Night-Control: Mischief Laws (Capitalism Dilemma?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should TrumpUSA and capitalism inspire in us morality-storytelling and rhetoric?

How will we citizens of Trumponomics be likened to the citizens of Reaganomics?

Will we be considered blind profiteers or thoughtful patriots? Where is the folkloric edge (in American demonology)? Should TrumpUSA citizens be more interested in spiritual drama?

What do you think?


My name is Night-Control. I'm an archer defender of America and a patriot. I try to ensure that capitalism does not create pure anarchy in its espousing of piracy and individualism. I have to deal with maniacs who exploit the base instincts of TrumpUSA and seek to pervert consumerism-convenience culture into a podium for psychological mischief generation. Some of these maniacs are pure evil, so I have to be the perfect patriotic vigilante. This is the real story of the American underground.


There's a Wall Street witch named Hazel who pretends to be an old aristocratic woman throwing lavish parties for the high-and-mighty of NYC but then invites some of her guests to stay late night at her apartment so she can poison their drinks and eat them as a cannibal. Hazel turns their corpse-remains into ash using the incinerator-furnace in her apartment-building furnace so there is no evidence. However, I've been following Hazel since she is a prime suspect for the complete plunging of NYC into some kind of truly eerie Apocalyptic-like hellmouth of pure terrorism.


Then there's the axe-wielding cult gang known as Cobra. This gang hunts people in cities as victims to create pure fear about modern traffic. Cobra wants to subvert our basic optimism towards the dynamic motion of everyday people, so immigrants will dread coming to America. The FBI has turned up no leads on Cobra, leaving it to me to end this vicious gang's terrible blood-reign of unspeakable modern-era filth. Cobra reminds us that America requires constant vigilance.


There's yet another cannibal party, this one a group rather than the solitary/eerie Hazel. This cannibal party kidnaps ethnic-minorities (usually the homeless) and takes them to the forest to ingest their bodies after cooking them over a large fire while dancing around the spectacle nude. This cannibal party is like the Manson Family but typical of some blood-lust prophecy in the Book of Revelation (Christian Bible). I believe this cannibal party wants to turn America into a den of savage bigotry.


Finally, there's the ruthless NYC crime-boss known as Joker. This creepy crime-master orders his minions to bribe cops, cajole politicians, recruit prostitutes, assassinate legitimate businessmen, and organize illegal gambling. Joker is my prime nemesis, and as Night-Control, I seek to prove that capitalism needs only passionate defense to be designated as a national system of great networking. Joker is like the AntiChrist, erasing our basic faith in TrumpUSA.


I sometimes wonder if all this anti-social fury in modern times truly originates somewhere in the human heart where savage/primal yearnings for power and/or pleasure yield terrible monstrosities of cruelty, piracy, deformity, corruption, sin, filth, and treason. In other words, as Night-Control, I become the effective 'master of the waterless pit' of NYC's darkest imaginings towards the presence of a TrumpUSA completely bereft of networking patriotism. I wonder if all this 'human vice' will prompt an unforgiving and brutish alien-intelligence (species) to consider the 'wisdom' of invading/colonizing our planet and creating a more 'martial' civilization(!). Was Orwell correct?


NIGHT-CONTROL: I will defend the brightness of TrumpUSA, sir!
TRUMP: Good; we need strong-minded patriots...
NIGHT-CONTROL: Mr. President, America can endure this 'trial.'
TRUMP: I worry about impressionable youngsters becoming terrorists!
NIGHT-CONTROL: There's so much graphic-imagery in media these days.
TRUMP: Yes, people get the impression that sin/anarchy is somehow 'chic.'
NIGHT-CONTROL: That's the negative face of networking --- exploitation!
TRUMP: Perhaps the real 'capitalism dilemma' is citing true benefits.
NIGHT-CONTROL: We need to discriminate between piracy and initiative.
TRUMP: I believe 'TrumpUSA' can be a tower of social discourse.
NIGHT-CONTROL: Everything depends on the management of vice/mischief.
TRUMP: We have to balance American Dream rhetoric with practical medicine.
NIGHT-CONTROL: That may require political complements to crime-citation.
TRUMP: The dilemma of America is the evaluation of real pollution.
NIGHT-CONTROL: God bless the mystery of patriotism!



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