Nice retirement for a sweet, humble, smart Wal Mart couple

Let's call it what it is... big retail is in no way an enjoyable way to make a living. Big retail dislikes even their best workers. But they are efficient at exploiting them.
Just minutes ago was talking with a lady who has a daughter in college. Kid has worked part-time since she was big enough to get neighbors to "hire" her for little gardening jobs and once of legal age, worked summers through high school. She accumulated enough to cover the most of the first couple of years of college.

Now she's constantly being barraged by offers of easy-to-get BIG student loans.

She doesn't want any and makes no secret of it but there are a hell of a lot of people and "official" college "authorities" really pressuring.

And that I call BULLSHIT!

Oughta be criminal punishment for people who push young adults into taking easy money and at least jail time for those who do pimp for student loans without painting the full picture of a lifetime in servitude.
So the GOP is the party that has a total outright hatred of the working class..

too stupid!!! Republicans gifted capitalism to China and it instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty. LIberal socialism slowly starved 120 million working class to death in USSR and China. Do you get everything backwards??
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Would love to know their yearly salary and benefits (health care costs? any children?), etc., so we could see what was left over for basic cost of living during their working lives.

401k matching at 6% isn't great, but it ain't nothing over 17 yrs.

I imagine it would help to live in a less expensive region of the country, and even then you'd need a whole lot of thrift and discipline. [You couldn't afford rent or housing in my town on a Walmart salary. You'd have a long commute and way less time w/family]

Your clients better not share their secret with everybody, because if too many Americans went into "thrift mode", Main Street would dry up. Unfortunately, our economy has long stayed afloat on reckless consumer spending and borrowing. There are too many shopping malls that live off low-wage Americans waiving credit cards. This is why we are so vulnerable to the kinds of credit crunches that happened in 2008. When Americans can't borrow like drunken sailors, the profit margins of corporations go down ... and we run into of over-production > deflationary spiral > layoffs.

The paradox of thrift is a bitch.

Kudos to them for saving instead of spending what they didn't have!!!
Well what does a kid do? Work for some ill begotten large company for next to nothing? One isn't going to pay for their education that way. My kids had no choice. Staying at home doing nothing was no option, military was out of the question. But if they decided to go to school I would pay for a good chunk of it since I owned my own business. At the same time they were instructed not to get some lousy half assed degree that would amount to nothing. One doctor, one lawyer, and one teacher. They are all doing fine and well with benefits and paid vacation, etc. Personal responsibility, right?
Chinas's economy is going to slow down and since they can't breathe the air over there..... destined for collapse.
Chinas's economy is going to slow down and since they can't breathe the air over there..... destined for collapse.

10000% stupid and liberal. It slowed down under liberal socialism and 60 million souls slowly starved to death. Do you understand???? See why we say liberialism is in fact based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible??
Well what does a kid do? Work for some ill begotten large company for next to nothing? One isn't going to pay for their education that way. My kids had no choice. Staying at home doing nothing was no option, military was out of the question. But if they decided to go to school I would pay for a good chunk of it since I owned my own business. At the same time they were instructed not to get some lousy half assed degree that would amount to nothing. One doctor, one lawyer, and one teacher. They are all doing fine and well with benefits and paid vacation, etc. Personal responsibility, right?

do you have an idea what point you are trying to make??
Problem is they spent 17 years of their life working at Walmart. Imagine the thought of waking up and working in Walmart for 17 years of your life. Sorry, life is too short to have to go through that nightmare. Now imagine they both had a college education and made triple that lowly wage. We all know what large retailers think of even their best employees.... Imagine if they had made 4x that salary in a profession they loved. There are always two sides to every coin. Did they get paid vacation time every year? Did they have top of the line health insurance? Sorry, no thank you. No American dream in this story

What a vile snob you are.

Perhaps they were happy. You don't know them and have no idea if they were.
Yep... but... they didn't... and could have made ALOT more doing something ALOT more tolerable and profitable. .

so what??? You could say that about almost anybody on the planet. Does the goof liberal what a law such that that everyone must have a well paid profession that they love? Or a law that robots must be invented to be sales clerks at retail stores.
You lack the conceptual IQ to know what subject you are talking about.

Working at Wal-Mart > Working for a Fish Head and a Bowl of Rice in some filthy third world dictatorship
Not being a snob. But working at a large retailer is by no means a dream. Rather, it is the direct opposite. How can one be happy working for $12 an hour with no benefits? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy with 2 weeks paid vacation per year? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy knowing all your hard work is helping the management laugh at you all the way to the bank? Answer? You cant. Reality is reality. Working for Walmart? American dreads? If that is true, then this country is WORSE off than I thought.. Wlkamrt is a dump. Case closed.
Heck why did they not cut their fingers off and donate them to Walmart? They are all dumpy.
Not being a snob. But working at a large retailer is by no means a dream. Rather, it is the direct opposite. How can one be happy working for $12 an hour with no benefits? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy with 2 weeks paid vacation per year? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy knowing all your hard work is helping the management laugh at you all the way to the bank? Answer? You cant. Reality is reality. Working for Walmart? American dreads? If that is true, then this country is WORSE off than I thought.. Wlkamrt is a dump. Case closed.

thats really really stupid and liberal !! I see people cleaning toilets , sinks, and showers at my health club every day. They seem very very happy to have the jobs. Should we pass a liberal law against those jobs too? And another that robots be invented to do retail work and cleaning work? You have the conceptual maturity of a child.
so this couple both began working at walmart at 46 yrs old....and they had nothing at all saved and no retirement portfolio until they both began working at walmart at 46 years old????

I'm sorry but i don't care HOW FRUGAL they were, they could not live off of $6 an hour 17 years ago, even in the cheapest region and save and make the kind of money they made in their retirement fund in that short of a time....your restricted on company matches and restricted on how much you can invest in to your 401k etc etc's gotten better over the 17 years granted but that has been fairly recent if memory serves.

My BET is that this couple worked their asses off at some sort of professional job that paid better and they saved as much as they could, then when they were approaching 50 they both probably said, screw it, screw the stress, we have saved enough...let's go get unstressful jobs and go and travel and camp and go hiking whenever they wanted.

that's what the hubby and I did....

When we were in our mid 40's we both decided that we would semi retire and quit our very high stress 50 to 60 hour a week high level jobs.... we had enough in retirement savings, we had enough to pay cash for a new home and we owned our cars with no payments....we sold the house, moved to Maine, paid cash for the new home and I stopped working altogether and Matthew took a menial, no nothing job that had health insurance coverage for the two of us....

so in a sense, we are both retired, even though Matt is working almost full time, it's a nothing type of job and pays little, but does pick up a good deal of the health care coverage for us and we get to do whatever we want, and he is doubling down on his 401k now....

It works for more vacations to Hawaii or the Carribean or Mexico or Puerto Rico etc etc etc 3 times a year anymore, we haven't bought new cars in a while etc...but it works for us....its what we want.

And I would bet, this couple did the same.....

I bet they rolled their retirement investment portfolio that they must have had from the first 29 years that they worked, over in to their Walmart 401k and this is why it is so large in 17 years.... otherwise, I honestly see it as impossible, even with walmart stock going up, even with the crashes where they could benefit from buying more, ETC ETC. Remember, it was said that they made all of this money in their 401k only while at walmart, and that is what I am saying is impossible, UNLESS they transferred money in to the account from previous 401 k's etc 17 years ago....

Sure, it could be they lived with a family member for free, it could be their cars were bought for them by family or someone or it could be they drove 20 year old cars, but even with that frugalness, it is still impossible to get a 401k that large in such a short time period.

Even if they maxed out their 401k caps in the beginning.... they only could put $1000 a year or so in it with their sales clerk salaries so low when they first started.
so this couple both began working at walmart at 46 yrs old....and they had nothing at all saved and no retirement portfolio until they both began working at walmart at 46 years old????

I'm sorry but i don't care HOW FRUGAL they were, they could not live off of $6 an hour 17 years ago, even in the cheapest region and save and make the kind of money they made in their retirement fund in that short of a time....your restricted on company matches and restricted on how much you can invest in to your 401k etc etc's gotten better over the 17 years granted but that has been fairly recent if memory serves.

My BET is that this couple worked their asses off at some sort of professional job that paid better and they saved as much as they could, then when they were approaching 50 they both probably said, screw it, screw the stress, we have saved enough...let's go get unstressful jobs and go and travel and camp and go hiking whenever they wanted.

that's what the hubby and I did....

When we were in our mid 40's we both decided that we would semi retire and quit our very high stress 50 to 60 hour a week high level jobs.... we had enough in retirement savings, we had enough to pay cash for a new home and we owned our cars with no payments....we sold the house, moved to Maine, paid cash for the new home and I stopped working altogether and Matthew took a menial, no nothing job that had health insurance coverage for the two of us....

so in a sense, we are both retired, even though Matt is working almost full time, it's a nothing type of job and pays little, but does pick up a good deal of the health care coverage for us and we get to do whatever we want, and he is doubling down on his 401k now....

It works for more vacations to Hawaii or the Carribean or Mexico or Puerto Rico etc etc etc 3 times a year anymore, we haven't bought new cars in a while etc...but it works for us....its what we want.

And I would bet, this couple did the same.....

I bet they rolled their retirement investment portfolio that they must have had from the first 29 years that they worked, over in to their Walmart 401k and this is why it is so large in 17 years.... otherwise, I honestly see it as impossible, even with walmart stock going up, even with the crashes where they could benefit from buying more, ETC ETC. Remember, it was said that they made all of this money in their 401k only while at walmart, and that is what I am saying is impossible, UNLESS they transferred money in to the account from previous 401 k's etc 17 years ago....

Sure, it could be they lived with a family member for free, it could be their cars were bought for them by family or someone or it could be they drove 20 year old cars, but even with that frugalness, it is still impossible to get a 401k that large in such a short time period.

Even if they maxed out their 401k caps in the beginning.... they only could put $1000 a year or so in it with their sales clerk salaries so low when they first started.

Dear, the point is that Republican capitalism is so efficient that life can be very very easy in this country. If liberal govt didn't spend/waste $75,000 per family /per year and make many things 3 times more expensive( like health care) we'd all be even richer.
Not being a snob. But working at a large retailer is by no means a dream. Rather, it is the direct opposite. How can one be happy working for $12 an hour with no benefits? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy with 2 weeks paid vacation per year? Answer? You cant. How can one be happy knowing all your hard work is helping the management laugh at you all the way to the bank? Answer? You cant. Reality is reality. Working for Walmart? American dreads? If that is true, then this country is WORSE off than I thought.. Wlkamrt is a dump. Case closed.

If you measure happiness by the dollars per hour you make - you will never be happy.

If you measure happiness by the love of your family, by the satisfaction of working hard, by accomplishing something - then you will always be happy.

I feel so sorry for you ....
Problem is they spent 17 years of their life working at Walmart. Imagine the thought of waking up and working in Walmart for 17 years of your life. Sorry, life is too short to have to go through that nightmare. Now imagine they both had a college education and made triple that lowly wage. We all know what large retailers think of even their best employees.... Imagine if they had made 4x that salary in a profession they loved. There are always two sides to every coin. Did they get paid vacation time every year? Did they have top of the line health insurance? Sorry, no thank you. No American dream in this story
Working at Walmart or other such retailers is a nightmare for anyone with above average intelligence and a desire to move up in the world. For those with a below average IQ who struggle to graduate from high school, these kind of jobs are you're future unless you are willing to bust your ass to get ahead.
Just minutes ago was talking with a lady who has a daughter in college. Kid has worked part-time since she was big enough to get neighbors to "hire" her for little gardening jobs and once of legal age, worked summers through high school. She accumulated enough to cover the most of the first couple of years of college.

Now she's constantly being barraged by offers of easy-to-get BIG student loans.

She doesn't want any and makes no secret of it but there are a hell of a lot of people and "official" college "authorities" really pressuring.

And that I call BULLSHIT!

Oughta be criminal punishment for people who push young adults into taking easy money and at least jail time for those who do pimp for student loans without painting the full picture of a lifetime in servitude.
Colleges go way aboard pushing their financial aid which for most students is a college loan. These loans will pay all your college expenses, tuition, books, room and board and if you work it right you can get some spending money out of it. There's no need to work. However, unless you're going into a high demand field and make good grades, you're pretty well screwed when you graduate. You will have a whopper of a loan that will be with you for years. You can't even escape from it by declaring bankruptcy. The big problem for society is that these loans encourage people to go to college that simply do have what it takes. It drives up the cost of college and lowers the quality of the education.

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