NFL attendance at 15 year low

Never really watched football. Liked to play all sports watching it was just too much sedentary time really doing nothing.
Glad to hear that they are paying for following political policies.
haahha hope it gets worse dumb S O B deserve even worse. Take a knee to that b***!
The most profitable sport in America
By far

How has attendance at Baseball, Basketball and NASCAR been doing?
They should have hammered that guy the first time he refused to stand during the Pledge. Now they're paying the price for their lack of vigilance.
They should have hammered that guy the first time he refused to stand during the Pledge. Now they're paying the price for their lack of vigilance.
Nobody cares anymore

It did make a good story for bout two weeks
Lefties injected politics into the NFL


Amazing how somebody can be on the internets and not know what the word "link" means.
Here is the link:

NFL Attendance Crashes to 15-Year Low

Lefties injected politics into the NFL, and the NFL has been going downhill ever since.


On the other hand, the league witnessed a rise in TV ratings. With a concerted push to get back to football and leave the politics behind, the league saw a five percent hike in its TV audience.

The NFL saw a significant ratings gains for the second season in a row, Breitbart Sports reported this week. In particular, 2019 ratings were rosier than its previous three seasons.
Everything lefties touch breaks, dies, or turns to shit. Lefties are screwing basketball up now, and they will eventually piss on all sports.
Everything lefties touch breaks, dies, or turns to shit. Lefties are screwing basketball up now, and they will eventually piss on all sports.
NFL is run by “lefties”. ?
Everything lefties touch breaks, dies, or turns to shit. Lefties are screwing basketball up now, and they will eventually piss on all sports.
NFL is run by “lefties”. ?
Lefties own the TV rights, the TV stations, the cable companies, most of the radio stations, control most of the internet, and more. People who have cable are forced to take stations they do not want. ESPN cost each basic cable subscriber over 8 dollars a month. If a premium station it is predicted to cost 25 dollars a month. CBS and FOX sports are over 4 dollars a month a piece to the basic cable TV subscriber. They would be more expensive also. There is a minimum of 15 dollars shaved off of a cable bill for subscribers right there. There are plenty more stations for people to cut or keep depending on their personal likes. Cable prices keep rising and the companies are building shiny new high rises as the money keeps rolling in on forced socialism that pays anyone involved with cable capitalist high wages. Sports prices in every way would drop if freedom of choice is ever achieved just in sports stations alone. People are slowly abandoning cable. But the politicians as usual do not listen to the consumer or have been bought out by the powers that be.
They should have hammered that guy the first time he refused to stand during the Pledge. Now they're paying the price for their lack of vigilance.
...5 Rams players pissed on the police and America when they raised their hands in protest---whimpy owner did nothing
St Louis Rams players raise hands in apparent Ferguson gesture
''saluting a teenager''' hahhahahaha = pissing on the flag and cops
coach said it was free speech....if a player did a nazi salute they would have done something
The St. Louis Police Officers Association called for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a "very public apology," its statement read in part.
No fines for Rams players' Ferguson gesture
Everything lefties touch breaks, dies, or turns to shit. Lefties are screwing basketball up now, and they will eventually piss on all sports.
NFL is run by “lefties”. ?
Lefties own the TV rights, the TV stations, the cable companies, most of the radio stations, control most of the internet, and more. People who have cable are forced to take stations they do not want. ESPN cost each basic cable subscriber over 8 dollars a month. If a premium station it is predicted to cost 25 dollars a month. CBS and FOX sports are over 4 dollars a month a piece to the basic cable TV subscriber. They would be more expensive also. There is a minimum of 15 dollars shaved off of a cable bill for subscribers right there. There are plenty more stations for people to cut or keep depending on their personal likes. Cable prices keep rising and the companies are building shiny new high rises as the money keeps rolling in on forced socialism that pays anyone involved with cable capitalist high wages. Sports prices in every way would drop if freedom of choice is ever achieved just in sports stations alone. People are slowly abandoning cable. But the politicians as usual do not listen to the consumer or have been bought out by the powers that be.
Seem pretty capitalist to me

NFL owners are as conservative as they come. Jerry Jones is a liberal?
Fantasy Football is the only thing saving the NFL. Attendance is going down, and more and more fans are watching the Red Zone on TV instead of the actual games. College football is much more entertaining.

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