Nigerian Guest of Merkel and her CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Green-Lefts gang demolishes cars


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Merkel and her criminal CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Green-Lefts gang imported more as 5m IQ-50 illiterate Muslims from the last failed African states. As an Enrichment of Germany and its taxpayers. Look how promised 'enrichment' practically works.
You betcha no punishment for the guy taking place.
Like other 'refugees' he is entitled to import his entirely village, to poses four wives and to enjoy life long all kind of benefits German welfare state.

Moral: Never allow imbecile idiots run countries.

On Wednesday around 8:50 a.m. the security staff of the anchor centre in Donauwörth had informed the police that a man was rioting in the shelter in front of a building. A video made by local residents shows a 19-year-old Nigerian refugee walking from car to car - partly on the bonnet - and indiscriminately smashing the front and rear windows of the vehicles.
Officials of the Donauwörth police station put an end to the hustle and bustle and arrested the rioter. The police estimate the damage to be about 50,000 euros. According to first knowledge, the Nigerian is not accommodated in Donauwörth, but comes from an accommodation in the Augsburg district.

Moral: Never allow imbecile idiots run countries.

There are certain people in every country who say: "Politics is so dirty, we don't want to be involved into it" and stay absolutely ignorant. But when the time comes they go and vote for some Soros owned populist who promises them a sweet cheese in a mousetrap and thus steal the future from themselves and from those who can tell sh*t from shinola.

Unfortunately, that is what has been happening almost in every country now since Media got into Deep State dirty hands and delivers basically nothing but lies. I know that's the way so many people vote in my home country of Ukraine and post Soviet republics (Baltics, Georgia).
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Moral: Never allow imbecile idiots run countries.

There are certain people in every country who say: "Politics is so dirty, we don't want to be involved into it" and stay absolutely ignorant. But when the time comes they go and vote for some Soros owned populist who promises them a sweet cheese in a mousetrap and thus steal the future from themselves and from those who can tell sh*t from shinola.

Unfortunately, that is what has been happening almost in every country now since Media got into Deep State dirty hands and delivers basically nothing but lies. I know that's the way so many people vote in my home country of Ukraine and post Soviet republics (Baltics, Georgia).

Inn all western countries MSM brainwash folks and lie to them. Western presstitutes are the main enemy of white christian man

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