Niche Marketeer Rasmussen May Have A Ryan Bounce--Heavily Weighted GOP!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
In a low turn-out election, then Rasmussen likely makes sense. Mostly his samples are heavily weighted GOP--who do turn out!

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly -

Any good niche marketeer, however, needs to explain that to the customers. It is hard to find a Rasmussen Poll, however, explaining much about the Rasmussen polls. In the link above, they seem to leave that to others.

Anyone GOP should actually be alarmed if in fact there was a Ryan Bounce detected--in that niche market polling. It is not showing up in other polling, and in fact Romney has major negatives--even in Mid-August.

Probably they know how to read a Rasmussen Poll: If they are trying just to shore up the base a the expense of the Independents and any disaffected Democrats.

TV actually shows riots(?), however, breaking out at Ryan events. Disaffected Democrats are apparently on the Right Track--even giving local police, even something to do: In these perilous times of Romney/Ryan like, state and local government budget decimations.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better campaign, likely, from an undisclosed location, even! Many maybe now turn out!)
Rasmussen does not heavily weight Republicans- they determines the partisan weighting targets
through a dynamic weighting system that takes into account the state’s voting history, national trends, and recent polling in a particular state or geographic area.
There is no conspiracy, they just do a very good job at analyzing the underlying data.

They are highly respected by people who know and understand the polling business.....All of these companies are inaccurate at various times. It's the nature of the game.
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So In the New Election Cycle of the Super-Pac money: Rasmussen stakes his career and reputation on the cheap stuff(?)!
"Rasmussen’s polls have come under heavy criticism throughout this election cycle, including from FiveThirtyEight. We have critiqued the firm for its cavalier attitude toward polling convention. Rasmussen, for instance, generally conducts all of its interviews during a single, 4-hour window; speaks with the first person it reaches on the phone rather than using a random selection process; does not call cellphones; does not call back respondents whom it misses initially; and uses a computer script rather than live interviewers to conduct its surveys. These are cost-saving measures which contribute to very low response rates and may lead to biased samples.

Rasmussen also weights their surveys based on preordained assumptions about the party identification of voters in each state, a relatively unusual practice that many polling firms consider dubious since party identification (unlike characteristics like age and gender) is often quite fluid."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now come to Lands of Many Nations: Where "Fluid" is well-understood!)
Rasmussen is the outliar always, I wouldn't trust their polling as far as I could throw it. Otoh, I usually do throw their polling in the trash, whenever I read it, that is.
Rasmussen is the outliar always, I wouldn't trust their polling as far as I could throw it. Otoh, I usually do throw their polling in the trash, whenever I read it, that is.

I'll bet you trust the MSM.

I trust polling that I consistently read and that is a Right leaning blog and polling data aggregator, Real Clear Politics. Rasmussen is listed there and always way off of all the other data. Fox News isn't even as wingnutty as Rasmussen.
Governor Chris Christie is not how anyone spells, "Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called The Christ." The latter individual reportedly walked on water, and with no concept of "cannonball" entry into it.

In 1999, newly installed, CongressRep Paul Ryan, actually voted for an Amendment to allow States the right to determine the display of the Ten Commandments on Public Property. There is no specific Catholic doctrine about that. Other governments, however, have that to go on. There in fact is actually not much too deeply known about Rep. Ryan: That demonstrates sensitivity to peoples worldwide. Famously, a TV image takes about ten pounds off of the illusion. That, however, is the other guy.

For example, many would say that Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called "The Christ" actually opposed The Ten Commandments. "The Law was Made for Man, Not Man for The Law," and its rife-with-Death-Penalty measures. The Death Penalty measures would finally be applied to Jesus, a mortal who actually created an idol in Heaven, and at the trial before the Jewish Elders. Pilate likely saw the matter as some nature of LOL. The Jewish Man-God, Ceaser-like, would typically be put to death by stoning, under the twice conquered law of the Ten Commandments. Instead, Pilate could offer a choice--Barrabas or Jesus--so that the Jews themselves could be in on the application, of the death penalty, applied to their Ceaser-god(?). Reports back to Rome, of any events, are not too much on record.

Effectively, Pilate allowed the full application of The Ten Commandments: Except that crucifixion was the more modern, selected method. Even the Vatican now opposes the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty is of the Ten Commandments. Rep. Ryan maybe even have heard of one or another of their clergy(?)!

So at the RNC of Rep. Ryan: State legislatures are supposed to know more than even the Romans, about the life and times of Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "The Christ."

Then there is the RNC base to contend with: The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked on Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance and Other Treasure into the sea(?).

Even that is literally, a more realistic translation(?) than is "Tea Party." And just coincidentally, apparently one of their own will be the RNC, Convention, Keynote Speaker! Anyone will notice that having them all roll downhill will make better sense! Even New Jersey would sink into the sea, if any of that starts bouncing around! Remaining to be seen will be any gospel choirs(?).

Now people already unfriendly about Romney, suddenly can learn that Ryan is the Grinch who plans to take income support, entitlements spending, away. Effectively, now these people are exposing themselves(?)! Even Medicare will itself be funded, by incoming new retirees.

Bain Capital Hoarding--spending among the already prosperous--is exposed for the callous status quo that maybe King George III might have done. "Tax Them!"

Pontius Pilate would probably still be laughing out loud. Hoarding likely even becomes, a Governor Chris Christie kind of metaphor. That is what comes of a Romney-Ryan, issues campaign, on display!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Hey! How Are Ya! Are Ya! Are Ya! Hay! And More Hay! Bringing In More Hay, for their Convention(?)! What they apparently, need the most!)
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