Nikki Haley Cheated on her husband Michael - had affairs with her comms consultant and a MARRIED South Carolina lobbyist before she became Governor

Exactly. The more hateful left excoriate Republicans for any rumors or reports of 'moral terpitude as do those on the right accuse the left. But Republicans are far more likely to vote with such prejudices in mind than are Democrats.

But accusing people of being racist, antisemitic, morally loose, improper with those of the other gender, etc. has become a blood sport in politics and, in my opinion, decent people should never engage in it unjustly regardless of the target's political leanings.
The left wear blatant hypocrisy as a badge of honor and Dem identification.
It would be hard for her to match up to the moral example that Mr trump has set through all his marriages.
Trump's escapades with beautiful women are legendary.
If you want to compares "morals" you need to look at the democrat's perverse and deviant policies.


Trump's escapades with beautiful women are legendary.
If you want to compares "morals" you need to look at the democrat's perverse and deviant policies.

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View attachment 890354
trump cheaed on all his wives and even when one of them was giving birth.
He is also a convicted sex pest who regularly assaults women.

They let you do it.
Now what were you saying ?
Exactly. The more hateful left excoriate Republicans for any rumors or reports of 'moral terpitude as do those on the right accuse the left. But Republicans are far more likely to vote with such prejudices in mind than are Democrats.
Yes. There's no doubt on that. The comdback line will be that female D's are filthy promiscuous pigs.
But accusing people of being racist, antisemitic, morally loose, improper with those of the other gender, etc. has become a blood sport in politics and, in my opinion, decent people should never engage in it unjustly regardless of the target's political leanings. And more often than not the accusations are via malicious gossip than based on any verifiable information.
There is lots of room on this forum for comments on stopping the insanity that is widening the divide to levels nobody ever wants to see.
Yes. There's no doubt on that. The comdback line will be that female D's are filthy promiscuous pigs.

There is lots of room on this forum for comments on stopping the insanity that is widening the divide to levels nobody ever wants to see.

Correction -- ALL D's are filthy promiscuous pigs. The females are all just meaner and the males tend to be impotent cuck losers.


Correction -- ALL D's are filthy promiscuous pigs. The females are all just meaner and the males tend to be impotent cuck losers.

Don't quote me anymore, at least until you can figure out whether I want you to quote me or don't want you quoting me?
If one is married, they cannot cheat. Yes, this is very important in politics. We’re not like the other countries where they don’t care if people cheat on their Spouses. That ain’t right in America. And it goes for everyone. Of course there is Christian forgiveness, but it’s about having a value system and honor code.

Vivek was honorable in this regard. He should’ve gotten more votes in the Iowa caucus.
Trump cheated on all his wives and even when one of them was giving birth.
He is also a convicted sex pest who regularly assaults women.
Now what were you saying ?
I'm saying "so what".
He's running for president, not pope.
Melania's coat said she didn't care, remember? Who knows what their prenup says?

If one is married, they cannot cheat. Yes, the stuff is very important and politics. We’re not like the other countries where they don’t care of people cheat on each other. Spouses. That ain’t right in America. And it goes for everyone. Of course there is Christian forgiveness, but it’s about having a value system and honor code.
Is Trump exempt on fkng a prostitute while his wife was giving birth.
That's not asking for your opinion, it's a question to those who would make him pres?
Is Trump exempt on fkng a prostitute while his wife was giving birth.
That's not asking for your opinion, it's a question to those who would make him pres?
Trump always denied that I believe.

No, he shouldn’t have cheated if it happened. The whole point of marriages one union. And politicians if they’re married should be trustworthy. Of course again there is Christian forgiveness people make mistakes.

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