Nikki Haley alleged she was set up by Democratic 'plant' after being asked what caused the Civil War


most farmers in the south would not know what that is

Their life was incredibly simple and self sufficent
But they didn’t live like a bunch of Jeremiah Johnson’s. There were horses, blacksmithing, firearms and a slew of other implements of civilization that were acquired through bartering and purchase and which required a system to generate. That’s infrastructure.
But they didn’t live like a bunch of Jeremiah Johnson’s. There were horses, blacksmithing, firearms and a slew of other implements of civilization that were acquired through bartering and purchase and which required a system to generate. That’s infrastructure.
Of course

All of which would have been there with or without slaves
Of course

All of which would have been there with or without slaves
Right. But as long as there was slavery, it was impacting the cost of these things.
Without slavery and with increased taxation from the fed, everything cost more. No different from today.
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He fired on Fort Sumter?

Ft. Sumter was illegally occupied. At least you don't claim it was about slavery. That would contradict what Abraham Lincoln said.

Earlier today I remarked how futile it was for the Confederates to fire at the very strong Fort.
Right. But as long as there was slavery, it was impacting the cost of these things.
Without slavery and with increased taxation from the fed, everything cost more. No different from today.
That would be one of the reasons for secession

Products from England had tariffs so that the south would buy from the north instead
Well, of course they were a plant, and of course it was not a legitimate question. It has nothing to do with any issues in thje 2024 election, such as Bidenomics, Bidenborder, Bidinflation, Bidencession, Bidenunemp, and Bidenrruption.

I can understand why Democrats would love having headlines about the Civil War, instead of the fact that the Mexican drug gangs now have operational control over our southern border.

Her answer was not as smooth as those of Democrat politicians who are typically fed the quesions in advance.

As a Texan, and an actual reader of history, rather than a media-blinded consumer of sound bites vaguely related to history, I know that the Civil War was about keeping the country together. I know this because the Commander in Chief of the U.S. forces who started and continued the war said so.

But, I also know that the successions that prompted the United invasion were driven mainly, and primarily, by the fear that slavery was going to be banned. That's a distinction that will never make a dent in the propaganda thickened skulls of Democratic voters, but the plan fact is that few, if any, on the U.S. side saw the war as a crusade to end slavery. That idea was revised into history by the winners.

But who gives a shit, now? Just as with the Arabs in Palestine, that war was lost a long time ago, and any intellegent person accepts that reality and thrives in it. Certainly, the southerners who lost the Civil War did that. Many joined the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marines, fighting the numerous and ongoing Indian wars, the 1871 war in Korea (yes), and the coup in Hawaii. Their sons fought in wars from the Spanish-American War to WWII.

My East Texas grandfather, hated that the South had lost. His successful grandfather became a pauper, having invested/speculated money from his lumber business in slaves. But, like most Democrats, he believed wholeheartedly in Wilson's plan to make the world safe for Democracy and enlisted to serve in the trenches at the age of 31.

We can be loyal Americans, even if we don't take the polyanna view of the Civil War as Good vs. Evil.

It doesn’t make any difference if there was a ‘plant’ (there wasn’t) and the question was perfectly legitimate.

And this really isn’t about Haley, it’s about the fact that conservatives continue to lie about the reason for the treasonous insurrection of 1861 – that reason was to defend slavery.

Most on the right, however, continue to advance a false narrative about those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States: the lie that they were defending states’ rights; the lie that they were defending their culture and way of life; and the lie that those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States where ‘noble’ and ‘heroic,’ – they weren’t, they were treasonous insurrectionist and war criminals.

Consequently, Republican politicians are forced to ignore the facts and truth and appease the Republican base by lying about the fact that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about defending slavery, lest any Republican politician who admits the truth is attacked and vilify by the Republican base, jeopardizing any hope of winning elected office.

Republican politicians today are just as much cowards as was Lincoln in 1861.

It doesn’t make any difference if there was a ‘plant’ (there wasn’t) and the question was perfectly legitimate.

And this really isn’t about Haley, it’s about the fact that conservatives continue to lie about the reason for the treasonous insurrection of 1861 – that reason was to defend slavery.

Most on the right, however, continue to advance a false narrative about those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States: the lie that they were defending states’ rights; the lie that they were defending their culture and way of life; and the lie that those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States where ‘noble’ and ‘heroic,’ – they weren’t, they were treasonous insurrectionist and war criminals.

Consequently, Republican politicians are forced to ignore the facts and truth and appease the Republican base by lying about the fact that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about defending slavery, lest any Republican politician who admits the truth is attacked and vilify by the Republican base, jeopardizing any hope of winning elected office.

Republican politicians today are just as much cowards as was Lincoln in 1861.
It doesn’t make any difference if there was a ‘plant’ (there wasn’t)

you sure about that, or just hoping?

"and the question was perfectly legitimate."

what made it legitimate?

because it pushed buttons that got dems in an uproar?

It doesn’t make any difference if there was a ‘plant’ (there wasn’t) and the question was perfectly legitimate.

And this really isn’t about Haley, it’s about the fact that conservatives continue to lie about the reason for the treasonous insurrection of 1861 – that reason was to defend slavery.

Most on the right, however, continue to advance a false narrative about those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States: the lie that they were defending states’ rights; the lie that they were defending their culture and way of life; and the lie that those who engaged in lawless rebellion against the United States where ‘noble’ and ‘heroic,’ – they weren’t, they were treasonous insurrectionist and war criminals.

Consequently, Republican politicians are forced to ignore the facts and truth and appease the Republican base by lying about the fact that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about defending slavery, lest any Republican politician who admits the truth is attacked and vilify by the Republican base, jeopardizing any hope of winning elected office.

Republican politicians today are just as much cowards as was Lincoln in 1861.
Double standard alert.

We are all taught that George Washington amounted to a hero and father to the USA.

Now we do not call him treasonous.

Suddenly when the South did what he did, they are traitors. Actually there was no binding language to claim they were not allowed to leave the union. They were not therefore traitors.
Suddenly when the South did what he did, they are traitors. Actually there was no binding language to claim they were not allowed to leave the union. They were not therefore traitors.
For goose stepping MAGAts, maybe. Those who go by the American Constitution would point to Texas v. White, when the Supremes said secession was illegal. I know, never-trumpers.
For goose stepping MAGAts, maybe. Those who go by the American Constitution would point to Texas v. White, when the Supremes said secession was illegal. I know, never-trumpers.
Those who go by the American Constitution would point to Texas v. White, when the Supremes said secession was illegal.
they should have gone by a decision that wouldn't be heard til 3 years after the war ended?

But they didn’t live like a bunch of Jeremiah Johnson’s. There were horses, blacksmithing, firearms and a slew of other implements of civilization that were acquired through bartering and purchase and which required a system to generate. That’s infrastructure.
I can't believe that even had to be said.
they should have gone by a decision that wouldn't be heard til 3 years after the war ended?

That could be used as an excuse by Southerners for what they believed back then. It has since been determined to be wrong under the American Constitution. Are you really trying to blame them for your current ignorance?

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