their conclusion is supported by the general outline of Communist teaching during these years. Beginning in 1928, Communist theorists predicted, postwar development was entering its "Third Period" -- a time when capitalism's collapse and imperialism's end were certain.

Once the Depression hit and unemployment mounted, these predictions seemed prophetic, and Communists embraced their calling to lead workers in what they thought was bound to be a second American revolution. To speed the system's ruin, they exposed what they saw as capitalism's contradictions, focusing on the conflicts of interest between America's workers and its capitalist class and exposing non-Communist liberal and leftist groups as "social fascist" betrayers to the worker's cause.' Using direct and confrontational tactics, Communists promoted welfare, civil rights, inclusive and militant unions, and anti-imperialism.'
(Storch, op cit)

For a fascist trajectory, Pelosi's recent deep state media, which comparative literature shows resonance, such as to social democrats in Willan's Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy (2002).
francoHFW does not have the stones to objectively discuss Hardt and Negri's excerpt in front of the people. H&N are both communists, and communists (adept at tracking down fascism) links another excerpt from Storch to the social democrats currently gaining momentum inside the American rhizome (Sanders, et al):

'Red Chicago focuses on the years between 1928 and 1935, thought to be the most sectarian period in party history. The scholars Irving Howe and Lewis Coser, for example, argue that these years represent a time of unified thought and action throughout the party. "Year by Year," they claim, "the totalitarian symptoms grew more distinct." Their conclusion is supported by the general outline of Communist teaching during these years. Beginning in 1928, Communist theorists predicted, postwar development was entering its "Third Period" -- a time when capitalism's collapse and imperialism's end were certain.

Once the Depression hit and unemployment mounted, these predictions seemed prophetic, and Communists embraced their calling to lead workers in what they thought was bound to be a second American revolution. To speed the system's ruin, they exposed what they saw as capitalism's contradictions, focusing on the conflicts of interest between America's workers and its capitalist class and exposing non-Communist liberal and leftist groups as "social fascist" betrayers to the worker's cause.' Using direct and confrontational tactics, Communists promoted welfare, civil rights, inclusive and militant unions, and anti-imperialism.'
(Storch, op cit)

For a fascist trajectory, Pelosi's recent deep state media, which comparative literature shows resonance, such as to social democrats in Willan's Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy (2002).
So instead of a ridiculous Communist revolution, FDR gave us the embourgeoisement of the working class, which the scumbag GOP has been wrecking the last 35--50 years, Super Duper....
No I am talking about socialism as it is defined

Socialism is a political system where the government owns all means of production distribution and exchange

Look it up

That's what socialism's ultimate goal is. But you can have socialism encroaching on a free market, if the government indulges it. We have some of this in the US. Socialists want more.
I did a college class some time ago and if I remember correctly there were over 150 types of socialism and only one type led to Communism. That one was Scientific Socialism. but that one type was used by so many as a fear word to scare the population, and it worked as conservatives intended.
And yet socialism has but one definition in the dictionary not 150
Political jargon provides that one definition for simplicity.
francoHFW will sooner or later have to address the proposed pivot of the impossibility of socialism, however many definitions. This has been shown to be necessary labor vs. surplus labor. The impossible trident stands for Sanders's socialism and its "free stuff" by default, while Kamala Harris is already distancing herself from funky definitions of democratic socialism in the media.

The ambiguity is palpable and visible since at least the 2016 elections:

Impossible Trident
Impossible trident - Wikipedia''

Post #933 says that socialism is where the government owns the means of production, though so too does capitalism a capitalism that has already completely subsumed labor.
Meszaros vs. Hardt and Negri

Meszaros almost draws a picture of the Impossible Trident's missing tine (in this case, surplus labor):

Meszaros: Socialism or Barbarism
Socialism or Barbarism - Wikipedia
'....In order to do away with the labor theory of value you have to do away with the extraction and allocation of surplus labor by an external body of any sort....We can only speak of socialism when the people are in control of their own activity and of the allocation of its fruits to their own ends.'

But capitalism is now subsuming even social labor and inserting its values into at least a quasi-captured social body of networks and groups.
francoHFW will sooner or later have to address the proposed pivot of the impossibility of socialism, however many definitions. This has been shown to be necessary labor vs. surplus labor. The impossible trident stands for Sanders's socialism and its "free stuff" by default, while Kamala Harris is already distancing herself from funky definitions of democratic socialism in the media.

The ambiguity is palpable and visible since at least the 2016 elections:

Impossible Trident
Impossible trident - Wikipedia''

Post #933 says that socialism is where the government owns the means of production, though so too does capitalism a capitalism that has already completely subsumed labor.
What impossibility of socialism? Government is socialism. There are no true AnCaps.
Government is socialism;
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