Nigeria Commences Fintech For The Poor!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Nigeria is 200.0 mil. people. Mostly, shopping is done in open air markets. For some, a shopping mall is at least a Sunday outing, maybe with a meal included. There are fewer than two dozen banks, about 6000 bank branches. The lines are long. Lagos is regarded the London Financial Capital of Sub-Sahara Africa. So upwards of 40% of adults do not have bank accounts, access to credit, loans, or usual business services.

The famous Egyptian, Moses of the Old Testament, may or may not have known more about arithmetic than the followers. Usury was regarded deity directed to be charged to the foreign, (Deut 23:19-20). Way later on, the Moses Atrocity would be shown in Matt 25:14-30. The people with the lesser Talents to begin with couldn't possibly keep up. The people had put in place arithmetic such people were thrown out, evicted, or into foreclosure. Small problem: It was included as the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven also included Matt 20:1-16. The people hired last, Lepers or in crutches, (Hung-Over(?)), idle rich: Were paid the same amount as the people working all day long. The poor and disabled were treated as participants, (purchasers), in the market-place. Usury was not prohibited. The directive was abysmally incomplete. So Mohamed the Profit took no note of the comparison. Adam Smith of pricing took no notice of the comparison. Karl Marx and Keynes took no note of the comparison.

A carpenter could likely draw in a diagonal on a board: From the Lower Left to the Upper Right. A line parallel to the left and right sides could be drawn down the middle. Anyone could see that excess to the rich compared with too little to the poor: If both were expected to purchase some market-basket of goods and services. The people with the equal amounts could all buy the market-basket of goods and services.

Effectively--One country-yokel could explain the whole thing visually to the gathered country yokels. Off could come the beanies that the Holy Father wears(?)!

U. S. Senator George McGovern, decades ago: Proposed payouts of $1000.00: Crisis prevention. President Barack Obama would create Refundable Tax Credits--regardless if the taxpayer was owed anything back or not. That could have been Indexed, had it continued. The Refund was $400 per adult. Inflation adjustment could have happened. Those Republicans took the refunds away.

Republicans after McGovern, and immediately President Ford--Did $50.00 tax rebates. They had also noted that the payroll tax is regressive, using the fixed percentage method: So a per-child equal amount tax credit was put in place. The Democrats would raise and index the equal amount standard deduction and personal exemptions. Those would be indexed--and still are. The Bush-Cheney White House would not so famously fail to notice that by their administration, 40% of tax filers had no income tax liability.

So they cut them(?), expecting a post-9/11 Stimulus. Now anyone asks, "Who needed Osama bin Laden, anyway?" He was subsequently killed. Cheney would otherwise famously shoot his lawyer in the face.

President Clinton had expanded the equal-amount per child tax credit.

United Bank for Africa--20 countries--started to become Fintech Friendly--like others in Lagos. An American-Israeli development was put in place, "Email Moni." Nigeria has a "Cashless" policy, but Nigerians avoiding bank branch lines still stand in line at the ATM's. Nigeria is not now cashless. The Email Moni app, however,
does not need a bank account. It needs an email address. Bills, accounting, collections, payments and other business services are in the phone.

Nigerians do have the phones.

So what was getting started at the bank mid 2017 created newly named policies themselves, "Market Moni," "Farmers Moni" and most recently: "Trader's Moni." Mainly astonishing even Nigerians, these are no-collateral loans for the outdoor-market vendors: Enabling business expansion. They do not come from the banks. The loans come from the Nigerian Bank of Industry. Instead of tellers and officers, enrollment agents fan out into the outdoor markets: To register the eligible millions. The loan limits are in equal amounts, progressively larger limits as time goes along. The loans get sent to Google Wallets. The program started last August, more recently expanding nationwide in the various states.

United Bank for Africa has also created, partnering with Google--Free Wi-Fi in zones near branches. Websites now extol the value of an email address: As a sign of serious business enterprise.

Republicans and Democrats have noticed the math: In the past. I myself had noticed it in the doctorate, which ended that. Not only Nigerians can be surprised. Tax Court is quiet persuasion. the old Venice, "Ocean Front Weekly" was quiet. The "Free Venice Beachhead" is more officially underground, famous author, Ken Kesey: A principle founder. "Boss Phil," aka "Mascale" was a later on contributer, without showing up even once.

Now the "Quiet" can be said to have worked. My heritage is Penn Quaker, the oldest of three brothers naming the county in Indiana. Descendants of a third brother headed South. The Cavalry Officer rising up on horseback in "Friendly Persuasion" film could have been my great grandfather, (Morgan's Raiders)--Quaker v. Quaker, in that Civil War. Some property did have to be left behind, so the property the household was still allowed to keep headed on West. My grandfather became friends with Mulholland, of the LA Aqueduct project. His ranch was on the other side of the Los Angeles River: From the original NBC Universal Studios, not then so-called. His boy became likely the first in history to advertise cars on TV. Harger-Haldeman-Gregg were the Hollywood area Chrysler "Big Three." One of my Great Aunts was one of President Nixon's Sunday School Teachers. Haldeman's boy went to federal penitentiary.

I would get arrested, by accident, in a student demonstration at the time of the Kent State atrocity. ACLU would use my case to overturn the rule that got everyone arrested.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Famously: Teaching is not possible at any grade level--Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the kids need to be cast out! (Just Sayin(?)!)
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