Nikki Haley Cheated on her husband Michael - had affairs with her comms consultant and a MARRIED South Carolina lobbyist before she became Governor

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

Just as the left seem to be very afraid of Trump, you seem to be very afraid of Haley. But, let's face it, Haley hasn't done anything in this regard that Trump hasn't done.
I bet she's being blackmailed.

Bird brain didn't come up with the idea to do everyone online by herself.

Never Nikki

Nikki = WEF lacky
She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

The Mail is my go-to source for somewhat accurate and unbiased Reporting. Fox just simply SUCKS as a News Organization and the Alphabet Media are pathological liars who have ZERO interest in News.

They are all a combination of a Propaganda sheet and a Gossip rag focusing on celebrities.

But, that's what happens when you turn an industry over to Coeds. You should expect to reflect the preferences and personality of Coeds.

It does.
She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

How many governors and presidents have cheated on their spouses, it is so common.
She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

Come on. We're better than this. So those engaging in the politics of personal discussion are targeting her to make sure she doesn't gain any traction? What she does in her personal life is her business so long as it does not affect her public sector job. Especially when there's no proof of the 'charges' against her but it's this or that person's word against hers. We should not be engaging in what could be malicious gossip, bearing false witness, participating in the politics of personal destruction.
Did any male candidates cheat on their wives?

Politics has to be about as disgustingly as low as it can go in America already.
Almost all politicians have had "interesting" personal lives.

So what she does in her personal life is none of our business.

Remember that president in the 1920s who did it in a White House closet?
I would guess that none or at least very very few of them have been perfect angels in every aspect of their lives. I would guess not a single one of us has never done something or said something that would not look good on the front page of the newspaper or reported on the evening news.

If their personal lives do not affect their jobs, their personal lives should be their own and of interest maybe only to historians.
No, MAGA isn't better than that. In fact, from my observation, they're far, far worse. Take a look at the behavior of their golden calf that they worship.
This tactic is especially damaging to Republican female candidates on account of the audiience it's aimed at.

Maybe not as damaging to Dem female candidates on account of the audience being more liberal on sexual promiscuity.
She's worse than horizontal Harris. I wonder how many times her dot on her forehead was aimed at..... if you know what I mean!

It would be hard for her to match up to the moral example that Mr trump has set through all his marriages.
This tactic is especially damaging to Republican female candidates on account of the audiience it's aimed at.

Maybe not as damaging to Dem female candidates on account of the audience being more liberal on sexual promiscuity.
Exactly. The more hateful left excoriate Republicans for any rumors or reports of 'moral terpitude as do those on the right accuse the left. But Republicans are far more likely to vote with such prejudices in mind than are Democrats.

But accusing people of being racist, antisemitic, morally loose, improper with those of the other gender, etc. has become a blood sport in politics and, in my opinion, decent people should never engage in it unjustly regardless of the target's political leanings. And more often than not the accusations are via malicious gossip than based on any verifiable information.

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