NFL Chiefs-Texans TV rating down 16% over last year

From the comment section of the linked article:

“2019 was the 100 Year anniversary – Green Bay vs Chicago – it was a huge event. This year also coincided with US Open semi finals and NBA playoffs. Come on now.”

“This is an apples to oranges comparison. In 2019, there were no competing major sports on television that night. This year, there was NBA playoff action, NHL Stanley Cup conference finals, and the US Open tennis semifinals with Serena Williams.”

But I almost never watch football. Maybe some people really are tuning out. Heck, maybe that’s good. Maybe some of them are actually reading a book or mowing the lawn, or talking to their wives? Nah. Probably not.

Can’t say I see much wrong with anybody linking arms in a moment of racial solidarity. I’m sure not everybody sees it my way, though, and they are free to not watch such a horror. I wrote about some of these issues at greater length here:

Well the game was fair for a season opener but not quite what I hoped for in regards to player excellence. I did like the national anthem and the linked arm and silence aspect. Sunday will be great football!
How many liberals that couldn't care less about football do you think tuned in to watch the protests? How many of those same liberals are going to tune in to another game? Like zero? This is going to blow up in the NFL's face and Roger Goodell is going to be doing damage control to save their asses.
Your pre-2020 world is gone, Mac-7, do you not get that yet? You will.
I do

and its not a happy thought

crazy leftwing anarchists are permanently scaring a great nation that deserves better

I don't know
In NC our world has not changed anything that can't be fixed
Relection of President TRump and the election of Dan Forest for Governor would certainly speed up returning to normal
The 16% drop is quite significant given that millions of people are home with nothing to do but watch TV. Can you imagine how muh lower it would be in normal conditions?

The NFL is a turd waiting to be flushed. They have nobody but themselves to blame. Get woke, go broke!
In NC our world has not changed anything that can't be fixed
Relection of President TRump and the election of Dan Forest for Governor would certainly speed up returning to normal
Neither of those events will undo the mental illness that infects the far left

we can work around the anarchists, but America will never be quite the same
I guess the fans took a knee and watched something sports thinks we need them...that we have been chomping at the bit to get sports back.....the players and the league and their self delusion will doom their little world of make believe they all live in.....

the public is not happy with the Black Lies Matter invasion of sports

Pro football is alive and well. When the winter comes on, it will be watched every Sunday Monday and Thursday night like is has, and always will be.

The thing you failed to mention, is how many people get their football by streaming online. Which obviously you would miss being the brain dead fossil that you are.

The overwhelming majority of America supports the players racial equality initiative, and it will only gain more traction as the season goes on.

When the SuperBowl is played in February, guess what will be the number one most watched event around the entire world? Again.

Friday night high school football will be back, as well as college football, and racial equality themes will be the norm.

You dipshits made the same noises last year, and the year before that about the NFL, and just like then, around week 6 of the season, nobody will remember or care.

After 4 years of Trump, the final score is:

Trump 0
The America hating neo-fascist right are getting a NFL set of cleats in its collective face is going to be a wake up call for them to crawl under a rock

the public is not happy with the Black Lies Matter invasion of sports

Pro football is alive and well. When the winter comes on, it will be watched every Sunday Monday and Thursday night like is has, and always will be.

The thing you failed to mention, is how many people get their football by streaming online. Which obviously you would miss being the brain dead fossil that you are.

The overwhelming majority of America supports the players racial equality initiative, and it will only gain more traction as the season goes on.

When the SuperBowl is played in February, guess what will be the number one most watched event around the entire world? Again.

Friday night high school football will be back, as well as college football, and racial equality themes will be the norm.

You dipshits made the same noises last year, and the year before that about the NFL, and just like then, around week 6 of the season, nobody will remember or care.

After 4 years of Trump, the final score is:

Trump 0
If you believe that then the Non Progs deserve what they get if they believe nothing is wrong as if in everything they do is being attacked. This is not a major thing for them to do in not supporting sports if their way of living is being attacked and persecution is ramping up.

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