We are not a “democracy.”

If we were a democracy (which we aren’t) then we would collectively decide our own laws and policies. But we don’t do that. We vote for “representatives” who do such voting in our name (allegedly).

Therefore some people make the mistake (and it is a mistake) of trying to label us a “representative democracy.” That, too, is a false label because if it were accurate, then the representatives could vote for any bill or policy they wished. But they can’t.

Why not? Well, obviously, they are explicitly prohibited from doing so, in many cases, and implicitly prevented from doing so, in other cases. How? Our Constitution set things up that way. It establishes not only the specific things over which our government HAS authority but also denies them authority in a variety of other matters.

This is why we are not a democracy. Our Founders and Framers were very well aware of a tyranny of any (temporary) majority. They also mistrusted the power of government in general. So, they deliberately avoided “democracy” and further limited the things over which the government had authority. We are a Constitutional republic.

Like people are in general, our Constitution is indeed imperfect. But it is vastly superior to the other forms of government. And, it is designed to make it within our collective power to modify it to address any perceived deficiencies in our form of government, as we see fit.

So whenever any of our detractors attempt to tell us that we are a “democracy,” we owe it to ourselves to correct them. Stop the spread of their disinformation. We are absolutely not a “democracy,” thank God and thank the Framers.
What you describe is a pure democracy. No one is saying we are that or want that.

So why is it so important to you that you denigrate democracy (incorrectly at that)?
As an aside, and for sake of sound understanding of our ''Compound Republic,'' referenced in Federalist #51, see attachment.

It's a brief explanation snipped from a great book aimed at educating the reader on the traditional American philosophy of governance. America is a compound Republic in that it is a federated system of State Republics which reserve and maintain the majority of power over the Federal Republic.

I believe that the ''general Welfare of the United States'' is properly explained therein as well, as it's germane to the concept of a ''strictly limited'' central government (Federal Republic). That's something else that we often see bastardized quite a bit out in the wild of the political www.


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What you describe is a pure democracy. No one is saying we are that or want that.

So why is it so important to you that you denigrate democracy (incorrectly at that)?
other than the truth that Democracy is tyranny writ large? What more needs to be said about it?
What you describe is a pure democracy. No one is saying we are that or want that.
Of course we aren’t a pure democracy. We aren’t a democracy at all.
So why is it so important to you that you denigrate democracy (incorrectly at that)?
I don’t denigrate democracy. I denigrate any tyranny even of a majority.

And I am entirely correct. You remain wrong and deliberately ignorant.
Of course we aren’t a pure democracy. We aren’t a democracy at all.

I don’t denigrate democracy. I denigrate any tyrant even if a majority.

And I am entirely correct. You remain wrong and deliberately ignorant.
You're incorrect, and remain willingly ignorant using semantics. Dumb arguments are your forte.
Or a bunch of old white guys telling women what they can do with their bodies.
No, we're (I'm an old white guy) telling them what they shouldn't do with their bodies, to wit: They shouldn't have unprotected sex if they don't want to become pregnant.
You're incorrect, and remain willingly ignorant using semantics. Dumb arguments are your forte.

You’ve got nothing.

You are incapable of even attempting to “correct” anything which you claim I’ve said which is supposedly “incorrect.”

There’s good reason for that. You are absolutely wrong. Your ignorance is boundless. 😎

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