Nice one CIC Trump ... US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

It's the United States starting the wars, overthrowing the governments of other countries and killing tens of thousands.

We have no moral standing to be condemning anyone .
World War I: A Serbian Nationalist and European defense treaties got that war going. We entered into it late.
World War II: Germany started that war in September of 1939. We didn't get declare war until Japan declared it an ally of Germany and attacked us.
Korean War: North Korea invaded South Korea and the United Nations sent in troops, we were included. We're still there because we have a defense treaty with the South Korean government.
Vietnam War: There you have me. Our entry into this conflict was built on a lie, however, to be fair, the non-Communist government in Vietnam wanted help to not be forced into Communism. We only pulled out due to US public pressure. The intentions to help a people not be forced into Communism was well intentioned.
Lebanon: We were part of a Multi-National Peace Keeping Force, not fighting a war.
Operation Desert Shield (Saudi Arabia) Libya attacked Kuwait, took their airfields and began amassing troops on Saudi Arabia's border. Saudi Arabia's government requested our military assistance and as both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were major oil importers to the US, it was in our National Security interest to agree to go in militarily. After the Libyans were thrown out, no-fly zones were placed on Libya to keep a buffer zone between them and Kuwait.
Haiti: Operation Uphold Democracy was implemented, sending in 20,000 troops to re-install the Democratically elected president and oust a military junta that had taken over.
Panama: The Panamanian government confined US students to the school they were attending and Noriega was aiding in drug trafficking, so a force was sent in to retrieve the students and get Noriega.
Iraq: Operation Desert Storm. I have very mixed feelings about this one. The US CIA aided in getting Hussein into power. He tortured and killed a lot of Iraqis. However, on the other side, those that wanted him out were the Shiites. We got him into power because the ruler at the time, was pro-Communism. It was sort of a damned if you do get involved and damned if you don't. Although, I think in the long term, we should have just stayed out of it completely, but that's hindsight. You can't go back and have a do over.
Bosnia: NATO, which we are a part of pressured Bosnia to stop attacking civilian targets, they refused and NATO went in, and since NATO goes in, we have to go along. That's what treaties are about.
Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden orchestrated the attacks that brought down the World Trade Center and struck the Pentagon. Per his statement, he did so because infidels were in his homeland of Saudi Arabia. Well, Saudi Arabia requested us there to curtail Hussein's aggression. He told his followers that he could not rest until there were no more infidels. He was a follower of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He left Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and went into Afghanistan. The US demanded that the then Taliban government turn him over to the US for prosecution. The Taliban, following Afghani custom, refused to turn a guest over to a foreign government for prosecution, especially an infidel nation.
They said, "if you want him, come try and take him." They were keenly aware that no nation had ever conquered them, they had forced the Russians out and felt confident that the same would hold true. So, we accepted their challenge. Hey, when you're given a challenge like that, go for it.
The Afghani's that had been allied with the Russians, wanted their government back, so sided with the US and through our combined efforts, have gotten the original government, back in Kabul, albeit tenuously. Once we killed bin Laden and his main followers, we should have then pulled out, but we're still bogged down there. That's one that needs to end.
Now, there have been numerous small interventions, mostly in the form of advisors for established governments or some rebel forces, but those are about the only actual wars that involved massive troops.
A fair amount of nations get involved in foreign conflicts. Mankind has been killing his fellow humans since he first picked up a rock or other blunt or sharp implement and it isn't going to end until mankind ceases to exist on the planet, no matter what you or I wish.

So as you note, we have no moral standing in condemning others.
Only in a few cases. No nation is without some guilt in international affairs, or even domestic affairs. In ours, we had slavery, but so too did every other region of the globe in the past. It was a more primitive mentality then.

Again in the end you note that we are no better......
But what is the statute of limitations that self flagellation can be imposed on oneself? It is not going to change anything although we all realize what was. I do not see anyone who has pure guilt giving up all their wealth to others who have very little domestically and in foreign lands. The self flagellation continues unabated though.

My point is that we need to quit pretending we are better. We are not.
World War I: A Serbian Nationalist and European defense treaties got that war going. We entered into it late.
World War II: Germany started that war in September of 1939. We didn't get declare war until Japan declared it an ally of Germany and attacked us.
Korean War: North Korea invaded South Korea and the United Nations sent in troops, we were included. We're still there because we have a defense treaty with the South Korean government.
Vietnam War: There you have me. Our entry into this conflict was built on a lie, however, to be fair, the non-Communist government in Vietnam wanted help to not be forced into Communism. We only pulled out due to US public pressure. The intentions to help a people not be forced into Communism was well intentioned.
Lebanon: We were part of a Multi-National Peace Keeping Force, not fighting a war.
Operation Desert Shield (Saudi Arabia) Libya attacked Kuwait, took their airfields and began amassing troops on Saudi Arabia's border. Saudi Arabia's government requested our military assistance and as both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were major oil importers to the US, it was in our National Security interest to agree to go in militarily. After the Libyans were thrown out, no-fly zones were placed on Libya to keep a buffer zone between them and Kuwait.
Haiti: Operation Uphold Democracy was implemented, sending in 20,000 troops to re-install the Democratically elected president and oust a military junta that had taken over.
Panama: The Panamanian government confined US students to the school they were attending and Noriega was aiding in drug trafficking, so a force was sent in to retrieve the students and get Noriega.
Iraq: Operation Desert Storm. I have very mixed feelings about this one. The US CIA aided in getting Hussein into power. He tortured and killed a lot of Iraqis. However, on the other side, those that wanted him out were the Shiites. We got him into power because the ruler at the time, was pro-Communism. It was sort of a damned if you do get involved and damned if you don't. Although, I think in the long term, we should have just stayed out of it completely, but that's hindsight. You can't go back and have a do over.
Bosnia: NATO, which we are a part of pressured Bosnia to stop attacking civilian targets, they refused and NATO went in, and since NATO goes in, we have to go along. That's what treaties are about.
Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden orchestrated the attacks that brought down the World Trade Center and struck the Pentagon. Per his statement, he did so because infidels were in his homeland of Saudi Arabia. Well, Saudi Arabia requested us there to curtail Hussein's aggression. He told his followers that he could not rest until there were no more infidels. He was a follower of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He left Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and went into Afghanistan. The US demanded that the then Taliban government turn him over to the US for prosecution. The Taliban, following Afghani custom, refused to turn a guest over to a foreign government for prosecution, especially an infidel nation.
They said, "if you want him, come try and take him." They were keenly aware that no nation had ever conquered them, they had forced the Russians out and felt confident that the same would hold true. So, we accepted their challenge. Hey, when you're given a challenge like that, go for it.
The Afghani's that had been allied with the Russians, wanted their government back, so sided with the US and through our combined efforts, have gotten the original government, back in Kabul, albeit tenuously. Once we killed bin Laden and his main followers, we should have then pulled out, but we're still bogged down there. That's one that needs to end.
Now, there have been numerous small interventions, mostly in the form of advisors for established governments or some rebel forces, but those are about the only actual wars that involved massive troops.
A fair amount of nations get involved in foreign conflicts. Mankind has been killing his fellow humans since he first picked up a rock or other blunt or sharp implement and it isn't going to end until mankind ceases to exist on the planet, no matter what you or I wish.

So as you note, we have no moral standing in condemning others.
Only in a few cases. No nation is without some guilt in international affairs, or even domestic affairs. In ours, we had slavery, but so too did every other region of the globe in the past. It was a more primitive mentality then.

Again in the end you note that we are no better......
But what is the statute of limitations that self flagellation can be imposed on oneself? It is not going to change anything although we all realize what was. I do not see anyone who has pure guilt giving up all their wealth to others who have very little domestically and in foreign lands. The self flagellation continues unabated though.

My point is that we need to quit pretending we are better. We are not.
I disagree. In one very important way, we are at least somewhat better. The US Constitution. Because of the freedoms that didn't exist in other nations at the time it was created, millions have fled their homelands and flowed here from military Juntas, communist nations, socialist nations and authoritarian nations, seeking the freedoms in the Constitution. So, enjoy your freedoms, continue to speak freely, hug your friends, go to your favorite restaurant/diner and lift a glass in a toast to those you love.
So as you note, we have no moral standing in condemning others.
Only in a few cases. No nation is without some guilt in international affairs, or even domestic affairs. In ours, we had slavery, but so too did every other region of the globe in the past. It was a more primitive mentality then.

Again in the end you note that we are no better......
But what is the statute of limitations that self flagellation can be imposed on oneself? It is not going to change anything although we all realize what was. I do not see anyone who has pure guilt giving up all their wealth to others who have very little domestically and in foreign lands. The self flagellation continues unabated though.

My point is that we need to quit pretending we are better. We are not.
I disagree. In one very important way, we are at least somewhat better. The US Constitution. Because of the freedoms that didn't exist in other nations at the time it was created, millions have fled their homelands and flowed here from military Juntas, communist nations, socialist nations and authoritarian nations, seeking the freedoms in the Constitution. So, enjoy your freedoms, continue to speak freely, hug your friends, go to your favorite restaurant/diner and lift a glass in a toast to those you love.

Nobody is free while Donald Trump can threaten people with impunity.

Corruption has now been legitimized by the cowardice of GOP Senators in the Trump impeachment.

Abuse of power was not ok, before GOP Senators made it OK.

Obstruction of Congress and obstruction of oversight of the POTUS was not OK before GOP Senators made it OK.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Donald Trump is continually saying he wants to talk, but he broke an agreement and there is no reason Iran would trust him. There are no options and it is likely that war is inevitable.

So far Trump has avoided striking Iran because an all-out war would be disastrous for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Kuwait which would be decimated beyond recovery if they were attacked causing a mass exodus of expats from those places. Saudi Arabia would also be in dire straits because they can't even defeat Yemen and it is likely they couldn't defend two fronts.

Iran also has the capability of starting insurrections in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon which will inflame the whole Middle East.

The Pentagon was also surprised by Iran's military capabilities in the attack on Saudi Arabia and the missile attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Iran is building up its missile inventories and capabilities.

May you live in interesting times.
So as you note, we have no moral standing in condemning others.
Only in a few cases. No nation is without some guilt in international affairs, or even domestic affairs. In ours, we had slavery, but so too did every other region of the globe in the past. It was a more primitive mentality then.

Again in the end you note that we are no better......
But what is the statute of limitations that self flagellation can be imposed on oneself? It is not going to change anything although we all realize what was. I do not see anyone who has pure guilt giving up all their wealth to others who have very little domestically and in foreign lands. The self flagellation continues unabated though.

My point is that we need to quit pretending we are better. We are not.
I disagree. In one very important way, we are at least somewhat better. The US Constitution. Because of the freedoms that didn't exist in other nations at the time it was created, millions have fled their homelands and flowed here from military Juntas, communist nations, socialist nations and authoritarian nations, seeking the freedoms in the Constitution. So, enjoy your freedoms, continue to speak freely, hug your friends, go to your favorite restaurant/diner and lift a glass in a toast to those you love.

We can't attack people because they do not have freedom of speech. Not that is why we do.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
Iran is going to do that anyway sooner or later

because thats what they think allah wants them to do

the reason they are doing it now is because the sanctions are working and they are getting desperate
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Donald Trump is continually saying he wants to talk, but he broke an agreement and there is no reason Iran would trust him. There are no options and it is likely that war is inevitable.

So far Trump has avoided striking Iran because an all-out war would be disastrous for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Kuwait which would be decimated beyond recovery if they were attacked causing a mass exodus of expats from those places. Saudi Arabia would also be in dire straits because they can't even defeat Yemen and it is likely they couldn't defend two fronts.

Iran also has the capability of starting insurrections in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon which will inflame the whole Middle East.

The Pentagon was also surprised by Iran's military capabilities in the attack on Saudi Arabia and the missile attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Iran is building up its missile inventories and capabilities.

May you live in interesting times.
Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Obama ensured that iran will go nuclear

trump is challenging that scheme
The only time the crazy left pretends to care about the U.S. Military is when they can use them as political pawns in a lame attempt to undermine the administration that really cares about the Troops.
The only time the crazy left pretends to care about the U.S. Military is when they can use them as political pawns in a lame attempt to undermine the administration that really cares about the Troops.

If anyone cared about the troops they would be home.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
Iran is going to do that anyway sooner or later

because thats what they think allah wants them to do

the reason they are doing it now is because the sanctions are working and they are getting desperate
Desperate people lash out and that`s what they`ve been doing since the withdrawal from the agreement and new sanctions. Wouldn`t you? We`ve been threatening them for decades so why wouldn`t they want a nuke? Would we tolerate another country surrounding us with 30 military bases?
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

why don't you enlist so you might get the chance to get next to the President because you are TDS

If I get close to Trump I might get infected with lip-service patriotism.
Get real, if you got next to Trump, you would be arrested and for good cause.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Donald Trump is continually saying he wants to talk, but he broke an agreement and there is no reason Iran would trust him. There are no options and it is likely that war is inevitable.

So far Trump has avoided striking Iran because an all-out war would be disastrous for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Kuwait which would be decimated beyond recovery if they were attacked causing a mass exodus of expats from those places. Saudi Arabia would also be in dire straits because they can't even defeat Yemen and it is likely they couldn't defend two fronts.

Iran also has the capability of starting insurrections in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon which will inflame the whole Middle East.

The Pentagon was also surprised by Iran's military capabilities in the attack on Saudi Arabia and the missile attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Iran is building up its missile inventories and capabilities.

May you live in interesting times.

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Obama ensured that iran will go nuclear

trump is challenging that scheme

Trump would have attacked Iran already if he thought it would be a walk in the park.

Donald Trump is caught between Iraq and a hard place.
Trump is challenging the USA's intelligence.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
Iran is going to do that anyway sooner or later

because thats what they think allah wants them to do

the reason they are doing it now is because the sanctions are working and they are getting desperate
Desperate people lash out and that`s what they`ve been doing since the withdrawal from the agreement and new sanctions. Wouldn`t you? We`ve been threatening them for decades so why wouldn`t they want a nuke? Would we tolerate another country surrounding us with 30 military bases?
You are making excuses for muslim fanatics?

thats sick

libs keep hoping trump will attack iran and they are taunting him every chance they get

But trump is calmly putting economic pressure on iran and its succeeding
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Donald Trump is continually saying he wants to talk, but he broke an agreement and there is no reason Iran would trust him. There are no options and it is likely that war is inevitable.

So far Trump has avoided striking Iran because an all-out war would be disastrous for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Kuwait which would be decimated beyond recovery if they were attacked causing a mass exodus of expats from those places. Saudi Arabia would also be in dire straits because they can't even defeat Yemen and it is likely they couldn't defend two fronts.

Iran also has the capability of starting insurrections in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon which will inflame the whole Middle East.

The Pentagon was also surprised by Iran's military capabilities in the attack on Saudi Arabia and the missile attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Iran is building up its missile inventories and capabilities.

May you live in interesting times.

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Obama ensured that iran will go nuclear

trump is challenging that scheme

Trump would have attacked Iran already if he thought it would be a walk in the park.

Donald Trump is caught between Iraq and a hard place.
Trump is challenging the USA's intelligence.
Trump is against invading backward muslim nations and has been for decades
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
BY REBECCA KLAR - 01/30/20 09:15 PM EST 373

Fourteen additional U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries from an Iranian attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

A Department of Defense official said that 64 U.S. service members in total have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. The updated figures are a 14-person increase from what the department reported Wednesday.

The department initially reported 34 service members had been injured last week, before upping the number to 50.

Thirty-nine members have returned to duty, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col Thomas Campbell said. Twenty-one service members have been taken to Germany for further evaluation and treatment of TBI.

The Iranian attack on the Iraqi airbase was in retaliation for President Trump’s order for a drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport.

why don't you enlist so you might get the chance to get next to the President because you are TDS

If I get close to Trump I might get infected with lip-service patriotism.

Get real, if you got next to Trump, you would be arrested and for good cause.

For associating with a known criminal?
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64

How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Donald Trump is continually saying he wants to talk, but he broke an agreement and there is no reason Iran would trust him. There are no options and it is likely that war is inevitable.

So far Trump has avoided striking Iran because an all-out war would be disastrous for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Kuwait which would be decimated beyond recovery if they were attacked causing a mass exodus of expats from those places. Saudi Arabia would also be in dire straits because they can't even defeat Yemen and it is likely they couldn't defend two fronts.

Iran also has the capability of starting insurrections in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon which will inflame the whole Middle East.

The Pentagon was also surprised by Iran's military capabilities in the attack on Saudi Arabia and the missile attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Iran is building up its missile inventories and capabilities.

May you live in interesting times.

Donald Trump has ensured that the Iranians will eventually acquire nuclear weapons by constantly sanctioning and threatening them.

Obama ensured that iran will go nuclear

trump is challenging that scheme

Trump would have attacked Iran already if he thought it would be a walk in the park.

Donald Trump is caught between Iraq and a hard place.
Trump is challenging the USA's intelligence.

Trump is against invading backward muslim nations and has been for decades

Saudi Arabia? The breeding ground of Jihad.
21 troops have been evacuated from Iraq. Others have returned to duty. Has the military discouraged troops from reporting brain injury causing the late injury reports?

If the Iranian missile strikes were so powerful, did the US military fail to adequately protect its troops from strikes it knew were coming?

The injury toll from the Iran missile strike is increasing daily. Thank god there were no troops with bone spurs at the sites or deaths would have been certain.

Fortunately for the Iranians, thick-skulled Donald Trump has denounced brain-injured troops as thin-skulled, sissies, and cowards. It is not Iran's fault that sissies and cowards have infested Donald Trump's military.

When will the toll from the Iranian missiles stop growing?

Are Iranian missiles more powerful than US intelligence was aware of?

US troop injuries after Iran missile strike rises to 64
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
Iran is going to do that anyway sooner or later

because thats what they think allah wants them to do

the reason they are doing it now is because the sanctions are working and they are getting desperate
Desperate people lash out and that`s what they`ve been doing since the withdrawal from the agreement and new sanctions. Wouldn`t you? We`ve been threatening them for decades so why wouldn`t they want a nuke? Would we tolerate another country surrounding us with 30 military bases?
You are making excuses for muslim fanatics?

thats sick

libs keep hoping trump will attack iran and they are taunting him every chance they get

But trump is calmly putting economic pressure on iran and its succeeding
Our fanatics are the bigger threat. Is there a public place they haven`t shot up yet? Fanatics are the crazies who surround other countries with military bases just to antagonize and provoke.
How can this be?

according to obama the iran mullahs are no threat to anyone.

now we see why trump wants to prevent them from going nuclear
Trump put Iran back on the road to a nuke and firing missiles at ships in the Gulf and our soldiers. 64 of them had headaches. How stupid can a person be to think trump wants to prevent them from having a nuke?
Iran is going to do that anyway sooner or later

because thats what they think allah wants them to do

the reason they are doing it now is because the sanctions are working and they are getting desperate
Desperate people lash out and that`s what they`ve been doing since the withdrawal from the agreement and new sanctions. Wouldn`t you? We`ve been threatening them for decades so why wouldn`t they want a nuke? Would we tolerate another country surrounding us with 30 military bases?
You are making excuses for muslim fanatics?

thats sick

libs keep hoping trump will attack iran and they are taunting him every chance they get

But trump is calmly putting economic pressure on iran and its succeeding

Our fanatics are the bigger threat. Is there a public place they haven`t shot up yet? Fanatics are the crazies who surround other countries with military bases just to antagonize and provoke.

Fortunately, American fanatics have not been able to defeat their sworn enemy, road signs. They are fully engaged and don't have resources to mount a campaign against democracy until they defeat road signs.


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