VIP Member
Originally posted by mattskramer
I understand the dictionary definition of fence sitting, but I still don't understand your definition. Please explain it as if I were a 7-year-old.
Also, since you would legalize marijuana but not "hard drugs" aren't you a fence sitter? Please explain.
Marijuana is natural, no? Haven't ever heard of somebody taking a couple bong hits and running out and stealing cars for the next couple bong hits. Now you will say so is mescalin and mushrooms, when was the last time you heard of an acid head using natural mescalin instead of man made LSD? Also if one is so desperate to get loaded that they will eat something unwashed that grew under cowshit then so be it, maybe not jail but a psychologist's office might be better. Don't try cocaine either, yes its natural but by the time it hits the street here its been cut probably a 1/2 dozen times with god knows what chemicals. If a person actually did 100% pure coca straight from the plant I believe they would kick the bucket right then and there.
Not exactly sure as to why legalizing marijuana which I equate with booze would make me a fencesitter. Haha stop right there with alcohol, ever heard of the benefits of red wine upon heart disease and obesity?